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- The heart is a beating muscle that pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body through a network of arteries and veins.
- 心脏是一个肌性(器官),将富含氧气的血液通过动静脉网泵到全身。
- What we commonly call "blood pressure" is the measurement taken when the heart's left ventricle contracts,
- 我们通常所说的血压测的是左心室收缩
- and blood is forced through the arteries.
- 将血液射入动脉时的血压。
- As the blood travels from the heart, it exerts pressure against the walls of the arteries.
- 当血液从心脏射出后,血液对血管壁施加压力。
- This is referred to as blood pressure.
- 这就是血压。
- Blood pressure is used to evaluate the force and amount of blood being pumped from the heart
- 血压被用来评估从心脏射出的血液的量和力度,
- as well as the flexibility and condition of the arteries.
- 也用来评估动脉的弹性和健康状况。
- There are two components of a blood pressure measurement.
- 血压的测量包含两个内容。
- The first is the systolic pressure, which is recorded when blood pressure is at its maximum during contraction of the left ventricle.
- 第一是收缩压的测量。左心室收缩时当血压达到最高值时测得收缩压。
- The second component is diastolic pressure.
- 第二是舒张压的测量。
- This measurement is obtained when the blood pressure is at its lowest point when the heart is at rest between beats.
- 心脏在心动周期休息时当血压达到最低值时测得舒张压。
The heart is a beating muscle that pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body through a network of arteries and veins. What we commonly call "blood pressure" is the measurement taken when the heart's left ventricle contracts, and blood is forced through the arteries. As the blood travels from the heart, it exerts pressure against the walls of the arteries. This is referred to as blood pressure.

Blood pressure is used to evaluate the force and amount of blood being pumped from the heart as well as the flexibility and condition of the arteries.
There are two components of a blood pressure measurement. The first is the systolic pressure, which is recorded when blood pressure is at its maximum during contraction of the left ventricle. The second component is diastolic pressure. This measurement is obtained when the blood pressure is at its lowest point when the heart is at rest between beats.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/hangye/201512/419084.shtml