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纯正地道美语 第226期(外教讲解):去看病

编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Doctor Evans:Good afternoonChloe, Im Doctor Evans.What seems to be the problem?

Chloe: Hi, Dr Evans. Thanks for seeing me on such short notice. When I woke up this morning I had a really sore throat and a really bad cough. I think I am coming down with the flu.

Doctor Evans:Ah I see, yes you do sound rather croaky.Well lets have a look, shall we? Could you please open your mouth and sayah”.


Doctor Evans:Good, yes, your tonsils are a little swollen and red. How are your ears, blocked at all?

Chloe: A little actually. My sinuses are a little blocked up as well - I really feel terrible.

Doctor Evans: Ok Chloe, can you please breathe in and out slowly for me while I listen to your chest?You really are all bunged up, you dont sound too good at all. OkIm going to set you up with a bunch of antibiotics. You will need to take these orange pills twice a day and these blue pills every evening. You will also have to take this cough medicine three times a day after meals. Finally, I am giving you an inhaler to use every time you feel breathless. . . just to clear up your lungs!

Chloe: Whoa! So many drugs. . . I hate swallowing pills. Am I able to go to work?

Doctor Evans: Absolutely not! You are highly contagious! You dont want to infect the rest of your co-workers do you? I recommend staying in bed for at least three days and drinking plenty of fluids so you dont get weak and dehydrated. You can catch up on all the latest TV shows and movies!

Chloe: Ok! Would you mind writing me a doctors note for work, otherwise they may think I am faking it!

Doctor Evans:Ha-ha, sure not a problem! Here you are.Now off you go and away to bed. If you have any questions just give me a call! Feel better soon and take care.

Chloe:Thanks doc, bye!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
antibiotics [.æntibai'ɔtiks]


n. 抗生素,抗生学

contagious [kən'teidʒəs]


adj. 传染性的,会蔓延的,会传播的

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

infect [in'fekt]


vt. 传染,感染

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,





