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- Chapter 32 Study English through Sports.
- 第32章:谈运动,学英语。
- David: What position do you like to play in soccer?
- 你踢足球时,喜欢踢什么位置?
- You: I like to play at the back.
- 我喜欢在后场。
- David: Do you mean the defense?
- 你是说后卫吗?
- You mean the goal. In Chinese, I think you use "men" but you can say "men" for "door" or "gate", you can use "men" in many ways.
- 你是说球门吧。汉语里,“门”有很多用法,既可以表示“door”,也可以表示“gate”。
- Yes, like "mei menr" - "no way". Chinese use one word to refer to many things. I think this is more difficult than English. Do you think so?
- 是的,像“没门儿”,“No way.”汉语经常有一词多义的现象。这比英语难。你觉得呢?
- I think Chinese is much more difficult than English.
- 我觉得汉语比英语难多了。
- Chinese characters are more difficult.
- 汉字更难写。
- Chinese characters and pronunciation are the hardest parts.
- 认字和发音是最难掌握的了。
- I think you are quite clever. You know, I have some classmates from the USA in my class learning Chinese, but they make little progress.
- 我觉得你很聪明。知道吗,我们班有一些学中文的美国同学,进步很缓慢。
- They have to express themselves in English, more often than in Chinese. They just know "xiexie", "nihao" and nothing else.
- 他们更多的还得用英语来表达。他们掌握的汉语,仅限于“谢谢”、“你好”等简单口语,再没别的了。
- "Xie xie". Talking about exercise, I find that Chinese people like to dance in the streets at night as exercise, maybe for fun and exercise.
- 谢谢。说到锻炼,我发现中国人喜欢晚上在大街上跳舞作为锻炼,也许娱乐和锻炼两者兼得。
- Yes, you are right. My mother likes to do that, and I have to be her partner sometimes.
- 是的,你说对了。我妈妈就是,有时我还得做她的舞伴。
- What? Not enough men want to do that? Is it mostly just women?
- 什么?没有足够的男士吗?是不是几乎都是女性?
- If a man invites me, I say no, she is my partner. They sometimes get very angry when they see the old woman. It's a lot of fun.
- 如果一个男人邀请我,我就说不,然后说她是我舞伴。当看到那个老太太的时候,他们有时候会非常生气。这很有趣。
- It sounds like a lot of fun.
- 听起来很有趣哦。
1.defense n. 防卫,防护;防御措施;防守;辩护
The mission of our Army is to make defense of our nation.
2.no way. 没门儿,不可能
3.partner n. 伙伴;合伙人;配偶
working partner 工作伙伴
partner for oral English practice 英语口语练习伙伴
4.Chinese characters 汉字
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201209/200838.shtml