伦敦残奥会开幕 霍金首场亮相
1【One dead, thousands evacuated in Malaga forest fire】马拉加大火已造成一人死亡数千人撤离
TEXT:Flames come dangerously close to residences in the Spainish tourist resort of Malaga. And firefighters are struggling to quell the blaze that has already taken one life. The fire has been fanned by strong winds and high temperatures. And thousands of people have been evacuated from the area. SOUNDBITE: Unidentified Malaga resident, saying (Spanish): "They allowed us to enter our homes for five minutes to take our belongings and that's it. SOUNDBITE: Unidentified Malaga resident, saying (Spanish): "Very scared. The fire was entering the street and we couldn't even hear an ambulance coming." Authorities expect winds to drop, helping them to bring the fire under control.
参考译文:西班牙马拉加旅游胜地遭遇大火,火势恐快接近当地住宅 。大火目前已造成一人死亡,消防队员正努力试图平息这场大火 。但因受强风和高温的影响,大火已经得以蔓延 。数千人已经从该地区撤离 。身份不明的马拉加居民说:“他们允许我们进入家中,用五分钟的时间带出我们的财产,就是这样 。”另一名身份不明的马拉加居民说:“非常害怕 。大火烧到了大街上,我们甚至不能听到行驶过来的救护车 。”当局预计风力将有所下降,这有助于火势的控制 。
2【UN chief defends Iran visit】联合国秘书长潘基文为伊朗之行辩护
TEXT:The head of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, defends his controversial visit to Iran last week. He was in the capital Tehran for the Non Aligned Movement summit - a trip that drew criticism from the U.S. and Israel who wanted Ban to boycott the event. On Friday, Ban defended his decision saying he believed in the power of diplomacy and dialogue. (SOUNDBITE) (English) UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL BAN KI-MOON, SAYING: "I think that it should not have been controversial. As a secretary-general of the United Nations, I have a mandate to engage with all the member states of the United Nations." Ban said he pushed Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for answers about the country's nuclear program, which the U.S. and Israel say is focused on making weapons. While Iran denies the allegations, Ban said Tehran's responses were not always satisfactory. (English) UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL BAN KI-MOON, SAYING: "They were not giving me any concrete answers." During the summit of 120 mostly developing nations Ban also tried to build support for ending the conflict in Syria.
参考译文:联合国秘书长潘基文为他上周前往伊朗首都德黑兰参加备受争议的非联盟运动峰会进行辩护 。此德黑兰之行遭到美国和伊朗的评判,他们希望潘基文能抵制此次峰会 。周五,潘基文为他的决定作出辩护,称他相信外交和对话的力量 。联合国秘书长潘基文说:“我想这本不应该有争议 。作为联合国秘书长,我有授权参与联合国所有成员国 。”潘基文表示,他推动伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德对核计划作出答案,美国和伊朗称其核计划目的在于发展武器 。尽管伊朗对此表示否认,但潘基文称德黑兰的回应并不总是令人满意的 。联合国秘书长潘基文说:“他们并没有给我任何确切的答案 。”在这个120多个大部分是发展中国家的峰会上,潘基文同样试图为解决叙利亚冲突建立支持 。
3【New York café sells only water】只出售洁净水的纽约咖啡店
4【Japan bolsters disaster awareness】日本防灾演习提高灾难意识
TEXT:Firefighters break into a wooden structure in Tokyo, trying to save someone trapped inside. The mock exercise was part of a nationwide drill aimed at teaching people what to do in an emergency. Disaster prevention exercises were held throughout Japan to protect against the threat of earthquake, tsunami and fire. The simulation saw 300 volunteers gathering in Tokyo, putting out fires and helping injured people. Members of the fire brigade also took part, practising how to save people in damaged buildings. SOUNDBITE: UNIDENTIFIED VOLUNTEER PARTICIPANT, SAYING (Japanese): "People are talking about the possibility of a major disaster and doing this is really good. When something does happen, it is totally different between simply witnessing and actually doing it, so this is great." Japan suffered a huge earthquake and tsunami last year, killing scores of people and triggering a nuclear disaster. Officials predict that fire alone could kill more than 9,000 in Tokyo if a major earthquake struck the city.
参考译文:在日本东京,消防员闯入一木制结构物里试图拯救被困在里面的人员 。这场模拟运动是全国性演戏的一部分,意在教导大家在紧急情况下如何应对 。日本上下举行预防演习,防止地震,海啸,大火的威胁 。此次模拟中,300名志愿者来到东京演习扑灭火灾,帮助伤者 。消防队员也参加了,演练如何在受损建筑物中拯救人们 。身份不明的志愿者说,:“人们正在谈论发生重大灾难的可能性,这样做是很好的 。当有事情发生,仅仅的观看和实际操作了酒有了完全的不同,所以这很棒 。”去年,日本遭受大地震和海啸,许多人丧生并引发了核灾难 。官员预测,如果大地震袭击了该市仅火灾就可能造成9,000人死亡 。
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