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II 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项,选山最佳选项,. 并仵答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The data shows that thru is a gender imbalance of twenty ion more men than women under thirty in China. You would think that so many suitably bachelors out there that any young Chinese woman could have her pick. But the fact is that there arc many "Shinny" in China. Media reports say thru may be as many as 500,000 "Shinny" in the capital.
The term Shinny", directly translated as "1eftover women", refers to peculated women in their late twenties who are still single. Quite simply, "no" means women and "sheen" means left over but, depending on how you look at it, sheen" can also man successful. Some believe that the phrase was invented as a play on words to mean that "shinny" is actually a positive way to portray being a single, successful woman.
"Shinny" are pioneers in modern day China. They are able to enjoy their success in big cities with very little restriction. They are aware of the pressure society puts on them to get married but they are all highly educated and financially independent therefore there is not an immediate need to find a husband to support them.
Chinese people often think males should be higher in a relationship in every sense, including height, age, education and salary. This leads to a phenomenon in which A-grade men marry B-grade women, B-grade mice marry Grade women ankle C-grade man marry D-grade women. Only A-grade women and D-grade men can't find partners. Apparently, if you are an "A-grade" woman, finding a husbandly better than you (a must in Chinese culture apparently) is hard to do.
These women are leftover" because they are "too successful" and therefore have high standards when it comes to picking their lifelong partners. They arc free and able to live independently, which was not so possible for previous generations. Right now it seems family guilt is the only real factor contributing to decreasing China's "Shinny" population, as daughters give in t. o the demands of their families. As China rapidly modernizes, the term "Shinny" may even develop into a wholly positive label.
26. The umlerlinccl part in Paragraph I implies that Chinese young women
A. will be picked up by single young men
B. will become "Shinny" in large numbers
C. have a wide range of’ choices For husbands
D. prefer to stay in the capital of the country
27. Which of the following about 1ettover women" is TRUE?
A. They are educated in the capital.
B. They are almost thirty years old.
C. They prefer to be single women.
D. They are successful in business.
28. One reason for "Shinny" not being in a hurry to have a husband is that they _
A. are pincers in modern society
B. have no restriction in life
C. bear no pressure from society
D. don't need to depend on others
29. Why should Chinese husbands be higher in different senses than their wives’
A. Because they can't fad wives of higher grades.
B. Because they have different education backgrounds.
C. Because Chinese culture requires them to do so.
D. Because men won't mar}' successful women.
30. What conclusion can we make about "Shinny" in the future'?
A. They may become positive images.
B. They may become more successful.
C. They will have higher standards for partners.
D. They will ignore the demands of their Israelis.

On 2 September, 1666, the citizens of London woke to see the city's crowded wooden houses on fire. The fir started in a baker's shop in Pudding Lane in the early hours of the morning. By the time it burned Alit Otis 5 September around 13,000 buildings had been destroyed, including the original St Paul's Cathedral, 87 churches and 52 company halls. Between 65,000 and 80,000 people lost their homes, although thankfully only a handful wcrc recorded as having been killed. The estimated cost of the fire was around 10 million pounds.
Soon after the fire, several designs work put forward for the redevelopment of London, among them once from Wren, a favorite or King Charles TI. A common theme was streets spreading out from the river and crossing with others running parallel to it. However, a lack of money to buy the land and the need to rebuild the city quickly ruined all his grand ideas.
Instead, nearly 3,000 houses were built within the first three years, mostly back on the original layout.
The task of getting London rebuilt was given to a commits of six men, including Wren. Their role was to manage surveys of ruined properties and consider the fun and scald of new buildings, and any adjustments to the streets.
The major roads were widened to reduce the risk of fires spreading in futile. For the same reason, buildings were constructed largely from brick and stunk instead of wood. Guidelines were also made for the height of houses and about how much woo could be used on the outside. There was even a new rule insisting on the use of downpipes, to stop problems with rainwater flowing down from gutters(拌水沟).
Although others designed and rebuilt many properties in Lincoln after the Great Fir, Wren was the most product. vie architect. In total, he designed and supervised the construction of 52 churches, 36 company halls, two great hospitals and St Paul's Cathedral, aim or which took 35 years to complete. Many of’ these still stand today. Wren was also one of the architects of the 62 meter-tall Monument, a memorial to the Great Fir which stands close to the sit where it started.
31. According to the passage, the fire in London
A. lasted four days before it was out
B. started in the wealthy neighborhood
C. broke out in the afternoon
D. caused thousands deaths
32. Wren's grand ideas to rebuild the city were ruined partly because .
A. King Charles II didn't approve obit
B. they were short of money to pay workers
C. houses should be rebuilt in their fencer place
D. his design required more time than needled
33. Which of the following measures helped prevent fires?
A. All newly-built roads were widened.
B. All new buildings were of the same height.
C. A limited amount of wood was used.
D. A large number of downpipes were used.
34. What can be learned from the last paragraph?
A. Wren designed most of the new buildings.
B. It took 35 years to build St Paul's Cathedral.
C. Today we can see some buildings lessened by Wren.
D. Two architects designed the 62-metcr tall Monument.
35. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Works oaf Great Architect
C. The Great Fire of London
B. Reconstruction of London
D. Measures against Great Fir

重点单词   查看全部解释    
vie [vai]


v. 竞争

entry ['entri]


n. 进入,入口,登记,条目

architect ['ɑ:kitekt]


n. 建筑师

parallel ['pærəlel]


adj. 平行的,相同的,类似的,并联的

musician [mju:'ziʃən]


n. 音乐家,作曲家

commission [kə'miʃən]


n. 委员会,委托,委任,佣金,犯罪

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

ignore [ig'nɔ:]


vt. 不顾,不理,忽视

advertise ['ædvətaiz]


v. 登广告,为 ... 做广告,宣传

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的





