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胡敏读故事记托福单词 第61期:A Crazy Criminal 神经兮兮的罪犯

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  • 61 A Crazy Criminal
  • 第61课 神经兮兮的罪犯
  • Don't delay, put him in jail! said the constable.
  • 不要耽搁,把他关进监狱!警官说道,
  • It was a deliberate act of stealing.
  • 这是蓄意偷盗,
  • He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts.
  • 他简直就是一个犯有伤害罪的少年罪犯。
  • I don't think his delinquency is the issue, I replied.
  • 我想问题并不在于他的过失。我说,
  • He committed these crimes while in a state of delirium.
  • 他是在精神错乱的情况下犯罪的。
  • His demeanor is typical of someone who is mentally ill.
  • 他的行为明显表明他患有精神性的疾病。
  • We must delve into his mind and find the source of his delusions.
  • 我们必须深入探究他的精神状态,找到错觉的根源。
  • It is a delicate process.
  • 这个过程需要我们做到细致入微。
  • All right, we'll do it in your way. said the constable, losing his patience.
  • 那好吧,就照你说的做。警官说着,显得不耐烦。
  • Let's interview him.
  • 提审他。
  • Who are you, young man? I asked the strange boy, raising my eyebrows in curiosity.
  • 小伙子,你是什么人?我好奇地扬起眉毛问这个奇怪的年轻人。
  • I am a delegate appointed by the President of the United States, replied the boy.
  • 我是美国总统委任的代表,男孩回答,
  • He has dispatched me to the Colorado river delta.
  • 他派我到科罗拉多河三角洲地带。
  • I must help the two warring factions to delineate their territories and to establish a fair demarcation line between their realms.
  • 我必须帮助那里两个交战的派别划分领地范围,确定双方公正的边界线。
  • Delete those fancy words, boy, said the constable with a stern voice.
  • 别说大话了,小伙子。警官严肃地说,
  • Don't delude yourself into thinking that you're someone important.
  • 不要欺骗自己,总以为自己是个很重要的人物。
  • I don't wish to demean you, I said to the strange boy.
  • 我不想贬低你,我对这个怪里怪气的小伙子说,
  • However, can you explain why an important delegate like you would need to steal so many expensive chocolates for such a mission?
  • 但是你能解释你这么重要的人物为了完成使命需要偷那么昂贵的巧克力这件事吗?
  • It was necessary, replied the boy.
  • 这很必要,男孩回答,
  • How else was I supposed to make them demobilized their massive armies?
  • 不然的话,我又如何能让他们遣散他们大批的军队呢?
  • I had to give them a peace offering that they could share in celebration.
  • 我必须给他们送去和平的礼物,这样我们可以一起庆祝分享。
  • ]You know the wise saying, don't you?
  • 你不知道那句至理明言吗?
  • What wise saying? we asked with interest.
  • 什么至理明言?我们好奇地问。
  • Delectable treats can achieve great feats! shouted the boy.
  • 好吃好喝,业绩显赫。男孩大声说。
  • Did it work? we asked with greater curiosity.
  • 行得通吗?我们更好奇地问。
  • Yes, but only for a short while, he replied in a dejected voice.
  • 还行,但持续不了多长时间。他沮丧地回答,
  • But chocolates were so delicious that they started fighting over them.
  • 但是巧克力太好吃了,他们又开始为巧克力而战了。


61 A Crazy Criminal

“Don't delay, put him in jail!” said the constable.
“It was a deliberate act of stealing.
He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts.”
“I don't think his delinquency is the issue,” I replied.
“He committed these crimes while in a state of delirium.
His demeanor is typical of someone who is mentally ill.
We must delve into his mind and find the source of his delusions.
It is a delicate process.”
“All right, we'll do it in your way.” said the constable, losing his patience.
“Let's interview him.”
“Who are you, young man?” I asked the strange boy, raising my eyebrows in curiosity.
“I am a delegate appointed by the President of the United States,” replied the boy.
“He has dispatched me to the Colorado river delta.
I must help the two warring factions to delineate their territories and to establish a fair demarcation line between their realms.”
“Delete those fancy words, boy,” said the constable with a stern voice.
“Don't delude yourself into thinking that you're someone important.”
“I don't wish to demean you,” I said to the strange boy.
“However, can you explain why an important delegate like you would need to steal so many expensive chocolates for such a mission?”
“It was necessary,” replied the boy.
“How else was I supposed to make them share in celebration.
You know the wise saying, don't you?”
“What wise saying?” we asked with interest.
“Delectable treats can achieve great feats!” shouted the boy.
“Did it work?” we asked with greater curiosity.
“Yes, but only for a short while,” he replied in a dejected voice.
“The chocolates were so delicious that they started fighting over them.”
重点单词   查看全部解释    
deleterious [.deli'tiəriəs]


adj. 有害的,有毒的

criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

delinquent [di'liŋkwənt]


n. 行为不良的人,流氓 adj. 怠忽的,有过失的

jail [dʒeil]


n. 监牢,监狱,拘留所
vt. 监禁,下狱

delude [di'lu:d]


vt. 欺骗,迷惑,蛊惑

curiosity [.kjuəri'ɔsiti]


n. 好奇,好奇心

delicate ['delikit]


n. 精美的东西
adj. 精美的,微妙的,美

demean [di'mi:n]


vt. 贬抑,降低 vt. 刻意

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

delineate [di'lini.eit]


vt. 描绘,叙述,画出





