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白领英语口语速查(MP3+双语字幕) 第48期:部门职能:市场部门(2)

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  • 采购数量与采购时机
  • order quantities and timing
  • Henry,what do you think matters the most in purchasing?
  • Order quantities and timing.
  • Why are they important?
  • How and when to buy is a big concern in reducing cost.
  • 及时采购
  • Just-in-time (JIT) purchasing
  • Just-in-time purchasing seems to be quite popular now,
  • isn't it?
  • Yes.You know one goal of modern purchasing
  • is to maintain supply continuity
  • with the minimum inventory investment.
  • I think the goal of JIT purchasing is zero inventory.
  • Theoretically speaking,it is.
  • But in practice,that is rarely achieved.
  • 市场调查
  • conduct a market research
  • I am thinking of doing a new business.
  • What sort of business will it be?
  • I've been thinking about opening a supermarket.
  • The business will be good if you choose the right location.
  • You'd better conduct a market research first.
  • 市场定位 market positioning
  • What is the market positioning for our new products?
  • We focus on the teenagers,
  • their consuming power is increasing day by day.
  • 销售战略 selling strategy
  • Have you predicted our position?
  • We'll be the market leader in the near future.
  • Our selling strategy is the high quality of our products.
  • 市场会变得更规范。
  • The market will be standardized.
  • What are the opportunities for the next five years?
  • The market will be standardized.
  • And?
  • The government may announce more positive policies
  • to promote the international business.
  • 市场营销策划 marketing plan
  • How is the marketing plan for the new product going on?
  • Don't forget to analyze the basic four aspects.
  • Don't worry;
  • we've already finished the part about product and promotion.
  • 分销渠道 distribution channels
  • What are the distribution channels you have found for our products?
  • Nowadays,the direct marketing is very popular,
  • such as the internet,telephone,mail, etc.
  • What are the advantages of direct marketing?
  • The most prominent one is reducing the cost.
  • 中间商 intermediary
  • Do you think we should use the intermediaries
  • to help us with the sales?
  • Absolutely.They have knowledge of customers and their needs.
  • 定价时所定的战略目标
  • strategic objectives in pricing
  • What are the strategic objectives in your pricing?
  • I'm not sure about it.
  • The least is survival,
  • but we are trying to achieve profit maximization as well.
  • 特许经营权 franchise
  • Are you planning to go with one of those big chain supermarkets?
  • Yes,that is probably reliable.
  • But a franchise from those big supermarkets must be very expensive.
  • Yes,I am thinking how to avoid investing a great deal of money.
  • 开设海外分公司
  • Open an overseas branch company
  • Recently,we are preparing to enlarge our business scale further.
  • You mean?
  • We are discussing opening an overseas branch company in the US.
  • Great,that's a big market for us to make the profit.
  • 我们可以把这里的经验运用在分公司的发展上。
  • We can apply the experience we have here
  • to develop the branch company.
  • Do we need to hire all the managers and staff in the US?
  • No,the new company cannot be operated by all local people.
  • So we need to send some managers and engineers
  • from the headquaters to help them?
  • Yes,thus we can apply the experience we have here
  • to develop the branch company.
  • 当地的商务文化
  • local business culture
  • We also need the local managers,
  • because they know the local business culture.
  • Would you please raise an example?
  • For example,when they negotiate with the American clients,
  • they know better about the difference.
  • It seems we need help from each other.
  • 调整管理风格
  • adjust the management style
  • Our management in China is traditional,but in America,
  • we need to adjust the management style to the local culture.
  • That's right,
  • the management approach in American culture emphasizes independence.
  • So we have to adjust to the different management
  • when we are developing the new market.
  • En,only by doing this
  • can we get the market share in the local market.
  • 没有涉猎到的市场
  • an untapped market
  • It's time for us to develop a new market now.
  • So far,Vietnam is an untapped market for our product.
  • So we'd better find an intermediary in Vietnam
  • to help us begin our business there.
  • 潜在市场 potential markets
  • This year we are going to find more potential markets.
  • That means we'll sell our products to more places?
  • Yes,but we need to remember
  • that some countries don't welcome the aggressive sales.
  • You're right.
  • 犯规 break the rules
  • We have to prepare well before we enter into the new market.
  • In addition to the culture,
  • we need to understand their law regulations.
  • Yes,it's easy to break the rules
  • if we are not familiar with them.
  • 开发新市场看重的是市场份额。
  • emphasize the market share when developing new markets.
  • You must remember we emphasize the market share
  • when we develop the new market.
  • How about the other benefits?
  • Of course,profit is what we want,
  • but we need to get the customers first
  • in the fierce competition.
  • I'll take your advice.
  • 短期规划 short-term planning
  • What's the short-term planning of your company?
  • We are preparing to enter new markets in Europe.
  • How do you define your term?
  • Our planning is within next year.
  • 长期规划 long-term planning
  • The long-term planning of our company
  • is to compete with the Fortune 500 corporations.
  • When do you plan to enter into Fortune 500?
  • I hope we will be on the list in 2010.
  • 那些都是不可避免的挑战。
  • Those are all inevitable challenges.
  • Can you imagine the challenges for the next 5 years?
  • Those are all inevitable challenges.
  • Can you list some?
  • Like the increasing price of raw materials,
  • fierce competition and over capacity of the industry.


order quantities and timing

A: Henry,what do you think matters the most in purchasing?
B: Order quantities and timing.
A: Why are they important?
B: How and when to buy is a big concern in reducing cost.

Just-in-time (JIT) purchasing

A: Just-in-time purchasing seems to be quite popular now,isn't it?
B: Yes.You know one goal of modern purchasing is to maintain supply continuity
with the minimum inventory investment.
A: I think the goal of JIT purchasing is zero inventory.
B: Theoretically speaking,it is.But in practice,that is rarely achieved.

conduct a market research

A: I am thinking of doing a new business.
B: What sort of business will it be?
A: I've been thinking about opening a supermarket.
B: The business will be good if you choose the right location.
You'd better conduct a market research first.

市场定位 market positioning
A: What is the market positioning for our new products?
B: We focus on the teenagers,their consuming power is increasing day by day.

销售战略 selling strategy
A: Have you predicted our position?
B: We'll be the market leader in the near future.
Our selling strategy is the high quality of our products.

The market will be standardized.

A: What are the opportunities for the next five years?
B: The market will be standardized.
A: And?
B: The government may announce more positive policies to promote the international business.

市场营销策划 marketing plan
A: How is the marketing plan for the new product going on?
Don't forget to analyze the basic four aspects.
B: Don't worry;we've already finished the part about product and promotion.

分销渠道 distribution channels
A: What are the distribution channels you have found for our products?
B: Nowadays,the direct marketing is very popular,such as the internet,telephone,mail, etc.
A: What are the advantages of direct marketing?
B: The most prominent one is reducing the cost.

中间商 intermediary
A: Do you think we should use the intermediaries to help us with the sales?
B: Absolutely.They have knowledge of customers and their needs.

strategic objectives in pricing

A: What are the strategic objectives in your pricing?
B: I'm not sure about it.The least is survival,but we are trying to achieve profit maximization as well.

特许经营权 franchise
A: Are you planning to go with one of those big chain supermarkets?
B: Yes,that is probably reliable.
A: But a franchise from those big supermarkets must be very expensive.
B: Yes,I am thinking how to avoid investing a great deal of money.

Open an overseas branch company

A: Recently,we are preparing to enlarge our business scale further.
B: You mean
A: We are discussing opening an overseas branch company in the US.
B: Great,that's a big market for us to make the profit.

We can apply the experience we have here to develop the branch company.

A: Do we need to hire all the managers and staff in the US?
B: No,the new company cannot be operated by all local people.
A: So we need to send some managers and engineers from the headquaters to help them?
B: Yes,thus we can apply the experience we have here to develop the branch company.

local business culture

A: We also need the local managers,because they know the local business culture.
B: Would you please raise an example?
A: For example,when they negotiate with the American clients,they know better about the difference.
B: It seems we need help from each other.

adjust the management style

A: Our management in China is traditional,but in America,we need to adjust the management style to the local culture.
B: That's right,the management approach in American culture emphasizes independence.
A: So we have to adjust to the different management when we are developing the new market.
B: En,only by doing this can we get the market share in the local market.

an untapped market

A: It's time for us to develop a new market now.
So far,Vietnam is an untapped market for our product.
B: So we'd better find an intermediary in Vietnam to help us begin our business there.

潜在市场 potential markets
A: This year we are going to find more potential markets.
B: That means we'll sell our products to more places?
A: Yes,but we need to remember that some countries don't welcome the aggressive sales.
B: You're right.

犯规 break the rules
A: We have to prepare well before we enter into the new market.
In addition to the culture,we need to understand their law regulations.
B: Yes,it's easy to break the rules if we are not familiar with them.

emphasize the market share when developing new markets.

A: You must remember we emphasize the market share when we develop the new market.
B: How about the other benefits?
A: Of course,profit is what we want,but we need to get the customers first in the fierce competition.
B: I'll take your advice.

短期规划 short-term planning
A: What's the short-term planning of your company?
B: We are preparing to enter new markets in Europe.
A: How do you define your term?
B: Our planning is within next year.

长期规划 long-term planning
A: The long-term planning of our company is to compete with the Fortune 500 corporations.
B: When do you plan to enter into Fortune 500?
A: I hope we will be on the list in 2010.

Those are all inevitable challenges.

A: Can you imagine the challenges for the next 5 years?
B: Those are all inevitable challenges.
A: Can you list some?
B: Like the increasing price of raw materials,
fierce competition and over capacity of the industry.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

inventory ['invəntri]


n. 详细目录,存货(清单)
vt. 编制(详

strategy ['strætidʒi]


n. 战略,策略

define [di'fain]


v. 定义,解释,限定,规定

promotion [prə'məuʃən]


n. 晋升,促进,提升

promote [prə'məut]


vt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销





