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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A new kind of exercise idea is becoming popular in the United States.
  • 一种新的运动理念正在美国流行起来。
  • Social media is bringing attention to "cozy cardio."
  • 社交媒体正在引起人们对“舒适有氧运动”的关注。
  • It means doing light cardiovascular exercise at home.
  • 意思是在家做一些轻微的心血管运动。
  • Physical inactivity is a problem in the United States.
  • 在美国,缺乏运动是一个问题。
  • The most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says 25 percent of Americans reported they had not done any physical activity in the past month.
  • 美国疾病控制与预防中心的最新数据显示,25%的美国人报告称,他们在过去的一个月里没有进行任何体育活动。
  • The CDC says that one in two American adults do not get enough cardiovascular exercise.
  • 美国疾病控制与预防中心表示,50%的美国成年人没有进行足够的心血管锻炼。
  • Inactivity can have serious health effects.
  • 不运动可能会对健康造成严重影响。
  • So, many Americans are looking to develop a new exercise habit.
  • 因此,许多美国人都在寻找一种新的锻炼习惯。
  • "Cozy cardio" has gained popularity as an easy and painless way to increase physical activity levels.
  • “舒适的有氧运动”作为一种简单无痛的提高身体活动水平的方法而广受欢迎。
  • This method of calorie burning has gained popularity on TikTok and Instagram ever since a woman named Hope Zuckerbrow began posting videos in late 2022.
  • 自从2022年底一位名叫霍普·扎克布罗的女子开始上传视频以来,这种燃烧卡路里的方法在TikTok和Instagram上流行起来。
  • Cozy cardio involves walking in place by using a small treadmill or "walking pad."
  • 舒适的有氧运动包括使用小型跑步机或“走步机”原地行走。
  • No gym payments are involved.
  • 不涉及健身房费用。
  • "I get so many messages from men and women – so many people – saying something along the lines of 'thank you so much for…flipping my mindset on what I thought exercise is supposed to be,'" Zuckerbrow said. "This feels so doable."
  • 扎克布罗说:“我收到了很多男人和女人发来的信息,很多人都说,‘非常感谢…改变了我对锻炼的看法。这感觉很可行。’”
  • Supporters say what is important about "cozy cardio" is the setup.
  • 支持者表示,“舒适的有氧运动”最重要的是设置。
  • You wear comfortable clothes and organize your environment to your liking.
  • 你穿着舒适的衣服,按照你的喜好整理你的环境。
  • You can light candles, have a healthy drink, or even put on a favorite TV show or movie.
  • 你可以点上蜡烛,喝一杯健康的饮料,甚至可以播放一部最喜欢的电视剧或电影。
  • Alex Montoye of Alma College said, for some people, easy exercise such as "cozy cardio" could help them develop an exercise habit.
  • 阿尔玛学院的亚历克斯·蒙托耶说,对于一些人来说,简单的运动,如舒适的有氧运动,可以帮助他们养成锻炼习惯。
  • Montoye said for people who would otherwise watch TV while sitting, walking can help them make progress.
  • 蒙托耶说,对于那些原本会坐着看电视的人来说,走路可以帮助他们取得进步。
  • That is especially true if exercise becomes a habit.
  • 如果锻炼成为一种习惯,那就更是如此了。
  • People struggle to make healthy habits last over time.
  • 随着时间的推移,人们努力使健康的习惯持续下去。
  • That is why cozy exercise is such a good idea, said Catherine Sanderson of Amherst College in Massachusetts.
  • 马萨诸塞州阿默斯特学院的凯瑟琳·桑德森说,这就是舒适的锻炼是一个好主意的原因。
  • She wrote the health book, The Positive Shift: Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health, and Longevity.
  • 她写了一本有关健康的书,《积极转变:掌握心态以提升幸福、健康和长寿》。
  • "It fits in with a lot of what we know about how to get people to actually maintain behavior change," Sanderson said.
  • 桑德森说:“这与我们所知道的有关如何让人们真正保持行为改变的许多知识相吻合。”
  • Along with removing the barriers to exercise, she said, "It very much relies on what psychologists would call positive reinforcement — the idea of, 'It's not just that I'm exercising…I'm tapping into something I want to be doing already."
  • 除了消除锻炼的障碍外,她说,“这在很大程度上取决于心理学家所说的正强化——‘我不仅仅是在锻炼……我已经在做我想做的事情。’”
  • As cozy cardio becomes more popular, Zuckerbrow said she hears from people who did not realize they could enjoy easy exercise.
  • 随着舒适的有氧运动变得越来越流行,扎克布罗说,她听说有人没有意识到自己可以享受轻松的锻炼。
  • Alyssa Royse, owner of Rocket Community Fitness in Seattle, has been mixing workouts at her gym and cozy exercise at home.
  • 西雅图“火箭社区健身”的老板艾莉莎·罗伊斯一直把在健身房锻炼和在家舒适的锻炼相结合。
  • Some days she turns off the sound on her Peloton exercise bicycle and watches TV because it takes her "brain somewhere else."
  • 有时,她会关掉佩洛顿健身自行车的声音,看电视,因为这会让她的“大脑注意力转移到别的地方”。
  • "Too many people look at exercise as an all-or-nothing thing," Royse said. "It doesn't give people room to just be where they are today. And I think that's incredibly important."
  • 罗伊斯说:“太多人认为锻炼是一件要么全有要么全无的事情。这并没有给人们留出空间,让他们保持目前的状态。我认为这是非常重要的。”
  • I'm John Russell.
  • 约翰·拉塞尔为您播报。


A new kind of exercise idea is becoming popular in the United States.


Social media is bringing attention to "cozy cardio."


It means doing light cardiovascular exercise at home.


Physical inactivity is a problem in the United States.


The most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says 25 percent of Americans reported they had not done any physical activity in the past month.


The CDC says that one in two American adults do not get enough cardiovascular exercise.


Inactivity can have serious health effects.


So, many Americans are looking to develop a new exercise habit.


"Cozy cardio" has gained popularity as an easy and painless way to increase physical activity levels.


This method of calorie burning has gained popularity on TikTok and Instagram ever since a woman named Hope Zuckerbrow began posting videos in late 2022.


Cozy cardio involves walking in place by using a small treadmill or "walking pad."


No gym payments are involved.


"I get so many messages from men and womenso many peoplesaying something along the lines of 'thank you so much forflipping my mindset on what I thought exercise is supposed to be,'" Zuckerbrow said. "This feels so doable."


Supporters say what is important about "cozy cardio" is the setup.


You wear comfortable clothes and organize your environment to your liking.


You can light candles, have a healthy drink, or even put on a favorite TV show or movie.


Alex Montoye of Alma College said, for some people, easy exercise such as "cozy cardio" could help them develop an exercise habit.


Montoye said for people who would otherwise watch TV while sitting, walking can help them make progress.


That is especially true if exercise becomes a habit.


People struggle to make healthy habits last over time.


That is why cozy exercise is such a good idea, said Catherine Sanderson of Amherst College in Massachusetts.


She wrote the health book, The Positive Shift: Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health, and Longevity.


"It fits in with a lot of what we know about how to get people to actually maintain behavior change," Sanderson said.


Along with removing the barriers to exercise, she said, "It very much relies on what psychologists would call positive reinforcementthe idea of, 'It's not just that I'm exercisingI'm tapping into something I want to be doing already."


As cozy cardio becomes more popular, Zuckerbrow said she hears from people who did not realize they could enjoy easy exercise.


Alyssa Royse, owner of Rocket Community Fitness in Seattle, has been mixing workouts at her gym and cozy exercise at home.


Some days she turns off the sound on her Peloton exercise bicycle and watches TV because it takes her "brain somewhere else."


"Too many people look at exercise as an all-or-nothing thing," Royse said. "It doesn't give people room to just be where they are today. And I think that's incredibly important."


I'm John Russell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    


n. 静止;不活泼;休止状态;不放射性

prevention [pri'venʃən]


n. 阻止,妨碍,预防

calorie ['kæləri]


n. 卡,卡路里(热量单位)

organize ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

popularity [.pɔpju'læriti]


n. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎

reinforcement [.ri:in'fɔ:smənt]


n. 增强,加固,强化物,增援力量

longevity [lɔn'dʒeviti]


n. 长寿





