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留学生在中国 第23期 Foreign Expertss 外国专家

编辑:Amosway   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 23 Increasing Number of Foreign Experts.
  • 第23章 越来越多的外国专家。
  • David: The number of foreign experts in China has risen sharply. Can you explain why?
  • 现在在中国的外国专家人数激增。你能解释一下原因吗?
  • You: China has opened its doors to foreigners because we need experts to bring over advanced technology to help our country develop.
  • 由于我们需要通过专家引入先进技术来帮助我国发展,所以中国向外国人敞开了大门。
  • David: So you are saying that recently, as the country develops, there is an increasing need for experts. Do you think foreign experts are only good for technological advances?
  • 就像你所说的,最近随着国家的发展,对外国专家的需求也与日俱增。你认为外国专家只对技术进步有贡献吗?那么我们又怎样来衡量他们的技术水平呢?
  • You: They are also helpful in creating global connections between China and the world, enhancing friendships between nations and advancing world peace. But the funny thing is that we can't tell who are the real experts, so we need some way of testing who the real experts are.
  • 不,他们还可以帮助中国与整个世界建立联系。增进各国人民之间的友谊以及友好合作往来,促进世界和平。但是,问题是有时我们不能很好的识别哪些是真正的专家,哪些不是。因此,我们需要有一些来作为衡量的标准。
  • David: Well, what countries do these foreign experts come from?
  • 那么这些专家都来自哪些国家呢?
  • You: You name it. They come from a lot of countries, such as America, countries in Europe, and even other Asian countries, such as Japan and Korea.
  • 你说呢?他们来自许多国家,例如美国,欧洲各国以及亚洲的日本,韩国等地。
  • David: I see. Most foreign experts are from developed countries.
  • 噢,大部分外国专家都来自发达国家。
  • You: As China develops rapidly with an aim to become a stronger nation in the world, she needs more experts from different backgrounds to come and share their knowledge in order to keep pace with modern science and technology.
  • 中国现在发展很快,要跻身世界民族之林,要与世界先进的科技接轨,其中很重要的途径就是不断引进西方各种专家。


Chapter 23 Increasing Number of Foreign Experts

第23章 越来越多的外国专家

David: The number of foreign experts in China has risen sharply. Can you explain why?


You: China has opened its doors to foreigners because we need experts to bring over advanced technology to help our country develop.


David: So you are saying that recently, as the country develops, there is an increasing need for experts. Do you think foreign experts are only good for technological advances?


You: They are also helpful in creating global connections between China and the world, enhancing friendships between nations and advancing world peace. But the funny thing is that we cant tell who are the real experts, so we need some way of testing who the real experts are.


David: Well, what countries do these foreign experts come from?


You: You name it. They come from a lot of countries, such as America, countries in Europe, and even other Asian countries, such as Japan and Korea.


David: I see. Most foreign experts are from developed countries.


You: As China develops rapidly with an aim to become a stronger nation in the world, she needs more experts from different backgrounds to come and share their knowledge in order to keep pace with modern science and technology.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的





