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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U11A Soldier's Heart(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The patients in this hospital saw very little of the doctors.
  • 这家医院的病人们很少见到医生。
  • The patients in this hospital saw very little of the doctors.
  • 这家医院的病人们很少见到医生。
  • There was one who would come now and then, but I don't recall any conversation with him that lasted more than a minute.
  • 有一位医生时常来,但我不记得和他有过一分钟以上的谈话。
  • There was one who would come now and then, but I don't recall any conversation with him that lasted more than a minute.
  • 有一位医生时常来,但我不记得和他有过一分钟以上的谈话。
  • There were two women—one was a nurse, the other seemed to have some training in psychology.
  • 有两位妇女——一位是护士,另一位看来受过心理学培训。
  • There were two women—one was a nurse, the other seemed to have some training in psychology.
  • 有两位妇女——一位是护士,另一位看来受过心理学培训。
  • Their main duty was to see that the patients were quiet or harmlessly busy playing cards or board games or reading a magazine.
  • 她们的主要职责是保证病人安静,能忙于打牌、下棋、看杂志这样的无害性活动。
  • Their main duty was to see that the patients were quiet or harmlessly busy playing cards or board games or reading a magazine.
  • 她们的主要职责是保证病人安静,能忙于打牌、下棋、看杂志这样的无害性活动。
  • There were also three guards.
  • 另外还有三个警卫人员,
  • There were also three guards.
  • 另外还有三个警卫人员,
  • Much of the time, especially during the evening and night hours, they ran the ward.
  • 他们大多时间在管理病房,特别是在夜晚。
  • Much of the time, especially during the evening and night hours, they ran the ward.
  • 他们大多时间在管理病房,特别是在夜晚。
  • Two of the guards were the kind Chekhov describes in Ward No.6.
  • 有两个警卫是契诃夫在《第六病室》中描写的那种人物。
  • Two of the guards were the kind Chekhov describes in Ward No.6.
  • 有两个警卫是契诃夫在《第六病室》中描写的那种人物。
  • One was a skinny man with a dull face.
  • 一个瘦骨嶙峋,长着一副毫无表情的面孔,
  • One was a skinny man with a dull face.
  • 一个瘦骨嶙峋,长着一副毫无表情的面孔,
  • The trigger finger of his right hand was missing.
  • 右手食指缺了一截。
  • The trigger finger of his right hand was missing.
  • 右手食指缺了一截。
  • Once he waggled the stump under my face with a sly smile.
  • 有一次,他狡猾地笑着,把他那只断指在我面前晃了晃。
  • Once he waggled the stump under my face with a sly smile.
  • 有一次,他狡猾地笑着,把他那只断指在我面前晃了晃。
  • This, he gave me to understand, was why he had been excused from military service.
  • 他要让我明白,这就是他免于服役的原因。
  • This, he gave me to understand, was why he had been excused from military service.
  • 他要让我明白,这就是他免于服役的原因。
  • The other was stocky and muscular, with a bullet head.
  • 另一个是个矮小结实、肌肉发达的家伙,脑袋长得像个子弹头。
  • The other was stocky and muscular, with a bullet head.
  • 另一个是个矮小结实、肌肉发达的家伙,脑袋长得像个子弹头。
  • He was dangerous—he liked to beat up the patients.
  • 他是个危险的人物——他喜欢殴打病人。
  • He was dangerous—he liked to beat up the patients.
  • 他是个危险的人物——他喜欢殴打病人。
  • He informed me that he was the one who had knocked out my front teeth when I was first brought to the ward.
  • 他告诉我,当我第一次被送到病房时,就是他打掉了我的门牙。
  • He informed me that he was the one who had knocked out my front teeth when I was first brought to the ward.
  • 他告诉我,当我第一次被送到病房时,就是他打掉了我的门牙。
  • He seemed to think it was a joke I would like to share.
  • 他似乎觉得这是一个我喜欢听的笑话。
  • He seemed to think it was a joke I would like to share.
  • 他似乎觉得这是一个我喜欢听的笑话。


The patients in this hospital saw very little of the doctors.

There was one who would come now and then, but I don't recall any conversation with him that lasted more than a minute.
There were two womenone was a nurse, the other seemed to have some training in psychology.
Their main duty was to see that the patients were quiet or harmlessly busy playing cards or board games or reading a magazine.
There were also three guards.
Much of the time, especially during the evening and night hours, they ran the ward.
Two of the guards were the kind Chekhov describes in Ward No.6.
One was a skinny man with a dull face.
The trigger finger of his right hand was missing.
Once he waggled the stump under my face with a sly smile.
This, he gave me to understand, was why he had been excused from military service.
The other was stocky and muscular, with a bullet head.
He was dangeroushe liked to beat up the patients.
He informed me that he was the one who had knocked out my front teeth when I was first brought to the ward.
He seemed to think it was a joke I would like to share.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dull [dʌl]


adj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

muscular ['mʌskjulə]


adj. 肌肉的,肌肉发达的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

ward [wɔ:d]


n. 守卫,监护,受监护人,病房,行政区

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

informed [in'fɔ:md]


adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队





