UN considers plan to destroy Syrian chemical weapons stocks
A new twist that could diffuse escalating tensions over Syria. The United Nations is considering a plan to demand that Syria handover its stockpiles of chemical weapons, a move that could avert a possible U.S.-led military strike against Syria over that suspected chemical weapons attack in August. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon speaking to reporters on Monday:
最新事件可能扭转叙利亚不断升级的紧张形势 。联合国正在考虑一项计划,要求叙利亚上交其化学武器储备,此举或许可以防止美国领导的军事打击,对其八月份发动的化学武器袭击作出回应 。联合国秘书长潘基文周一向记者发表讲话 。
SOUNDBITE: U.N. SECRETARY-GENERAL BAN KI-MOON SAYING: "I'm considering urging the Security Council to demand the immediate transfer of Syria's chemical weapons and chemical precursor stocks to places inside Syria where they can be safely stored and destroyed."
联合国秘书长潘基文表示:“我正在考虑敦促安理会,要求叙利亚立即移交境内的化学武器和化学武器先质,进行摧毁 。”
Ban was responding to questions about a Russian proposal, made public earlier on Monday, to place Syria's chemical weapons under international control. The U.S. is considering Russia's offer but President Barack Obama's administration is skeptical. Obama's deputy national security chief Tony Blinken.
周一早些时候,俄罗斯公布的一份提议就国际社会控制叙利亚化学武器提出了疑问,潘基文对此作出回应Tony Blinken)发表了讲话 。 。美国正在考虑俄罗斯的提议,但是奥巴马政府持怀疑态度 。奥巴马的国家安全顾问助理布林肯(
SOUNDBITE: U.S. DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY CHIEF TONY BLINKEN SAYING: "It's important to note that this proposal comes in the context of the threat of U.S. action, and the pressure that the President is exerting. So it's even more important that we don't take the pressure off and that Congress give the President the authority he's requested."
国家安全顾问助理布林肯(Tony Blinken):“必须指出,该提议出现在美国可能采取军事行动,总统可能会动用武力的背景下 。所以,更重要的是,我们不应该减轻这种压力,国会应该赋予总统他所要求的授权 。”
The U.S. Senate will vote on Wednesday whether to give Obama that authority. But it's uncertain if the measure will get the congressional backing it needs.
美国参议院即将于周三投票决定是否向奥巴马总统授权 。但是目前还不清楚该措施能否获得国会支持 。
Obama declines to say if will strike Syria if U.S. Congress votes 'no'
U.S. President Barack Obama declined to speculate on Friday whether he would go ahead with a military strike in Syria - IF the U.S. Congress votes AGAINST authorizing such a move. Speaking during the final day of the G20 global economic summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, Obama said a strike IS justified - but for much broader, global, security interests.
周五,美国总统奥巴马拒绝作出推测,如果美国国会投票反对授权对叙利亚动武,他将采取什么行动G20全球经济峰会最后一天发表讲话时,奥巴马表示,采取军事打击是有正当理由的,但是是为了更广泛的全球安全利益 。 。在俄罗斯圣彼得堡
(SOUNDBITE) U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "I put it before Congress because I could not honestly claim that the threat posed by Assad's use of chemical weapons on innocent civilians and women and children posed an imminent, direct threat to the United States." And THAT was precisely the point Russian President Vladimir Putin, who hosted the summit, tried to make earlier in the day, calling unilateral military action "above the law".
美国总统奥巴马:“我将该提议递交至国会是因为我不能坦诚地宣称,阿萨德对无辜的平民和妇女儿童使用化学武器对美国造成了直接的,迫在眉睫的影响 。”这也正是主持峰会的俄罗斯总统普京的观点 。当天早些时候,他企图阐明这一点,称单方面采取军事行动是“凌驾于法律之上的行为” 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN SAYING: "Let me remind you that the use of force against a sovereign state is possible only if done in self-defense, and as we all know Syria is not attacking the United States." Now the "heavy lift" by Obama to convince the American people - and the U.S. Congress - that military action is necessary. He'll try to make his case again during an address to the nation on Tuesday.
俄罗斯总统普京表示:“让我提醒大家,对主权国家动用武力只能是在出于自我防御的前提下,据我们所知,叙利亚病没有袭击美国 。”这正是奥巴马总统试图说服美国民众和美国国会的主要理由——认为军事行动是必须的 。在周二向全体国民发表的讲话中,他将继续重申这一点 。
Possible energy crisis in South Korea
Asia's fourth largest economy could be plunged in to darkness this winter. South Korea energy officials say the country is facing possible power blackouts unless more nuclear power plants are built, and several that have been shutdown are reopened.
这个冬天,亚洲第四大经济体可能会陷入一片黑暗 。韩国能源官员表示,国家可能面临电力管制,除非建立更多核电站,而且已经关闭的核电站重新开放 。
VICE PRESIDENT OF STATE-RUN UTILITY KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORP (KEPCO) BAEK JAE-HYEON, SAYING: "For the moment, there is an electricity shortage this summer, and preventive maintenance work has been somewhat delayed, especially since some nuclear reactors have been suspended, as you know. So I think it will also be difficult this winter, no less than this summer."
国营韩国电力公司副主席BAEK JAE-HYEON:“目前来说,今年夏季出现了电力短缺,预防性维护措施也出现了某些延误,尤其是自一些核反应堆被关闭以来 。所以,我认为,今年冬季的形势也会非常严峻,不会比夏季有所好转 。”
Six of the country's 23 nuclear reactors are currently off-line after a scandal involving forged safety certificates forced the country's regulator to shut them down. Another potential roadblock- protesters in a town where dozens of high voltage electric towers are slated for construction. Demonstrators say the towers will decrease the value of their homes, ruin the environment and cause cancer. We will never agree to the construction, this protester said. Not even for a trillion dollars! South Korea generates a third of its electricity using nuclear power, mainly to cut it's reliance on oil and gas of which it imports nearly 100 percent.
由于伪造安全认证等一系列丑闻,韩国监管部门被迫关闭了23座核反应堆中的6座 。此外还有一个潜在障碍——即将付诸建设的几十个高压电塔遭到抗议者阻碍 。示威者表示,高压电塔将降低他们房产的价值,毁坏当地环境,引发癌症 。这位抗议者说,我们永远都不会赞同建设高压电塔 。即使价值1兆美元!韩国核电站发电量占全国供电总量的三分之一,大大降低了对石油和天然气的依赖 。韩国的石油和天然气几乎百分之百进口 。