第304课:Would you like to be a fashion model?
I think it would be honestly so fun, and so rewarding,2018-10-19 编辑:villa 标签:
第303课:Why do some people choose to wear contact lens
Usually, people think they look better when they wear contact lenses instead of glasses.2018-10-19 编辑:villa 标签:
第302课:Would you ever buy second hand clothing?
I have no problems in buying second hand clothing.2018-10-19 编辑:villa 标签:
第301课:What do you think about guys wearing earrings
I think hoops generally look kind of feminine but studs are ok for guys.2017-12-04 编辑:villa 标签:
第300课:Do you like to wear jewelry
I like to wear jewelry on a special occasion, but not regularly.2017-12-01 编辑:villa 标签:
第299课:How important is fashion to you
At least 80%.It is important to put your face forward to the world, and you can't do that in poor fitting, badly tailored clothes.2017-11-30 编辑:villa 标签:
第298课:Are the roles of men and women in the family c
Women back then didn't really have an actual job or career.2017-11-29 编辑:villa 标签:
第297课:Where do you think is the best place to raise
Honestly...Kentucky. I was raised in NY and I never thought I would live anywhere but NY.2017-11-28 编辑:villa 标签:
第296课:What are some of your family rules?
General rules my kids must follow include:Always say please and thank you;2017-11-27 编辑:villa 标签:
第295课:Who makes the big decisions in your family?
As the head of our family, my husband has the final word on all things.2017-11-24 编辑:villa 标签:
第294课:How many children does the average family have
Nowadays the average is something like 2.5, but since it's rather difficult to have half a child, I'd say two is average.2017-11-23 编辑:villa 标签:
第293课:Do you have a large family or a small family?
I have 8 siblings, 6 of which are married and have at least 2 children.2017-11-22 编辑:villa 标签:
第292课:What can individuals do to help the environmen
There are tons of things we as individuals can do to help the environment.2017-11-21 编辑:villa 标签:
第291课:What can governments do to save our environmen
The governments could fine companies that are environmentally unconscious and reward companies that care for the environment.2017-11-20 编辑:villa 标签:
第290课:What is the biggest environmental problem in t
Coming from the United States of America, I'd have to say that at this point my country's worst environmental problem would have to be the attitude of the people2017-11-17 编辑:villa 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3
