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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Vain -- verbal The vanished van Ted, my van has vanished! Bill said.
  • 消失的货车泰德, 我的货车 不见了!比尔说.
  • No way!What kind of variant would want that horribly varnished vehicle? Replied Ted.
  • 不可能!什么样的变种 会要那辆亮得 可怕的车呀?泰德回答道.
  • I don't know. But it was only 10 minutes ago and they can't have gone that far!
  • 不知道, 才过了10分钟, 他们不可能走太远!
  • Let's test the validity of the police And see if they can use their vast resources to help us!
  • 让我们检验一下 警察的效力, 看看他们是不是能 利用他们巨大的 资源帮助我们!
  • Go for it!Ted said as he vaulted in the air with hope. Bill contacted the police and they searched for three days in vain.
  • 我们试一下吧!泰德 说他满怀希望地跳了起 来.比尔找了警察, 他们找了三天, 结果却是徒劳.
  • They checked every venue, searched roadside vegetation, And even made a verbal announcement on the radio.
  • 他们查过了每个犯罪 地点、路边的植物丛, 甚至在电台做了 口头声明.
  • After every variable had been checked, Double checked and triple checked, the police gave up.
  • 每种可变性都查过了, 查了第二遍, 又查第三遍, 最后警察放弃了.
  • That was a doomed venture from the start! Bill said again. I guess we'll have to find it ourselves!
  • 从一开始, 这种冒险 就注定没有希望! 比尔又说.我想咱们得自己去 找!
  • Together Bill and Ted came up with numerous variations On what could have happened.
  • 比尔和泰德一起做出了 各种不同的推测对可能发生的情况
  • The various scenarios were fairly implausible, however, And Bill and Ted were getting hungry.
  • 然而, 各种可能都 难以让人相信, 而且两人也开始 感到饿了.
  • They decided to get something to eat. Bill, note the variety of high cuisine meat available at this burger joint!
  • 他们决定去 弄点儿吃的.比尔, 看这家汉堡店 高级烹调肉的 种类还真多!
  • Ted said. I agree.But the quality will certainly vary depending on the duration of grill time
  • 泰德说.是的, 但是根据不同 的烤制时间, 质量 当然也不一样!
  • I recommend a well-done burger! Oh wait!Ted, weren't we going to be vegetarians for a month?
  • 我建议咱们吃肉熟 一点儿的汉堡!哦, 等一下!泰德, 我们不是要做 一个月的素食者吗?
  • Naaahh. Said Bill and Ted together. As they sat down behind the burger joint to eat their burgers
  • 不不不不. 两人同时说道.坐在汉堡店的 后面吃汉堡时,
  • They leaned against a wooden wall that felt strangely familiar. They jumped back in surprise
  • 他们靠在一堵木墙上, 这堵墙感觉有点儿熟.他俩吃惊地跳了起来,
  • To see their van hidden there under a canopy next to a large ventilation chamber. Awesome! They both yelled as they climbed into their van.
  • 因为他们看到他们的货 车就藏在一间大的通风 室旁边的一个天篷下面太可怕了!他们 大叫着爬进车里,
  • Their keys were still in the ignition.
  • 他们的钥匙还插在 发火装置上.


Vain -- verbal The vanished van Ted, my van has vanished! Bill said.

消失的货车泰德, 我的货车 不见了!比尔说.

No way!What kind of variant would want that horribly varnished vehicle? Replied Ted.

不可能!什么样的变种 会要那辆亮得 可怕的车呀?泰德回答道.

I don't know. But it was only 10 minutes ago and they can't have gone that far!

不知道, 才过了10分钟, 他们不可能走太远!

Let's test the validity of the police And see if they can use their vast resources to help us!

让我们检验一下 警察的效力, 看看他们是不是能 利用他们巨大的 资源帮助我们!

Go for it!Ted said as he vaulted in the air with hope. Bill contacted the police and they searched for three days in vain.

我们试一下吧!泰德 说他满怀希望地跳了起 来.比尔找了警察, 他们找了三天, 结果却是徒劳.

They checked every venue, searched roadside vegetation, And even made a verbal announcement on the radio.

他们查过了每个犯罪 地点、路边的植物丛, 甚至在电台做了 口头声明.

After every variable had been checked, Double checked and triple checked, the police gave up.

每种可变性都查过了, 查了第二遍, 又查第三遍, 最后警察放弃了.

That was a doomed venture from the start! Bill said again. I guess we'll have to find it ourselves!

从一开始, 这种冒险 就注定没有希望! 比尔又说.我想咱们得自己去 找!

Together Bill and Ted came up with numerous variations On what could have happened.

比尔和泰德一起做出了 各种不同的推测对可能发生的情况

The various scenarios were fairly implausible, however, And Bill and Ted were getting hungry.

然而, 各种可能都 难以让人相信, 而且两人也开始 感到饿了.

They decided to get something to eat. Bill, note the variety of high cuisine meat available at this burger joint!

他们决定去 弄点儿吃的.比尔, 看这家汉堡店 高级烹调肉的 种类还真多!

Ted said. I agree.But the quality will certainly vary depending on the duration of grill time

泰德说.是的, 但是根据不同 的烤制时间, 质量 当然也不一样!

I recommend a well-done burger! Oh wait!Ted, weren't we going to be vegetarians for a month?

我建议咱们吃肉熟 一点儿的汉堡!哦, 等一下!泰德, 我们不是要做 一个月的素食者吗?

Naaahh. Said Bill and Ted together. As they sat down behind the burger joint to eat their burgers

不不不不. 两人同时说道.坐在汉堡店的 后面吃汉堡时,

They leaned against a wooden wall that felt strangely familiar. They jumped back in surprise

他们靠在一堵木墙上, 这堵墙感觉有点儿熟.他俩吃惊地跳了起来,

To see their van hidden there under a canopy next to a large ventilation chamber. Awesome! They both yelled as they climbed into their van.

因为他们看到他们的货 车就藏在一间大的通风 室旁边的一个天篷下面太可怕了!他们 大叫着爬进车里,

Their keys were still in the ignition.

他们的钥匙还插在 发火装置上.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
joint [dʒɔint]


adj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

vary ['vɛəri]


v. 变化,改变,使多样化

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

doomed [dumd]


adj. 命中注定的 动词doom的过去式和过去分词

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

canopy ['kænəpi]


n. 天篷,遮篷,苍穹

validity [væ'liditi]


n. 有效性,正确性,正当

grill [gril]


n. 烤架,铁格子,烧烤(食物) vt. (在烤架上)烤

announcement [ə'naunsmənt]


n. 通知,发表,宣布





