1. for a change
eg. Now let me ask you a question, for a change.
现在换我来问你一个问题吧 。
eg. Liz settled back in her seat, comfortably relaxed, enjoying being driven for a change.
莉兹舒服放松地倚在座位上,享受着换别人开车的惬意 。
2. down with the kids
eg. I told you she'd love it. I'm down with the kids.
早说过,她肯定会喜欢的 。我可很会哄小孩啊 。
eg. I'm down with the kids.
我和孩子们一起玩 。
3. keep in with
eg. I had to keep in with the people who mattered.
我得和管事儿的人保持良好关系 。
eg. He always tries to keep in with his neighbours.
他总是努力同邻居搞好关系 。
4. in tune with
eg. Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.
今天,他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍 。
eg. His ideas are in tune with the times.
他的思想符合时代的潮流 。
5. turn down
eg. He kept turning the central heating down.
他不断调低中央暖气的温度 。
eg. She could not bear the relentless music and turned down the volume.
她受不了没完没了的音乐,就把音量调小了 。
6. where it's at
eg. You can get this skirt only in Paris; that's where it's at.
这种裙子只有在巴黎才能买得到,这种样式在那很流行 。
eg. Judging by the crowds waiting to get in this seems to be where it's at.
从争先恐后等待进去的人群来看,这似乎是个热闹去处 。
n. 设计者