CRI News Report:中国外交官就任联合国秘书长
Haikui to reach Zhejiang, emergency preparation in coastal provinces海葵到达浙江,沿海各省份拟应急预案Tropical storm Haikui is expected to reach the coast of Zhejiang later tonight or early tomorrow -
CRI News Report:报道显示30%的移民没有就业合同
30 pct of migrants employed without contracts: report报道称30%的移民没有就业合同China's main population authority has issued new analysis, saying over 30 percent of this country's mig -
CRI News Report:Vanke profit increases 25% in first
30 pct of migrants employed without contracts:reportChina's main population authority has issued new analysis, saying over 30 percent of this country's migrant workers are employed wi -
CRI News Report:U.S. concerned about Bangladeshi mov
One dead, 2 injured in Chinese coal mine disputes in Zambia—EmbassyOne Chinese national has been killed and two others hurt in fighting in Zambia.The victims got caught up in a labor dispute at a co -
CRI News Report:Fighting continues in Syria's Damasc
China strongly opposes U.S. State Department's statement on South China SeaChina has expressed its strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition on the press statement released by the U.S.De -
CRI News Report:Putin supports NATO base deployment
Heavy rains, strong wind hit Taiwan as typhoon approachesTyphoon Saola is battering northwest Taiwan with heavy rains and strong winds.Winds of close to 140-kilometers per hour are rolling up toward -
CRI News Report:Obama announces additional sanctions
China refutes Japan's annual defense paper, urging it to introspectThe Chinese government is rebuffing criticisms of its national defense policy, which have been presented in a newly-released -
CRI News Report:Securities firms may get new refinan
China issues emergency response to Shanxi floodThe central government has sent in teams to try to cope with the recent flooding that has hit Shanxi. 7 people have been killed, and 3 others are missin
南方各州是美国最贫穷的地方,而富豪大多居住在东北部和大西洋中部地区。 -
周一,美国,日本和其他十个国家签署了庞大的贸易协议。该协议将降低贸易壁垒 - 3
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