2. 多种表达
He is dead nuts on work.
He is a workaholic.
Is he quick on the uptake?
Is he a fast learner?
Does he have a quick mind?
She is a good guy.
She is a good person.
Don't pass it on to anyone else.
You must keep it as a secret.
I am versatile.
I am very talented.
Is he a real go-better?
Is he a capable person?
His father is a man of the world.
His father has great experience.
She is efficient.
She gets things done efficiently.
She handles things quickly.
She handles matters promptly.
Dose she look old for her age?
Does she look older than she is?
I am energetic.
I am full of energy.
I am wise for my age.
I am wise considering my age.
I am for a man of my age.
He is gifted.
He is talented.
She is quite good with her hands.
She is skillful.
He is a go-better.
He is a man of action.
He is a man of ability.
She is faithful.
She has strong sense of duty.
She is honest.
He has a high voice.
His voice is very high.
I have put on weight.
I have gained weight.
She has a strong sense of duty.
She has a strong sense of responsibility.
She is kind hearted.
She is kind.
You have a lot of nerve.
You have a lot of guts.
You are bold.
You are quite brave.
I am a modest girl.
I am modest.
I am very polite.
I am not boastful.
I don't like to brag.
I don't like to speak ill of others.
I am not a backbiter.
He doesn't like to show off.
He is not fond of the limelight.
She treats everyone in the same way.
She treats everyone equally.
I have a bad mood.
I am in bad mood.
Is he a bootlicker?
Is he a brownnoser?
Is he a flatterer?
Is he an ass-kisser?
He is nosy.
He is inquisitive.
He is not himself.
He is not acting like himself.
He is not acting normally.
He is much weird.
He is bizarre.
He is very strange.
I eat like a bird.
I eat very little.
I don't eat very much.
She is very slim.
She has a good figure.
Is she acting big?
Is she putting on airs?
My father is a stubborn old man.
My father is a die-hard.
I don't like to make a fuss.