5. 门户网站 portals
【例】Yahoo's advantage: No software needed for access, making it the leading work-site portal.
6. 高速公路 freeway; speedway; thruway
【例】Expressway Adjacent to Suzhou-Kunshan Expressway, Coastal Expressway, Shanghai-Jiading Expressway, Shanghai-Nanjing Expresway,Suzhou-Jiaxing-Hangzhou Expressway and connect National Road 204 and 312, Shanghai-Taicang First Class Road etc.
7. 抗洪 fight [combat] a flood
【例】Overall victory has been achieved in combating floods and the disaster-relief work.
【例】Achieve great victory in the fight against floods
8. 双休日 two-day weekend
通常指周六和周日放假休息的时间,包括大人工作休息以及小孩学习休息。 1994年3月5日,是我国新工时制实行的第一个休息日,人们感到了一个不小的“解放”。
9. 贺岁片 New Year blockbuster
10. 铁饭碗 a secure job; “iron rice bowl” -- a permanent income they would never lose whether they work hard or not; “iron bowl” -- a stable, lifelong job
【例】The so-called " iron rice bowl " prevailed in the past , but things are quite different today.