n. 伸展,延长,扩充,电话分机
- I would like to talk to Mr.Liu.
- 我想请刘先生来听电话。
- May I speak to Mr.Johnson,please?
- 我想请约翰逊先生听电话好吗?
- May I speak to your boss?
- 我想和你们的老板讲话好吗?
- Is there anyone who can speak English?
- 请问有没有会讲英语的?
- Give me someone who can speak English.
- 找一位能讲英语的人来。
- I would like to talk with someone in charge.
- 我想请你们负责人讲话。
- I would like to talk to your chief.
- 我想请你们主管讲话。
- Let me talk to Mr.Wang.
- 我要请王先生讲话。
- Can I speak to Mr.Li?
- 我能请李先生讲话吗?
- When is he expected to be back?
- 他什么时候回来?
- Can you tell me what time Mr.Chen will be back?
- 你能否告诉我陈先生何时会回来?
- Who is this,please?
- 请问你是哪一位?
- Who is calling,please?
- 请问你是谁?
- May I have your name?
- 请问你姓名?
- Whom are you calling?
- 你要找谁?
- Will you please spell his name for me?
- 请你把他的名字拼给我好吗?
- Please say it again.
- 请再说一遍。
- Will you please repeat it ?
- 请你重说一遍好吗?
- Would you speak a little louder?
- 请你说大声一点好吗?
- Will you speak up,please?
- 请你大声一点好吗?
- Will you speak more slowly?
- 请你说慢一点好吗?
- Mr.Wang is not in now.
- 王先生现在不在此地。
- He is not in now.
- 他现在不在这里。
- He has not come in yet.
- 他还没有来。
- He will be here in 30 minutes.
- 他在30分钟内会到这里来。
- He has gone home.
- 他已经回家去了。
- He has left already.
- 他已经离开了。
- He is attending a conference now.
- 他现在正在开会。
- He is in conference.
- 他正在开会。
- May I take your message?
- 你需要留言吗?
- May I have him call you back?
- 要我请他回你的电话吗?
- I am sorry Mr.Chen is unavailable,would you like to speak to anyone else?
- 抱歉陈先生不在,你要不要跟其他人讲话?
- I will transfer this call to Mr.Chen.
- 我把这个电话转给陈先生。
- Would you hold the line,please,I will find out his number for you.
- 请你不要挂断,我替你找他的号码。
- I am sorry to keep you waiting.
- 真抱歉,让你久等了。
- His extension number is 285.
- 他的分机号码是285。
- He is speaking on another phone.
- 他正在接听别的电话。
- Would you please take a message?
- 请你代我留话好吗?
- Would you like to leave any message?
- 你要留什么话吗?
- I would like to place a station_to_station call.
- 我要打一个叫号电话。
- I would like to place a person_to_person call.
- 我要打一个叫人电话。
- I don't know how to do that.
- 我不知道怎么打。
- Will you accept the charge.
- 你愿意付电话费用吗?
- Where is the telephone office?
- 电话局在什么地方?
- Is there a public phone near here?
- 这附近有公用电话吗?
- Do you have a coin for the phone?
- 你有打电话的硬币吗?
- How do I call this number?
- 这个号码怎样打?
- Do you have a phone book(directory)?
- 你有电话簿吗?
- I would like to make a long distance call to Taibei.
- 我想打个长途电话到台北去。
- I want to make an overseas call to the United States?
- 我想打个电话到美国去。
- How much is a call to the United States?
- 打一个电话到美国去需要多少钱?
- Will you please call me back?
- 请你回我一个电话好吗?
- May I use your telephone?
- 我可以用你的电话吗?
- Someone is using the phone.
- 有人在用电话。
- Do you have an extension?
- 你有分机吗?
- We don't have an extension.
- 我们没有分机。
- There is a phone booth in the corner.
- 在转角处有个电话亭。
- It is a pay phone.
- 那是一个付费电话。
- Whom do you want to call?
- 你要打电话给谁?
- I want to make a local call.
- 我要打个市内电话。
- What is the number?
- 号码是多少?
- I don't know the phone number.
- 我不知道电话号码。
- Call information for the number.
- 打查号台查询电话号码。
- The phone seems to be out of order.
- 电话好像出故障了。
- I tried several times to call,but there is no answer.
- 我打了几次,但是没有人回答。
- I'm going to dial the number.
- 我要拨这个号码。
- The telephone is ringing.
- 电话铃响了。
- No one is answering the phone.
- 没有人接电话。
- My friend phoned me at 10 a.m.yesterday.
- 我的朋友昨天上午10点打电话给我。
- The phone is busy.
- 电话占线。
- Sorry to have kept you waiting.
- 抱歉使你久等了。
- Who do you want to speak to?
- 你要跟谁讲话?
- What number are you calling?
- 你打什么号码?
- Operator,you gave me a wrong number.
- 总机,你给我接错号码了。
- Where are you calling from?
- 你从哪里打来的?
- I'm calling from a public phone.
- 我打的是公用电话。
- Contact me by telephone.
- 电话跟我联络。
- I will be in between six and eight.
- 我6点至8点都在。
- I will be here all night.
- 我整晚都在这里。
- All right,I will be waiting for you.
- 好的,我会等候你的。

41.I would like to place a station_to_station call.
42.I would like to place a person_to_person call.
43.I don't know how to do that.
44.Will you accept the charge.
45.Where is the telephone office?
46.Is there a public phone near here?
47.Do you have a coin for the phone?
48.How do I call this number?
49.Do you have a phone book(directory)?
50.I would like to make a long distance call to Taibei.
51.I want to make an overseas call to the United States?
52.How much is a call to the United States?
53.Will you please call me back?
54.May I use your telephone?
55.Someone is using the phone.
56.Do you have an extension?
57.We don't have an extension.
58.There is a phone booth in the corner.
59.It is a pay phone.
60.Whom do you want to call?
61.I want to make a local call.
62.What is the number?
63.I don't know the phone number.
64.Call information for the number.
65.The phone seems to be out of order.
66.I tried several times to call,but there is no answer.
67.I'm going to dial the number.
68.The telephone is ringing.
69.No one is answering the phone.
70.My friend phoned me at 10 a.m.yesterday.
71.The phone is busy.
72.Sorry to have kept you waiting.
73.Who do you want to speak to?
74.What number are you calling?
75.Operator,you gave me a wrong number.
76.Where are you calling from?
77.I'm calling from a public phone.
78.Contact me by telephone.
79.I will be in between six and eight.
80.I will be here all night.
81.All right,I will be waiting for you.
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
extension | [iks'tenʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
transfer | [træns'fə:] | 联想记忆 | ||
conference | ['kɔnfərəns] | 联想记忆 | ||
minutes | ['minits] | |||
unavailable | ['ʌnə'veiləbl] |

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