One World Trade Center projected as tallest building in U.S.
The results are in - New York's One World Trade Center will become the tallest building in the U.S. when it is completed and occupied early next year. Antony Wood from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat made the announcement.
结果已经出炉——纽约世贸中心一号楼明年年初落成封顶之后将成为美国最高建筑Antony Wood)宣布的 。 。这是来自高层建筑与城市居住委员会的安东尼·伍德(
(SOUNDBITE)(English) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COUNCIL ON TALL BUILDINGS AND URBAN HABITAT, ANTONY WOOD, SAYING: "One World Trade Center Tower New York has been ratified by the CTBUH Height Committee as having a height of 1776 feet to the height to architectural top."
高层建筑与城市居住委员会执行理事安东尼·伍德(Antony Wood):“高层建筑与城市居住委员已经确认,纽约世贸中心一号大楼的建筑高度为1776英尺 。”
After 39 years of holding the U.S. title, Chicago's Willis Tower will now become the second tallest in the United States. The decision was made because the top of One World Trade Center is determined to be a spire - not an antenna. There will be a lighthouse type beacon within the crowning structure at that height.
39年来一直保持美国最高建筑头衔的芝加哥威利斯大厦将成为美国第二高楼 。该委员会作出这个决定是因为世贸中心的顶部是尖塔,而不是天线 。顶部结构内将建有灯塔 。
(SOUNDBITE)(English) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COUNCIL ON TALL BUILDINGS AND URBAN HABITAT, ANTONY WOOD, SAYING: "The key word is permanence. The decision that antennae do not count for the height of the building, is because the antennae are not permanent to the building design. "
高层建筑与城市居住委员会执行理事安东尼·伍德(Antony Wood):“关键词是永久性 。天线不算到建筑高度内是因为天线不是建筑设计永久性的一部分 。”
The New York Building is also projected to be the third tallest building in the world, trailing behind Burj Khalifa in Dubai as the tallest and Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel in Mecca as second tallest.
纽约世贸中心也是世界第三高楼 。迪拜的哈利法塔为世界最高建筑,麦加的皇家钟楼饭店排在第二位 。
Tacloban copes with lack of supplies
Hundreds of people push up against a chain link fence at the Tacloban airport desperate to catch the next plane out after typhoon Haiyan left the town in ruins. With no food, water, or medical supplies, circumstances have become dire. We don't have a house anymore this person said. The smell is overpowering. There are so many dead bodies that have not been picked up.Others are taking matters into their own hands... this group of residents dug up and smashed this underground pipe, so they could drink the water in it.
台风海燕将整座城市摧毁之后,数百人拥挤在塔克洛班机场的防护网前,迫切地希望搭乘出境的下一班飞机 。没有食物,没有水,没有医疗物资,灾民们陷入悲惨的困境 。这名灾民说,我们已经没有房屋了 。气味令人无法忍受 。还有许多尸体没有进行清理 。其他人在抢夺物资 。这些居民挖掘并打烂地下管道来饮水 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Filipino) DRIVER, 38, SURVIVOR FROM FISHING VILLAGE NEAR AIRPORT, CHRISTOPHER DORANO SAYING: "It's really very difficult because we source our water from an underground pipe that we have smashed. We don't know if it's safe. We need to boil it. But at least we have something. It's really difficult and unsafe because there have been a lot of people who have died here."
机场附近一个小渔村的幸存者,38岁的司机CHRISTOPHER DORANO:“我们的处境非常艰难,只能从打碎的地下管道中取水 。我们不知道是否安全,只能将水煮沸 。但是至少还有水喝 。的确非常艰难,非常不安全,因为这里许多人遇难 。”
The lack of basic supplies has caused yet more problems... Looting has become rampant as desperation heightens. Soldiers patrol this area where a group of looters have been firing weapons. They've been shooting out there, this woman cries.Tacloban officials say since the city's warehouses have been emptied, looters are now entering homes and dwellings.
基础物资的缺乏导致的问题远非如此 。由于灾民们越来越绝望,洗劫行为越来越猖獗 。士兵们在这一地区巡逻,因为一些打劫者开始动用武器 。这名女子尖叫,有人在外面开枪 。塔克洛班官员表示,自这座城市的仓库清空以来,洗劫者们开始入室抢劫 。
Twenty car pile-up in western New York
In Buffalo, cleaning up after a 20-car pileup shut down the highway overnight. Slick roads from a heavy snowfall earlier in the evening are being blamed for drivers losing control of their cars. Teams of tow trucks were brought in to haul the cars away and the highway was closed for just over three hours. Police say salt trucks hadn't passed through the area at the time of the crash. There were no injuries reported.
夜间,布法罗这条高速公路由于20辆汽车追尾而封闭,清理工作正在进行 。傍晚时分的暴雪造成道路湿滑,司机们难以控制汽车 。许多拖车来到现场拖走出事汽车,高速公路被关闭了三个多小时 。警方表示,撞车事件发生时,撒盐车还没有到达该地区 。目前还没有伤亡报告 。