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  • Uncertainty -- undo Secret wealth Dr.Banning felt undermined.
  • 秘密财富班宁博士觉得有人 在搞暗中破坏.
  • He had trusted his underling too much And because of this he had undercapitalized his business
  • 他过于信任自己的手下 了, 正因为这样, 他的生意出现了 资金不足的问题,
  • And underestimated the burden of his debt! He was near bankruptcy!
  • 并且他低估了自己的 债务压力!他要破产了!He just hoped that he had not uncovered this mess too late.他只希望自己揭开这 团乱麻还为时不晚.
  • He called the underling in to his office To undertake what was sure to be a tense confrontation.
  • 他把手下叫到办公室, 准备进行一场毫无疑问 的激烈冲突.
  • When the underling came in, Dr.Banning was surprised to see that he looked undernourimbed.
  • 手下进来后, 班宁博士惊奇地发现 他看起来营养不良,
  • But Dr.Banning confronted him. He was undisguised with his anger,
  • 但班宁博士还是 与他对抗起来.他一点儿也不掩饰 自己的愤怒,
  • Uncompromising with his demands for an explanation, And unconditional about this being the end of the underling's employment.
  • 毫不妥协地要求他解释并且无条件地把 他给开除了.
  • When the underling had no reaction, Uncertainty crept into the mind of Dr.Banning.
  • 手下没有任何反应, 班宁博士心里倒 有点儿把握不透了.
  • Were there other underlying motives? Was there some undetected benefit to this ruse?
  • 他有什么其他 深藏的动机吗?这一诡计有未被 发现的好处吗?
  • I can undo everything. The underling said. But what underlies your motives? The Dr.asked.
  • 我可以取消这一切. 手下说.可你的动机下面潜藏 着什么?博士问.
  • I secretly invested your money in an underground operation. I have nothing to underpin why I did this
  • 我私自把您的钱 投入到地下运作.我没有任何理由支持 我这样做,
  • Other than to try to help you make more money. But the undergrowth has been so much stress in my life that I can hardly eat.
  • 除了想帮您赚更多的钱但发育不全给我的生活 带来了很大的压力, 我几乎吃不了什么东西
  • I can't undergo this pressure anymore. I am just relieved. Is all of my money gone?
  • 我再也经受不起这样的 压力啦.我总算解脱 了.我所有的钱都没了 吗?
  • Oh no. I have increased your wealth tenfold. But I was always afraid that you would still fire me.
  • 啊, 不.我使您的 财富增长了十倍, 但我一直担心您还是会 解雇我.
  • And you have. I deserve it! Dr.Banning was stunned!
  • 您真的把我给炒了, 我活该!班宁博士惊得目瞪口 呆!
  • Let me underline what I have to say now!Dr.Banning said slowly. You are never to do this again!Now show me what you did..,
  • 让我强调一下我现在 要说的话!班宁 慢慢地说道, 你不许再这样干了! 好了, 告诉我你 都做了什么...
  • And let's do it some more!
  • 我们再多做一点儿吧!


Uncertainty -- undo Secret wealth Dr.Banning felt undermined.

秘密财富班宁博士觉得有人 在搞暗中破坏.

He had trusted his underling too much And because of this he had undercapitalized his business

他过于信任自己的手下 了, 正因为这样, 他的生意出现了 资金不足的问题,

And underestimated the burden of his debt! He was near bankruptcy!

并且他低估了自己的 债务压力!他要破产了!He just hoped that he had not uncovered this mess too late.他只希望自己揭开这 团乱麻还为时不晚.

He called the underling in to his office To undertake what was sure to be a tense confrontation.

他把手下叫到办公室, 准备进行一场毫无疑问 的激烈冲突.

When the underling came in, Dr.Banning was surprised to see that he looked undernourimbed.

手下进来后, 班宁博士惊奇地发现 他看起来营养不良,

But Dr.Banning confronted him. He was undisguised with his anger,

但班宁博士还是 与他对抗起来.他一点儿也不掩饰 自己的愤怒,

Uncompromising with his demands for an explanation, And unconditional about this being the end of the underling's employment.

毫不妥协地要求他解释并且无条件地把 他给开除了.

When the underling had no reaction, Uncertainty crept into the mind of Dr.Banning.

手下没有任何反应, 班宁博士心里倒 有点儿把握不透了.

Were there other underlying motives? Was there some undetected benefit to this ruse?

他有什么其他 深藏的动机吗?这一诡计有未被 发现的好处吗?

I can undo everything. The underling said. But what underlies your motives? The Dr.asked.

我可以取消这一切. 手下说.可你的动机下面潜藏 着什么?博士问.

I secretly invested your money in an underground operation. I have nothing to underpin why I did this

我私自把您的钱 投入到地下运作.我没有任何理由支持 我这样做,

Other than to try to help you make more money. But the undergrowth has been so much stress in my life that I can hardly eat.

除了想帮您赚更多的钱但发育不全给我的生活 带来了很大的压力, 我几乎吃不了什么东西

I can't undergo this pressure anymore. I am just relieved. Is all of my money gone?

我再也经受不起这样的 压力啦.我总算解脱 了.我所有的钱都没了 吗?

Oh no. I have increased your wealth tenfold. But I was always afraid that you would still fire me.

啊, 不.我使您的 财富增长了十倍, 但我一直担心您还是会 解雇我.

And you have. I deserve it! Dr.Banning was stunned!

您真的把我给炒了, 我活该!班宁博士惊得目瞪口 呆!

Let me underline what I have to say now!Dr.Banning said slowly. You are never to do this again!Now show me what you did..,

让我强调一下我现在 要说的话!班宁 慢慢地说道, 你不许再这样干了! 好了, 告诉我你 都做了什么...

And let's do it some more!


重点单词   查看全部解释    
reaction [ri'ækʃən]


n. 反应,反作用力,化学反应

confrontation [.kɔnfrʌn'teiʃən]


n. 对审,面对面,面对

underling ['ʌndəliŋ]


n. 部下,下属

uncertainty [ʌn'sə:tnti]


n. 不确定,不可靠,半信半疑 (学术)不可信度; 偏差

underestimated [,ʌndə'estimeit]


vt. 低估;看轻 n. 低估

uncovered [,ʌn'kʌvəd]


adj. 无覆盖物的;未保险的;无盖的 v. 脱帽致敬;

underlying [.ʌndə'laiiŋ]


adj. 在下面的,基本的,隐含的

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

deserve [di'zə:v]


vi. 应该得到
vt. 应受,值得





