Egypt's interim president addresses nation
Egypt's interim president Adli Mansour spoke to citizens for the first time Thursday- promising to restore security and tability to a country in turmoil.
周四,埃及临时总统曼苏尔(Adli Mansour)向全体公民发表讲话,承诺在混乱的局势中重塑安全和稳定 。
EGYPT'S INTERIM PRESIDENT, ADLI MANSOUR, SAYING: "We will not be scared or alarmed, and we will not go easy on those who kill he innocent. We will fight a battle for security until the end, we will protect the revolution, we will build the nation and e will move forward without hesitation." But for those who support ousted President Mohamed Mursi, the speech wasmeaningless. Thousands gathered at the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque holding signs and praying for his reinstatement. He is notcapable of restoring security, this person says. We do not react to the talk of traitors. The Muslim Brotherhood have calledfor more demonstrations after Friday prayers.
埃及临时总统曼苏尔表示:“我们不会恐惧,不会害怕Rabaaal-Adawiya)清真寺,高举标语,祈祷穆尔西复职 。这个人说,他没有能力重塑安全秩序 。我们不会对叛国者的讲话作为回应 。穆斯林兄弟会已经呼吁在周五的祈祷过后举行更多示威活动 。 。我们不会宽恕那些滥杀无辜的人 。我们会为了安全而战斗至最后一刻,我们会保护革命,创建民族感,我们会毫不犹豫地前行 。”但是对于那些支持被罢免总统穆尔西的人来说,这次讲话毫无意义 。数千人聚集在拉比亚(
Detroit files for bankruptcy
180亿巨债缠身 底特律申请破产
The American city of Detroit has announced it will file for municipal bankruptrcy -- the country's largest in history.Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder.
美国城市底特律宣布申请破产——这是美国历史上最大的城市破产案Rick Snyder)发表讲话 。 。密歇根州州长里克·斯奈德(
MICHIGAN GOVERNOR RICK SNYDER SAYING: "This was a difficult and painful decision but I believe there are no other viableoptions. Why did I do this? What's the rational and and what's the impact for both the city of Detroit and the state ofMichigan? Well let me start with the fact that this is a situation that has been 60 years in the making in terms of thedecline of Detroit, from a financial point of view let me be blunt: Detroit's broke."
密歇根州州长里克·斯奈德表示:“这是非常艰难,非常痛苦的决定,但是我相信我们别无选择 。我为何这样做?对于底特律市和密歇根州来说,什么才是理性的?其影响是什么?让我陈述一个事实:目前的形势由来已久,60年来底特律一直在衰落 。从财政的角度讲,恕我直言,底特律已经破产 。”
Detroit, once a thriving metropolis, is now home to some 78,000 abandoned buildings and is suffering its highest murder ratein nearly 40 years. With an estimated 18.5 billion dollars in debt, the city's Mayor Dave Bing tried to put on a brave facefor residents.
底特律曾经是欣欣向荣的大都市,现在有大约78,000栋建筑人去楼空,并遭遇了近40年来最高的谋杀率Dave Bing)选择勇敢地向居民承认 。 。底特律的债务已经高达185亿美元,该市市长戴夫·宾(
DETROIT MAYOR DAVE BING SAYING: "One of the things that I want to say to our citizens is that, as tough as this is, I reallydidn't want to go in this direction, but now that we are here, we have to make the best of it." In anticipation of thefiling, investors drove bond prices lower sending their yields to record highs on Thursday.
底特律市长戴夫·宾表示:“我想对我们的民众说的一件事就是,尽管形势非常严峻,我非常不希望走到这一步 。但是现在形势已经如此,我们必须做最好的打算 。”由于对破产的预期,投资者推动债券价格下跌,周四的收益达到历史新高 。
Suicide bomber kills 20 in Iraqi Sunni mosque
Scene of a massacre after at least 20 people are killed by a suicide bomber inside a Sunni mosque in central Iraq. The attacktook place in the middle of a sermon. It is unclear who was behind the blast -- the latest in a campaign of attacks that hasraised fears of a return to full-blown sectarian conflict in a country where Kurds, Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims have yet tofind a stable way of sharing power. The grief comes as more than 460 people have been killed in militant attacks in Julyalone -- according to the monitoring group Iraq Body Count.
伊拉克中部一座逊尼派清真寺发生自杀式爆炸事件,至少20人遇难,寺内一片惨烈的景象 。袭击发生在布道期间 。目前尚不清楚爆炸幕后主使——最近发生了一系列袭击事件,导致人们担心宗派冲突全面爆发 。在这个国家,库尔德人,什叶派和逊尼派穆斯林已经难以找到分享权力的和平途径 。根据伊拉克罹难人数统计组织的观察,仅在6月份就有超过460人在激进袭击中遇难 。