47.capturing and storing CO2或者capture and storage of CO2
48. capture and storage
49. put it to new use
50. increase their yield offruits and vegetables
51. the scale of CO2 emissions
52. Its negative effects havelong been neglected。
53.. Goals with financial rewardshave strong motivational power。
54. They resorted to unethicalpractice to meet their sales quota。
55. Its conclusion is not basedon solid scientific evidence。
56. Studying goal-setting canthrow more light on successful business practices。
57. Free market plus governmentintervention。
58. Government regulation hinderseconomic development。
59. Effective measures adopted bythe government。
60. They give up the idea ofsmaller government and less regulation。
61. Excessive borrowing。
62. notion
63. before
64. on
65. proposed
66. evidence
67. original
69. effort
70. opposed
71. once
72. techniques
73. inside
74. lessons
75. enhance
76. convince
77. trouble
78. diligent
79. process
80. concentrate
81. or
82. worth 80 dollars without adiscount
83. Facing the fierce competitionfrom other companies
84. almost have nothing in common
85. have I realized that I cannotsucceed with luck merely
86. more species would have beenextinct from the earth