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  • 11 years later, Jobs was still bitter.
  • 11年以后 这件事依然让史蒂夫非常怨愤
  • What can I say? I hired the wrong guy.
  • 我还能说什么呢?我看走了眼
  • -That was Sculley? -Yeah,
  • -你是指Sculley? -是的
  • and, er, he destroyed everything I'd spent ten years working for.
  • 他毁了我十年来所有的心血
  • Erm, starting with me, but that wasn't the saddest part.
  • 辞退我也就算了 这还不是最主要的问题
  • I'd have gladly left Apple if Apple had turned out like I wanted it to.
  • 如果苹果最终能变成我期望的那样 那我是愿意离开公司的
  • Sacking Jobs seemed natural to the man schooled in selling sugar water.
  • 对于卖惯了糖水的人来说 解雇乔布斯是件无可厚非的事
  • In hindsight, that was a terrible decision. I was part of it.
  • 事后看来 那是个糟糕的决定 而我也促成了这个决定
  • Coming from my vantage point, out of corporate America,
  • 我来自一个典型的大企业 在我看来
  • people were asked to step down all the time when there were disagreements
  • 当公司里出现分歧时 有人被要求离职是再正常不过的事情了
  • so I didn't appreciate what it meant to be a founder of a business,
  • 所以 我没能去理解 他作为公司的创始人和规划者
  • the visionary of the business.
  • 会有什么样的感受
  • I was focused on how do we sell Apple computers,
  • 我关注的重点 是我们该怎么去销售苹果的电脑
  • he was focused on how do we change the world?
  • 而他在乎的 是怎么去改变世界
  • Jobs severed all ties with Apple, except one.
  • 乔布斯断绝了与苹果的所有联系
  • He kept a single share in the company he had founded,
  • 但他还是保留了一份股权
  • selling off the rest for more than $100 million.
  • 并以超过一亿美元的价格 卖掉了其余所有的股权
  • He hated the company. He couldn't see that it would succeed without him.
  • 他对苹果恨之入骨 他不觉得这个公司没了他还能取得成功
  • He didn't want it to succeed without him.
  • 他也不想让公司在没有他的情况下成功
  • Over the next 11 years, Jobs didn't relent.
  • 在以后的11年中 乔布斯并没有失去斗志
  • Once again centre stage, he set up a new company called Next, building high spec computers.
  • 他成立了一家名叫Next的公司 生产高规格计算机
  • With cases made of magnesium and a price to match, they didn't sell well.
  • Next计算机制作精良 有镁制外壳 因而也价格不菲 未能打入市场
  • Though one important computer scientist was impressed.
  • 尽管如此 还是有一位重要的计算机科学家对它表示了欣赏
  • Steve Jobs had arranged that,
  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯设计了一个小功能
  • whenever you get a Next machine,
  • 你买了一台Next电脑后
  • there would be a message from him.
  • 就会收到来自他的一条信息
  • One of the things I remember he said was that it's not just about personal computing, which was the rage,
  • 令我记忆犹新是 他说 当时风行一时的个人电脑并不是科技的走向
  • he said this should be about interpersonal computing.
  • 电脑应该成为人与人之间交流的工具
  • And I thought, yeah, that's... Yeah, he's got it.
  • 我想 是啊 的确是这样 他真是一语中的


“Well, we’ve got to finish it,” Steve Capps said. And so they did. Once again, Jobs’s reality distortion field pushed them to do what they had thought impossible. On Friday Randy Wigginton brought in a huge bag of chocolate-covered espresso beans for the final three all-nighters. When Jobs arrived at work at 8:30 a.m. that Monday, he found Hertzfeld sprawled nearly comatose on the couch. They talked for a few minutes about a remaining tiny glitch, and Jobs decreed that it wasn’t a problem. Hertzfeld dragged himself to his blue Volkswagen Rabbit (license plate: MACWIZ) and drove home to bed. A short while later Apple’s Fremont factory began to roll out boxes emblazoned with the colorful line drawings of the Macintosh. Real artists ship, Jobs had declared, and now the Macintosh team had.


The “1984” Ad


In the spring of 1983, when Jobs had begun to plan for the Macintosh launch, he asked for a commercial that was as revolutionary and astonishing as the product they had created. “I want something that will stop people in their tracks,” he said. “I want a thunderclap.” The task fell to the Chiat/Day advertising agency, which had acquired the Apple account when it bought the advertising side of Regis McKenna’s business. The person put in charge was a lanky beach bum with a bushy beard, wild hair, goofy grin, and twinkling eyes named Lee Clow, who was the creative director of the agency’s office in the Venice Beach section of Los Angeles. Clow was savvy and fun, in a laid-back yet focused way, and he forged a bond with Jobs that would last three decades.


Clow and two of his team, the copywriter Steve Hayden and the art director Brent Thomas, had been toying with a tagline that played off the George Orwell novel: “Why 1984 won’t be like 1984.” Jobs loved it, and asked them to develop it for the Macintosh launch. So they put together a storyboard for a sixty-second ad that would look like a scene from a sci-fi movie. It featured a rebellious young woman outrunning the Orwellian thought police and throwing a sledgehammer into a screen showing a mind-controlling speech by Big Brother.


The concept captured the zeitgeist of the personal computer revolution. Many young people, especially those in the counterculture, had viewed computers as instruments that could be used by Orwellian governments and giant corporations to sap individuality. But by the end of the 1970s, they were also being seen as potential tools for personal empowerment. The ad cast Macintosh as a warrior for the latter cause—a cool, rebellious, and heroic company that was the only thing standing in the way of the big evil corporation’s plan for world domination and total mind control.


Jobs liked that. Indeed the concept for the ad had a special resonance for him. He fancied himself a rebel, and he liked to associate himself with the values of the ragtag band of hackers and pirates he recruited to the Macintosh group. Even though he had left the apple commune in Oregon to start the Apple corporation, he still wanted to be viewed as a denizen of the counterculture rather than the corporate culture.


But he also realized, deep inside, that he had increasingly abandoned the hacker spirit. Some might even accuse him of selling out. When Wozniak held true to the Homebrew ethic by sharing his design for the Apple I for free, it was Jobs who insisted that they sell the boards instead. He was also the one who, despite Wozniak’s reluctance, wanted to turn Apple into a corporation and not freely distribute stock options to the friends who had been in the garage with them. Now he was about to launch the Macintosh, a machine that violated many of the principles of the hacker’s code: It was overpriced; it would have no slots, which meant that hobbyists could not plug in their own expansion cards or jack into the motherboard to add their own new functions; and it took special tools just to open the plastic case. It was a closed and controlled system, like something designed by Big Brother rather than by a hacker.


So the “1984” ad was a way of reaffirming, to himself and to the world, his desired self-image. The heroine, with a drawing of a Macintosh emblazoned on her pure white tank top, was a renegade out to foil the establishment. By hiring Ridley Scott, fresh off the success of Blade Runner, as the director, Jobs could attach himself and Apple to the cyberpunk ethos of the time. With the ad, Apple could identify itself with the rebels and hackers who thought differently, and Jobs could reclaim his right to identify with them as well.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
associate [ə'səuʃieit]


n. 同伴,伙伴,合伙人
n. 准学士学位获得

expansion [iks'pænʃən]


n. 扩大,膨胀,扩充

revolutionary [.revə'lu:ʃənəri]


adj. 革命的
n. 革命者

corporation [.kɔ:pə'reiʃən]


n. 公司,法人,集团

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

blade [bleid]


n. 刀锋,刀口

renegade ['reni.geid]


n. 叛徒,变节者,判党者 adj. 背弃的,叛徒的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策





