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  • And the function of spatial frequency is something like this.
  • 空间频率的函数图象大致是这样的
  • It was full of free-thinking technological radicals
  • 那里满是天马行空的技术狂人
  • and inspirational ideas.
  • 处处闪现着创意
  • It was just a kind of dream place.
  • 简直就是科研人员的天堂
  • We had a general overall vision about what we called
  • 我们对今后办公氛围的发展趋势有一个构想
  • "the office of the future."
  • 我们称之为"未来的办公室"
  • And that was it. We were told to figure out how to do that.
  • PARC实现了这个构想 它也是我们的研究目标之一
  • Jobs was desperate to take a look inside
  • 乔布斯对个充满了奇思妙想的地方满怀好奇
  • this precious storehouse of ideas.
  • 期待能够进去好好参观一番
  • He got his chance when Xerox made an investment in Apple
  • 施乐公司随后成为了苹果的股东
  • and invited him in.
  • 乔布斯终于如愿以偿
  • I demonstrated various technologies that our group had,
  • 我展示了我们团队的各项新技术
  • but the things that stood out to the visitors
  • 让观众眼前一亮的
  • were the pointing device, the mouse, which we hadn't invented.
  • 是我们的指向设备 也就是鼠标 它并不是我们发明的
  • It had been around for 15 years. We had just improved it,
  • 鼠标已经问世15年了 我们只是对它进行了改进
  • but it wasn't something that most people had ever seen before.
  • 不过 大部分人在之前并没有机会见到
  • Larry Tesler was demonstrating how a computer with icons
  • Larry Tesler演示了怎样用这个叫鼠标的小玩意
  • on the screen could be controlled by this novel gadget. A mouse.
  • 来控制电脑显示屏上的图标
  • Jobs couldn't believe what he was seeing.
  • 乔布斯简直不敢相信自己的眼睛
  • He started pacing around the room very nervously almost,
  • 他开始非常神经质地在房间踱步
  • and then more excitedly and then he just couldn't hold it back.
  • 然后兴奋起来 接着就无法克制了
  • He just had to talk.
  • 他不吐不快
  • So, he started saying things like, "You're sitting on a gold mine."
  • 于是他开始说 "你们这个可以赚大钱"
  • "This is insanely great. It is just amazing."
  • "这真是好得不得了 太不可思议了"
  • "Why aren't you doing anything with this?"
  • "为什么你们还没把它利用起来?"
  • Unlike the vast XEROX corporation, Jobs acted swiftly.
  • 与大公司施乐不同的是 他行动迅速
  • I went into his office, sat down and said,
  • 我走到他办公室里坐下后说
  • "Steve, I've been thinking about a few product ideas"
  • "乔布斯 我最近有些关于新产品的想法..."
  • and hardly had I got the sentence out and he said, "Stop, Dean.
  • 我还没来得及把话说完 他说 "停 Dean
  • I know exactly what we need to do."
  • 我已经知道我们下一个产品是什么了"
  • When he said "a mouse", I looked at him and said "A mouse?"
  • 当他说到鼠标的时候 我一头雾水看着他说 鼠标?
  • I had no clue what a mouse was.
  • 我完全不知道鼠标是个什么东西
  • Xerox saw the mouse as part of an expensive business computer.
  • 施乐公司把鼠标看作是昂贵的商务电脑配件
  • Jobs saw it very differently.
  • 但乔布斯并不这么认为






The Pepsi Challenge


With John Sculley, 1984

The Courtship


Mike Markkula had never wanted to be Apples president. He liked designing his new houses, flying his private plane, and living high off his stock options; he did not relish adjudicating conflict or curating high-maintenance egos. He had stepped into the role reluctantly, after he felt compelled to ease out Mike Scott, and he promised his wife the gig would be temporary. By the end of 1982, after almost two years, she gave him an order: Find a replacement right away.


Jobs knew that he was not ready to run the company himself, even though there was a part of him that wanted to try. Despite his arrogance, he could be self-aware. Markkula agreed; he told Jobs that he was still a bit too rough-edged and immature to be Apples president. So they launched a search for someone from the outside.


The person they most wanted was Don Estridge, who had built IBMs personal computer division from scratch and launched a PC that, even though Jobs and his team disparaged it, was now outselling Apples. Estridge had sheltered his division in Boca Raton, Florida, safely removed from the corporate mentality of Armonk, New York. Like Jobs, he was driven and inspiring, but unlike Jobs, he had the ability to allow others to think that his brilliant ideas were their own. Jobs flew to Boca Raton with the offer of a $1 million salary and a $1 million signing bonus, but Estridge turned him down. He was not the type who would jump ship to join the enemy. He also enjoyed being part of the establishment, a member of the Navy rather than a pirate. He was discomforted by Jobss tales of ripping off the phone company. When asked where he worked, he loved to be able to answerIBM.”


So Jobs and Markkula enlisted Gerry Roche, a gregarious corporate headhunter, to find someone else. They decided not to focus on technology executives; what they needed was a consumer marketer who knew advertising and had the corporate polish that would play well on Wall Street. Roche set his sights on the hottest consumer marketing wizard of the moment, John Sculley, president of the Pepsi-Cola division of PepsiCo, whose Pepsi Challenge campaign had been an advertising and publicity triumph. When Jobs gave a talk to Stanford business students, he heard good things about Sculley, who had spoken to the class earlier. So he told Roche he would be happy to meet him.


Sculleys background was very different from Jobss. His mother was an Upper East Side Manhattan matron who wore white gloves when she went out, and his father was a proper Wall Street lawyer. Sculley was sent off to St. Marks School, then got his undergraduate degree from Brown and a business degree from Wharton. He had risen through the ranks at PepsiCo as an innovative marketer and advertiser, with little passion for product development or information technology.


Sculley flew to Los Angeles to spend Christmas with his two teenage children from a previous marriage. He took them to visit a computer store, where he was struck by how poorly the products were marketed. When his kids asked why he was so interested, he said he was planning to go up to Cupertino to meet Steve Jobs. They were totally blown away. They had grown up among movie stars, but to them Jobs was a true celebrity. It made Sculley take more seriously the prospect of being hired as his boss.


When he arrived at Apple headquarters, Sculley was startled by the unassuming offices and casual atmosphere. “Most people were less formally dressed than PepsiCos maintenance staff,” he noted. Over lunch Jobs picked quietly at his salad, but when Sculley declared that most executives found computers more trouble than they were worth, Jobs clicked into evangelical mode. “We want to change the way people use computers,” he said.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bonus ['bəunəs]


n. 奖金,红利

frequency ['fri:kwənsi]


n. 频繁,频率

polish ['pɔliʃ]


n. 光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良
v. 擦亮,磨

establishment [is'tæbliʃmənt]


n. 确立,制定,设施,机构,权威

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

innovative ['inəuveitiv]


adj. 革新的,创新的

unassuming ['ʌnə'sju:miŋ]


adj. 谦逊的,不装腔作势的

gregarious [gre'gɛəriəs]


adj. 群居的,爱社交的

celebrity [si'lebriti]


n. 名人,名誉,社会名流





