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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U11A Soldier's Heart(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • When I was finally discharged from Kings Parks, the more evident symptoms of my illness had disappeared
  • 在我最终从“国王公园”出院时,那些比较明显的病症已经消失,
  • When I was finally discharged from Kings Parks, the more evident symptoms of my illness had disappeared
  • 在我最终从“国王公园”出院时,那些比较明显的病症已经消失,
  • so that I was thought of as a reasonable and levelheaded man.
  • 因此我被认为是一个通情达理、头脑冷静的人。
  • so that I was thought of as a reasonable and levelheaded man.
  • 因此我被认为是一个通情达理、头脑冷静的人。
  • But the cure would take time.
  • 不过,治愈尚需时间。
  • But the cure would take time.
  • 不过,治愈尚需时间。
  • For some years I was subject to the sudden onsets I have mentioned:
  • 有几年,我前面提到过的病症会突然发作:
  • For some years I was subject to the sudden onsets I have mentioned:
  • 有几年,我前面提到过的病症会突然发作:
  • a heart that beat faster, and shaking, and sweating.
  • 心脏快搏,浑身发抖,盗汗。
  • a heart that beat faster, and shaking, and sweating.
  • 心脏快搏,浑身发抖,盗汗。
  • I would imagine shells falling and hear the sound of guns.
  • 我时常想象到炮弹落地,听到枪声大作。
  • I would imagine shells falling and hear the sound of guns.
  • 我时常想象到炮弹落地,听到枪声大作。
  • I could not stand being confined.
  • 我无法忍受被幽闭的感觉,
  • I could not stand being confined.
  • 我无法忍受被幽闭的感觉,
  • And I had the habits that remain with soldiers.
  • 还保持着当兵时养成的习惯,
  • And I had the habits that remain with soldiers.
  • 还保持着当兵时养成的习惯,
  • One in particular: when I went walking I would keep an eye peeled for an enemy position.
  • 特别是在散步时,我常常留神监视着敌人阵地。
  • One in particular: when I went walking I would keep an eye peeled for an enemy position.
  • 特别是在散步时,我常常留神监视着敌人阵地。
  • If there was an open field I would think, how are we going to get across that?
  • 如果有一片开阔的地方,我就想,我们如何才能通过呢?
  • If there was an open field I would think, how are we going to get across that?
  • 如果有一片开阔的地方,我就想,我们如何才能通过呢?
  • I imagined lying again on a railroad embankment in Normandy, waiting to be told to go over it in spite of the bullets that were sweeping to and fro directly above me.
  • 我曾想象着自己正在诺曼底趴在铁路路基上,尽管头上弹雨横飞,还等待着命令冲过去。
  • I imagined lying again on a railroad embankment in Normandy, waiting to be told to go over it in spite of the bullets that were sweeping to and fro directly above me.
  • 我曾想象着自己正在诺曼底趴在铁路路基上,尽管头上弹雨横飞,还等待着命令冲过去。
  • That day I was sure I would be killed.
  • 那天, 我断定自己必死无疑。
  • That day I was sure I would be killed.
  • 那天, 我断定自己必死无疑。
  • Or I was in a graveyard in Holland with shells falling and the living getting mixed in with the dead.
  • 我还会想象到自己正呆在荷兰的一片墓地里,头上弹片在飞落,地上生者与死者的尸体混在一起,难以分辨。
  • Or I was in a graveyard in Holland with shells falling and the living getting mixed in with the dead.
  • 我还会想象到自己正呆在荷兰的一片墓地里,头上弹片在飞落,地上生者与死者的尸体混在一起,难以分辨。
  • I was in the Ardennes, standing in a foxhole among trees covered with snow and stamping my feet.
  • 有时我在阿登高原,站在白雪覆盖的树林里的一个散兵 坑里,跺着脚,
  • I was in the Ardennes, standing in a foxhole among trees covered with snow and stamping my feet.
  • 有时我在阿登高原,站在白雪覆盖的树林里的一个散兵 坑里,跺着脚,
  • They were freezing.
  • 我的脚都冻僵了。
  • They were freezing.
  • 我的脚都冻僵了。


When I was finally discharged from Kings Parks, the more evident symptoms of my illness had disappeared

so that I was thought of as a reasonable and levelheaded man.
But the cure would take time.
For some years I was subject to the sudden onsets I have mentioned:
a heart that beat faster, and shaking, and sweating.
I would imagine shells falling and hear the sound of guns.
I could not stand being confined.
And I had the habits that remain with soldiers.
One in particular: when I went walking I would keep an eye peeled for an enemy position.
If there was an open field I would think, how are we going to get across that?
I imagined lying again on a railroad embankment in Normandy, waiting to be told to go over it in spite of the bullets that were sweeping to and fro directly above me.
That day I was sure I would be killed.
那天, 我断定自己必死无疑。
Or I was in a graveyard in Holland with shells falling and the living getting mixed in with the dead.
I was in the Ardennes, standing in a foxhole among trees covered with snow and stamping my feet.
有时我在阿登高原,站在白雪覆盖的树林里的一个散兵 坑里,跺着脚,
They were freezing.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
confined [kən'faind]


adj. 幽禁的;狭窄的;有限制的;在分娩中的 v. 限

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

reasonable ['ri:znəbl]


adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的





