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经济学人:希腊商业 残酷的命运

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  • Business
  • 商业报道
  • Business in Greece
  • 希腊商业
  • Outrageous fortune
  • 残酷的命运
  • Survivors of the crisis are those that move fast and think creatively
  • 经济危机的生还者是那些行动迅速具有创造性思维的人。
  • APOSTOLOS KAISIDIS is thankful that in 2008, after nearly half a century dealing in cars, his family firm moved out of Thessaloniki, Greece's second-largest city, to a cheaper place 50km away, and started repairing vehicles as well as selling them.
  • APOSTOLOS KAISIDIS非常庆幸在2008年,几乎汽车买卖半个世纪后,把他的家庭公司从希腊的第二大城市—塞萨洛尼基搬到了50公里以外更加便宜的地方并且跟卖车一样开始了汽车修理业务。
  • If it hadn't, we would probably be bankrupt now, he says.
  • 如果它没有这样的话,我们现在很有可以能已经破产了,他说道。
  • In crisis-ridden Greece, companies have had to adapt to survive.
  • 在危机笼罩下的希腊,公司们不得不适者生存。
  • Only about 50,000 new cars are expected to be bought in Greece this year, down from 220,000 in 2009, partly because loans are scarce.
  • 今年预计希腊只有50,,00辆新车的购买量,从2009年的220,000降了下来,部分原因是缺乏贷款。
  • But with more ageing bangers on the roads, the repairs side of his business has been busy.
  • 但是随着路上有更多的旧车,他公司的维修业务很繁荣。
  • Since April 2008 the number of businesses registered with IKA, Greece's biggest social-security fund, has dropped by 119,000, or 38%.
  • 自从2008年4月起IKA,希腊最大的社会保证基金,登记注册的业务数量已经跌到了119,000,或者38%。
  • In such a brutal climate, businesses have had to do much more than just tighten their belts.
  • 在如此残酷的环境下,商业不得不想更多的办法而不是仅仅勒紧裤腰带。
  • Relocating is one popular survival strategy.
  • 重新选址是一个比较常见的生存策略。
  • Whereas Mr Kaisidis has moved his firm out to the sticks to cut costs, Anna Maria Mazaraki, the owner of nine jewellery shops in Athens, is taking advantage of weak commercial rents and moving some stores to more upmarket sites.
  • 因此Kaisidis先生把他的公司从街区搬了出去以便节省花费,Anna Maria Mazaraki,希腊9家珠宝店的拥有者,正在利用廉价的商业租金的优势并且把一些商店搬到高级网站上去。
  • That ensures higher footfall and gives customers the impression she must be doing well, she says.
  • 这样可以保证更高的访问量和给顾客们她可能做得很好的印象,她说道。
  • Others are moving their headquarters—but not necessarily their operations—out of Greece, to get access to cheaper funding.
  • 其它公司是把他们的总部而不必然是他们的运营机构搬出希腊来获取廉价的融资。
  • Last year Fage, the country's leading purveyor of yogurt, and Coca-Cola Hellenic, the world's second-largest bottler of Coke, moved to Luxembourg and Switzerland respectively.
  • 去年Fage,这个国家重要的酸奶厂商,和可口可乐,世界上第二大的可乐公司,分别搬到了卢森堡和瑞士。
  • Now Viohalco, the country's biggest metals processor, is being acquired by its Belgian subsidiary.
  • 现在Viohalco,这个国家最大的金属加工商,正在获取它的比利时补贴。
  • Considering that they come from a nation of seafarers, Greek business folk can be rather inward-looking when marketing their wares.
  • 由于它们来自一个航海者国度,希腊商人们在销售商品时更加偏向于内部。
  • But the dire state of the domestic economy is prompting some of them to seek new customers abroad.
  • 但是糟糕的国内经济环境促使他们中的一部分人开始在国外寻找新客户。
  • Dodoni, a dairy company, is setting up ice-cream outlets in Russia and Ukraine, to add to its portfolio in Bulgaria and Cyprus.
  • 一个奶制品公司Donoi正在俄罗斯和乌拉圭开冰淇淋批发商店来增加它在保加利亚和塞浦路斯的证券投资组合。
  • Korres, a cosmetics firm, is developing its presence in Germany, France, Russia and Scandinavia.
  • 而化妆品公司Korres,正在德国、法国、俄罗斯和斯堪的纳维亚发展它的分支机构。
  • World Excellent Products, set up in 2011 by five young Greeks, exports premium-quality olive oil to 20 countries.
  • 2011年由5个年轻的希腊人设立的World Excellent Products,出口一流的橄榄油到20个国家。
  • Although Greece produces about one-tenth of the world's olive oil, much of its output is exported in bulk to Italy, where it is bottled, branded and sold at a markup.
  • 尽管希腊生产了世界十分之一的橄榄油,它的大部分产品都大量批发到意大利,在那里装瓶,贴商标并且以化妆品出售。
  • Despite such efforts, Greek exports as a share of GDP are still just over half of the euro-zone average.
  • 尽管有上面的那些努力,希腊出口作为GDP的一部分仍然刚刚超过欧元区平均水平的一半。
  • If petroleum products are excluded, goods exports are still lower than in 2008.
  • 如果石油产品被排除,商品出口仍然比2008年低。
  • A survey of Greek sales managers, by Athens University of Economics and Business, found that only 26% of them saw exporting as an important strategic response to the crisis.
  • 由希腊经管学院对希腊销售经理做的一个调查显示仅仅他们中的26%将出口作为应对危机的重要策略。
  • Their priorities were seeking new domestic markets and making more use of the internet.
  • 他们首选寻找新的国内市场和更多的利用互联网。
  • At least they were right about the last bit.
  • 至少他们是现在的最后一点。
  • Digilex, founded in 2011 in Athens, designs websites, e-commerce systems and mobile apps to retailers looking to cut costs and expand their reach.
  • 2011年在希腊设立的Digilex为希望减少开支和扩大他们覆盖范围的零售商设计网站、电子商务系统和移动应用。
  • One of its creations is, an online platform selling a range of cheap of products, either sourced from companies going into liquidation, or imported from China.
  • 它的作品之一是,一个销售一些列便宜货物的网络平台,它的货物来源既有国内破产公司,又有中国的进口产品。
  • The biggest challenge is bureaucracy, says Digilex's co-founder, Alex Ehrmann: it took four months to set up the company.
  • 最大的挑战是官僚主义,Digilex的共同创办人说道,Alex Ehrmann:它花了四个月的时间设立公司。
  • Taxibeat, a cab-hailing mobile app started in 2010, has expanded to various European cities as well as Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo and Mexico City.
  • 一个2010年叫出租车的手机应用Taxibeat,已经扩展到了欧洲的绝大部分城市如里约热内卢、圣保罗和墨西哥城。
  • Globo, whose mobile apps let employees use their own devices for work, has divested part of its Greek business to focus on international clients.
  • 公司Globo的手机应用让雇员使用它们的设备工作,已经丢弃了他们希腊业务的一部分而专注于国际客户。
  • It has been the best performer on London's FTSE AIM Index this year.
  • 它今年的伦敦FTSE AIM指数表现最好。
  • Perhaps Greece's most visible business trend is the proliferation of bakeries, frozen-yogurt shops, cafés, and souvlaki stalls.
  • 可能希腊最可预见的商业趋势是甜点店的增开,酸奶冰淇淋店,咖啡管和羊肉摊。
  • Many have been set up by professionals who, having lost their cushy jobs, invested their savings and redundancy pay-offs in starting a new venture.
  • 这些店大部分是由那些失去他们轻松工作而投资他们的存款和多余的收入到新企业的专业从业者们设立。
  • This boom in entrepreneurial spirit may be the silver lining to the big, dark economic cloud that still hangs over Greece.
  • 这种企业精神的繁荣可能是笼罩在希腊上空的巨大黑暗的经济乌云的一线曙光。



Business in Greece
Outrageous fortune
Survivors of the crisis are those that move fast and think creatively
APOSTOLOS KAISIDIS is thankful that in 2008, after nearly half a century dealing in cars, his family firm moved out of Thessaloniki, Greece's second-largest city, to a cheaper place 50km away, and started repairing vehicles as well as selling them.
APOSTOLOS KAISIDIS非常庆幸在2008年,几乎汽车买卖半个世纪后,把他的家庭公司从希腊的第二大城市—塞萨洛尼基搬到了50公里以外更加便宜的地方并且跟卖车一样开始了汽车修理业务。
If it hadn't, we would probably be bankrupt now, he says.
In crisis-ridden Greece, companies have had to adapt to survive.

Only about 50,000 new cars are expected to be bought in Greece this year, down from 220,000 in 2009, partly because loans are scarce.

But with more ageing bangers on the roads, the repairs side of his business has been busy.
Since April 2008 the number of businesses registered with IKA, Greece's biggest social-security fund, has dropped by 119,000, or 38%.
In such a brutal climate, businesses have had to do much more than just tighten their belts.
Relocating is one popular survival strategy.
Whereas Mr Kaisidis has moved his firm out to the sticks to cut costs, Anna Maria Mazaraki, the owner of nine jewellery shops in Athens, is taking advantage of weak commercial rents and moving some stores to more upmarket sites.
因此Kaisidis先生把他的公司从街区搬了出去以便节省花费,Anna Maria Mazaraki,希腊9家珠宝店的拥有者,正在利用廉价的商业租金的优势并且把一些商店搬到高级网站上去。
That ensures higher footfall and gives customers the impression she must be doing well, she says.
Others are moving their headquartersbut not necessarily their operationsout of Greece, to get access to cheaper funding.
Last year Fage, the country's leading purveyor of yogurt, and Coca-Cola Hellenic, the world's second-largest bottler of Coke, moved to Luxembourg and Switzerland respectively.
Now Viohalco, the country's biggest metals processor, is being acquired by its Belgian subsidiary.
Considering that they come from a nation of seafarers, Greek business folk can be rather inward-looking when marketing their wares.
But the dire state of the domestic economy is prompting some of them to seek new customers abroad.
Dodoni, a dairy company, is setting up ice-cream outlets in Russia and Ukraine, to add to its portfolio in Bulgaria and Cyprus.
Korres, a cosmetics firm, is developing its presence in Germany, France, Russia and Scandinavia.
World Excellent Products, set up in 2011 by five young Greeks, exports premium-quality olive oil to 20 countries.
2011年由5个年轻的希腊人设立的World Excellent Products,出口一流的橄榄油到20个国家。
Although Greece produces about one-tenth of the world's olive oil, much of its output is exported in bulk to Italy, where it is bottled, branded and sold at a markup.
Despite such efforts, Greek exports as a share of GDP are still just over half of the euro-zone average.
If petroleum products are excluded, goods exports are still lower than in 2008.
A survey of Greek sales managers, by Athens University of Economics and Business, found that only 26% of them saw exporting as an important strategic response to the crisis.
Their priorities were seeking new domestic markets and making more use of the internet.
At least they were right about the last bit.
Digilex, founded in 2011 in Athens, designs websites, e-commerce systems and mobile apps to retailers looking to cut costs and expand their reach.
One of its creations is, an online platform selling a range of cheap of products, either sourced from companies going into liquidation, or imported from China.
The biggest challenge is bureaucracy, says Digilex's co-founder, Alex Ehrmann: it took four months to set up the company.
最大的挑战是官僚主义,Digilex的共同创办人说道,Alex Ehrmann:它花了四个月的时间设立公司。
Taxibeat, a cab-hailing mobile app started in 2010, has expanded to various European cities as well as Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo and Mexico City.
Globo, whose mobile apps let employees use their own devices for work, has divested part of its Greek business to focus on international clients.
It has been the best performer on London's FTSE AIM Index this year.
它今年的伦敦FTSE AIM指数表现最好。
Perhaps Greece's most visible business trend is the proliferation of bakeries, frozen-yogurt shops, cafés, and souvlaki stalls.
Many have been set up by professionals who, having lost their cushy jobs, invested their savings and redundancy pay-offs in starting a new venture.
This boom in entrepreneurial spirit may be the silver lining to the big, dark economic cloud that still hangs over Greece.
重点单词   查看全部解释    
adapt [ə'dæpt]


vt. 使适应,改编
vi. 适应,适合

strategy ['strætidʒi]


n. 战略,策略

brutal ['bru:tl]


adj. 野蛮的,残暴的

entrepreneurial [,ɔntrəprə'nə:riəl]


adj. 企业家的,创业者的;中间商的

commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl]


adj. 商业的
n. 商业广告

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

boom [bu:m]


n. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅
vi. 急速增

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

verdict ['və:dikt]


n. 裁定,定论

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排





