Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
1. N 2. Y 3. NG 4. N
5. some older trees die
6. the canopy layer
7. kill the host tree
8. symbiotic
9. insects and birds/insects/birds/animals
10. an unknown planet
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
1. N 第一段第二句“Today, tropical rainforests cover only 6 percent of the Earth's ground surface,but they are home to over half of the planet's plant and animal species”中提到,热带雨林占全球面积的6%,却拥有超过地球一半以上的动植物种类。这句话表明,不是所有动植物物种都能在热带雨林中找到,比如很多海洋生物就不能在热带雨林中找到。
2.根据“What Is a Rainforest?”部分第三段中的“Since rainforests are at the middle of the globe,located near the equator,they are not especially affected by this change.They receive nearly the same amount of sunlight,and therefore heat,all year.Consequently,the weather in these regions remains fairly constant”,此说法是正确的。
4.由“What Is a Rainforest?”部分最后一段中的两句话“As you go lower,down into the rainforest,you find less and less greenery.”和“The overabundance of plants gathering sunlight at the top of the forest blocks most sunlight from reaching the bottom of the forest,making it difficult, for robust plants to thrive.”可见,由于浓密的树冠层挡住了大部分阳光,地面的植被并不茂盛。所以,题中说法是错误的。
5.“The Forest for the Trees”部分第一段中的“New tree seedlings rarely survive to make is to the top unless some older trees die,creating a “hole” in the canopy.”因此,答案是“some older trees die”.只有老树死亡后,新的树苗才能成活,向上生长,到达树冠层。
6.“The Forest for the Trees”部分最后一段中提到“Epiphytes are close enough to the top to receive adequate light,and the runoff from the canopy layer provides all the water and nutrients they need,which is important since they don't have access to the nutrients in the ground.”可见为附生植物提供水和养分的是树冠层。故正确答案为“the canopy layer”。
7.由“Strangler and Buttresses”部分的第一段最后一句“Eventually,the strangler may block so much light from above,and absorb such a high percentage of nutrients from the ground below, that the host tree dies.”可见附生植物最终导致宿主树木死亡。故答案为“kill the host tree”.
8.由“Strangler and Buttresses”部分的第三段中的“Rainforest bacteria and trees have a very close,symbiotic relationship.The trees provide the bacteria with fond,in the form of fallen leaves and other material,and the bacteria break this material down into the nutrients that the trees need to survive.”可知树木为细菌提供食物,细菌则分解这些东西,反过来为树木提供养分.它们之间是密切的共生关系。故答案为“symbiotic”。
9.由“All Creatures,Great and Small”部分第二段“As they travel,the insects may pick up the plants' seeds,dropping them some distance away.”和第三段“This helps to disperse the population of the plant species over a larger area.By the time they excrete the seeds,the birds may have flown many miles away from the fruit-bearing tree,”可见昆虫和鸟类都能帮助植物传播种子。雨林中生活的大量动物其实也帮助植物传播种子。所以,答案可以是“insects and birds/insects/birds/animals”。
10.由“Deforestation”部分的最后一段“Destroying the rainforests is comparable to destroying an unknown planet—we have no idea what we're losing.”可知正确答案为“an unknown planet”。