1.A watched pot never boils:急水不开 。
How can you urge me on like this? You know, a watched pot never boils.
你怎么能这样催我?要知道,心急水不开 。
2.put sb. into a jam:[俚]使某人陷入困境
1) When he is dogged by creditors, he is loath to hide himself from them but he has to, because he has gotten into a jam.
成天被债主们穷追不舍,他东躲西藏避开他们 。虽然很不情愿,但是他没有办法,因为他陷入困境 。
2) I'm in a bit of a jam — I haven't got enough money to pay for this meal. 我有点儿小麻烦,我带的钱不够付饭钱 。
3.kill sb. with kindness:用过分的殷勤使人不知所措
In the past the pretty lady treated the poor man like dirt but today she did an about face, treating him like a king and, of course, killing the man with kindness.
过去,这位漂亮的女士看不起这个穷男子;但是她今天却来了一个1800 的大转弯,对他就像国王一般,自然男子被这般殷勤弄得不知所措 。
4.dire:urgent; desperate 紧急的;急需的
The farmers living in that area are in dire poverty.
生活在那个地区的农民极其贫困 。
5.get on with it:加紧干
Now that the task has been assigned to you, you just try to get on with it.
既然任务都布置给你们了,那就赶紧投入工作吧 。
6.get huffy:get angry or get outraged 怒冲冲的; 生气的
When I accused him of dragging his feet, he got huffy immediately.
我说他消极怠工时,他立刻就怒气冲天 。
7.vouch for:确信; 担保;保证
I am certain to vouch for Marston's trustworthiness because we are bosom friends.
我当然担保马斯顿的可信任度,因为我们是知心朋友 。
adj. 不情愿的,勉强的