1.stun v.(使)昏厥(daze);(使)震惊(astonish)
例:Dolphins used loud clicks to stun their prey at close range.//The president's assassination stunned the entire nation.
2.stunning a.极富魅力的(strikingly impressive in beauty or excellence)
例:Researchers in Germany have unearthed those wooden spears from what appears to be an ancient lakeshore hunting ground, stunning evidence that human ancestors systematically hunted big game much earlier than believed.
派生词:stunningly( ad.绝妙地;令人震惊地)
3.stunt n.噱头(one performed or undertaken chiefly to gain attention or publicity);v.阻碍,妨碍(发育)(to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of)
例:Smokers complained that their prospects for being hired and promoted are being stunted by their habit.
4.sturdy a.结实的;坚固的(firmly built or constituted)
例:a worker's sturdy frame工人强健的体格//sturdy construction坚固的结构
5.subgroup n.小群;隶属的小组织(a subset of a mathematical group that is itself group)
例:It would help researchers to identify subgroups of patients with secondary conditions that might also be treatable.
6.subject a.(to)受制于…的( under the authority of sth./sb.);n.国民(citizen);主题(something represented or indicated in a work of art);科目(a department of knowledge)
例:Any flying vertebrate is subject to aerodynamic constraints.//The queen is supported by her subjects' tax money.
7.sublanguage n.[计]子语言
例:Nobody knows exactly how many languages there are in the world, partly because of the difficulty of distinguishing between a language and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but those who have tried to count-typically have found about five thousand.
adj. 强健的,健全的