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  Passage Three

   Bows and arrows are one of man's oldest weapons. They gave early man an effective weapon to kill his enemies. The ordinary bow or short bow was used by nearly all early people. This bow had limited power and short range. However, man overcame these faults by learning to track his targets at a close range. The long bow was most likely discovered when someone found out that a five-foot piece of wood made a better bow than a three-foot piece. Hundreds of thou- sands of these bows were made and used for three hundred years. However, not one is known to survive today. We believe that a force of about one hundred pounds was needs to pull the string all the way back on a long bow. For a long time the bow was just a bent stick and string. In fact, more changes have taken place in a bow in the past 25 years than in the last 7 centuries. Today, bow is forceful. It is as exact as a gun. In addition, it requires little strength to draw the string. Modern bows also have precise aiming devices. In indoor contests, perfect scores from 40 yards are common. The invention of the bows itself ranks with discovery of fire and the wheel. It was a great-step-forward for man.

  Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  18. Why did man have to track his target at a close range when using a short bow?

  19. What does the passage tell us about the long bow?

  20. What do we know about modem bows?

Part II Reading Comprehension

  Passage One

  21. D) 由第一段的前两句综合所有的细节。

  22. B) 见第一段的第四句。

   23. C) 本题考察利用上下文理解生词的能力。单词myograph所在的第二段说,这种仪器make visible through electrical signals the work done by human muscle,与C)基本是同样的意思。

  24. A) 由第三段的第一句中的“…a new design”可知,第二句中提到的a tripod ladder是a new design,相比之下,四条腿的梯子就是an old design了,也就是说,过去的stepladder是四条腿的。

   25. D) 本题考察寻找细节。线索位于倒数第二段的第二句话。句子中的“Dr. Tichauer’s first thought”对应于题干中的initially,后面的句子都是说明为了舒适;本题的另一线索是最后一段的第一句,Efficiency is the by-product of comfort,由此可知,Dr. Tichauer最初关心的是comfort。

  Passage Two

  26. D) 本题主要由第一段的内容推理出来,同时兼用排除法。由第二段的前两句话,可知计算机犯罪并非不能查出来,所以A)、C)不对;由第一段的第二句中“for his own purposes”可以排除B)。

  27. D) 第三段主要讲的是我们还不知道有多少计算机犯罪未被发现,第二、三两句说那些被发现了的都是偶然的,是他们的运气不好,显然,没被发现的要比已被发现的数量要多得多。

   28. B) 本题表面要求寻找细节,但实际仍是一道推断题,考察考生对最后两段的理解。为什么计算机犯罪会逃脱惩罚呢?最后一段的前两句说得很明白,是因为公司的经理 们害怕the bad publicity,即是bad reputation之意,所以他们会在揭示计算机犯罪时而犹豫。

  29. B) 文章有三处都提到了这个问题的答案,它们分别是第一段的最后一句、第二段的第二句、第四段。最直接的线索是第二段的第二句。

   30. D) 这是一道难度较大的主旨题。答案A)和D)很相似,文章的很多地方也都讲的是computer criminals escape punishment,但这是表面的,正是因为他们容易逃脱惩罚,所以文章最后一句说他们可以到一个新地方继续从事犯罪活动,其结果自然是计算机犯罪消除 不了,因此本题选项D)更佳。

  Passage Three

  31. A) 本题考察对文章主题的理解。文章的最后一段的后半句是本文的主题句,它明确说the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is pertinent (相关的,切题的) not only to a healthy democracy, but also to a healthy family,此处的pertinent与题干中的fundamental在此处的意思是一样的。

  32. A) 本题较难,表面是个细节题,但实际是推断题。有两处线索:第一处是第二段的第一句话,该句承接第一段中谈论的sharing household,指出如果过分了的话,就会导致男人被认为较不重要,即是选项A)的意思。第二处线索是第三段的倒数第二句话中“… that he does have a place in it”。

  33. D) 线索见第三段的第二句话What we need, rather, is the recognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equals.

  34. C)本题的线索同31题。

  35. A) 本题除了用排除法做以外,仍然考的是主题句。最后一句中的a healthy democracy是从社会的角度来讲的。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

confirmed [kən'fə:md]


adj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf

temptation [temp'teiʃən]


n. 诱惑,引诱

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

virtuous ['və:rtʃuəs]


adj. 有品德的,善良的,贞洁的

technical ['teknikəl]


adj. 技术的,工艺的

minor ['mainə]


adj. 较小的,较少的,次要的
n. 未成年

scholarly ['skɔləli]


adj. 学究气的,学者派头的 名词scholar的形容

recommendation [.rekəmen'deiʃən]


n. 推荐,介绍





