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lqqR@F&(65VSbV)M~cW[0lo(tjk9Y9t5y24【Phelps fans left surprised】菲尔普斯400米决赛无缘奖牌 粉丝大谈伤不起
-*V1]xT49IP)VsuLBQ[.0K9*SB_8CZ3qTEXT:Here's Ryan Lochte, an Olympic swimmer for the US, after winning the gold medal in the 400 metres individual medley. Here's Michael Phelps, the greatest swimmer in Olympic history, finishing fourth. Phelps failure to medal left fans flabbergasted. US SWIMMING FANS, JESSICA AND MARTIN BRANDT, FROM TUCSON, ARIZONA SAYING: JESSICA: "I was surprised that Michael Phelps didn't medal , honestly. We were hoping I think Ryan would win, because I think he's a little bit of the underdog." MARTIN: "Yeah and the new guy, so I mean that's exciting." JESSICA: "But I wanted to see MIchael Phelps win." US SWIMMING FAN FROM COLORADO, VANCE HAWK, SAYING: "I mean Ryan Lochte is a good swimmer as we all know, but Michael Phelps is a good swimmer too, and to not even place is pretty surprising for American fans, especially here." US SWIMMING FAN, KATIE BERRY FROM CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , SAYING: "I am very shocked, usually you think Phelps was a guarantee at least to medal if not first, but at least USA won, so that was good, just not the one we thought. This was the first time Phelps had missed out on a medal since he was a 15 year old competing in the Sydney Games in 2000. Julie Noce, Reuters
参考译文:这代表美国的奥运游泳选手Ryan Lochte,刚在400米个人混合泳中获得金牌E-4*A.A]&.。这是菲尔普斯,奥运会历史上最伟大的游泳运动员,位列第四I)EM5rY+9&Xj=PINq2。菲尔普斯无缘奖牌的结果令粉丝大为惊讶rGdutNu#Eg#n。来自美国亚利桑那州杰的西卡和马丁布兰德S@sW07Qh_uB*.1Bp3U。西卡说:“老实说,菲尔普斯没有获得奖牌,我很吃惊I*3_BwW|NFksd3V[c。我想我们希望Ryan能赢,因为我想他有点出于劣势HtT]^H]&,h(T(wG]p,。” 马丁:“是的,他是个新人,我的意思是这太让人激动了2-]GekUh=KtW9。”西卡:“但我还是想看到菲尔普斯能赢w.J+]v_9jL;Q9(=8c。”来自美国科罗拉多州的泳迷:“Vance Hawk说:“我的意思是,我们都知道Ryan Lochte是一个优秀的游泳运动员,但菲尔普斯也很优秀,对美国粉丝位置相当出乎意料,特别在这里24DgodxjY!|&Es&4mYyf。”来自芝加哥的美国泳迷Katie Berry说:“我很震惊,通常你会认为菲尔普斯即便没得到第一名,至少也能保证一块奖牌,但最终美国还是赢了,那样就好,只是不是我们所想的S~%o)Sj|%f,(Tfc&NvL。这是菲尔普斯自15岁参加2000年悉尼奥运会以来第一次与奖牌无缘sx(Uk_|,rc^._P。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201207/192613.shtml