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波音737 MAX又出事, 机上乘客侥幸逃过一劫

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Passengers are describing what happened when part of a passenger jet came off at the start of a flight from Portland, Oregon last Friday.
  • 乘客们正在描述上周五从俄勒冈州波特兰市起飞的一架客机在起飞时发生的事情。
  • The incident resulted in no serious injuries, and the plane returned to Portland Airport soon after the dangerous incident.
  • 这起事故没有造成严重的人身伤害,该飞机在危险事故发生后不久返回波特兰机场。
  • But had a few details been different, the flight could have ended in disaster.
  • 但如果有一些细节不同,这次飞行可能会以灾难告终。
  • Kelly Bartlett was one of the passengers on Alaska Airlines flight 1282 from Portland.
  • 凯利·巴特利特是阿拉斯加航空公司从波特兰起飞的1282航班上的乘客之一。
  • She told The Associated Press (AP) that, at first, passengers did not know what was happening.
  • 她告诉美联社,起初,乘客们并不知道发生了什么。
  • "We didn't know if it meant we were going to crash," she said.
  • 她说:“我们不知道这是否意味着我们会坠毁”。
  • The incident happened six minutes into the flight from Portland to Southern California's Ontario International Airport.
  • 这起事故发生在从波特兰飞往南加州安大略国际机场的飞机起飞六分钟后。
  • The jet, a Boeing 737 MAX 9, was traveling at about 640 kilometers an hour.
  • 这架波音737 MAX 9喷气式飞机的飞行速度约为每小时640公里。
  • It had reached an altitude of 4.8 kilometers.
  • 它已经到达了4.8千米的高度。
  • That detail is important.
  • 这个细节很重要。
  • The plane was still far below its cruising altitude.
  • 该飞机当时到达的高度远低于其巡航高度。
  • Flight attendants had just told the 171 passengers that they could again use their electronic devices.
  • 空乘人员那时刚刚告诉171名乘客,他们可以再次使用电子设备。
  • Then, a piece of the airplane body 61 centimeters by 122 centimeters behind the left wing blew out.
  • 随后,机身左翼后方宽61厘米长122厘米的一块面板爆炸。
  • The piece called a door plug, was meant to be a cover over an emergency exit that was not used on that MAX 9 version of the airplane.
  • 这个名为门塞的部件原本是用来盖住紧急出口的,而那架MAX 9型号的飞机上并没有使用这种出口。
  • The cover permits extra seats to be put where an emergency exit would be.
  • 门塞遮住这个紧急出口后就可以在那里放置额外的座位。
  • Air safety rules require airliners to have enough exits to permit all passengers and crew to get out of the aircraft in 90 seconds.
  • 航空安全规定要求客机有足够的出口,以让所有乘客和机组人员在90秒内离开飞机。
  • The AP noted, as fate would have it, nobody was sitting in the two seats next to the blown-out hole.
  • 美联社指出,命中注定,没有人坐在被炸开的开口旁边的两个座位上。
  • Emergency oxygen masks dropped immediately.
  • 紧急氧气面罩立即掉落。
  • At the same time, wind rushed into the cabin making it difficult for the flight attendants to walk or hear.
  • 与此同时,风冲进机舱,导致空乘人员难以行走和听到声音。
  • But they moved toward the hole and began moving passengers away from the dangerous area.
  • 但他们向那个开口移动,并开始将乘客从危险区域转移出开。
  • The sound made communication difficult.
  • 噪音使交流变得困难。
  • The force from the loss of pressure in the cabin was strong enough to tear the shirt off the body of a teenager sitting nearby.
  • 机舱内失去压力所产生的力量足以撕烂坐在附近的一名青少年的衬衫。
  • His seatbelt "kept him in his seat and saved his life," Bartlett said.
  • 巴特利特说,他的安全带“让他保持坐在座位上,救了他的命”。
  • Attendants moved the young person next to Bartlett.
  • 空乘人员把这个年轻人移到了巴特利特旁边。
  • She asked him if he was hurt.
  • 她问他是否受伤了。
  • He said he was OK and thanked her for her kindness.
  • 他说他没事,并感谢她的好意。
  • The pilots and the flight attendants have not made public statements and their names have not been released.
  • 飞行员和空乘人员没有发表公开声明,他们的名字也没有公布。
  • However, they spoke to National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators.
  • 然而,他们与美国国家运输安全委员会的调查人员进行了交谈。
  • They said they followed their training.
  • 他们说,他们是按照培训的内容操作的。
  • The pilots' goal was to get the plane back to Portland quickly.
  • 飞行员的目标是让飞机尽快返回波特兰。
  • The flight attendants worked to keep the passengers safe and calm.
  • 空乘人员努力保证乘客的安全并让他们冷静下来。
  • NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said the actions of the flight crew were "incredible."
  • 美国国家运输安全委员会主席珍妮弗·霍门迪表示,机组人员的行为“令人难以置信”。
  • Bartlett also praised the crew.
  • 巴特利特还称赞了机组人员。
  • She said she felt like the situation was under control.
  • 她说,她觉得局势得到了控制。
  • The pilots used an emergency handbook next to the captain's seat.
  • 飞行员使用了机长座位旁边的一本应急手册。
  • The co-pilot contacted air traffic controllers declaring an emergency and the need to descend to 3,000 meters.
  • 副飞行员联系了空中交通管制员,宣布紧急状况,需要下降到3000米的高度。
  • The lower altitude would give passengers more oxygen to breathe.
  • 较低的海拔会为乘客提供更多的氧气来呼吸。
  • Homendy said the attention of the flight attendants immediately turned to five children who were traveling without adult supervision and two babies being carried by their parents.
  • 霍门迪说,空乘人员立即将注意力转向了五名没有成人监护的儿童和两名由父母抱着的婴儿。
  • Evan Granger was sitting close to the hole in the plane.
  • 埃文·格兰杰坐在该飞机的开口附近。
  • He told NBC News, "There were so many things that had to go right in order for all of us to survive."
  • 他告诉NBC新闻,“为了让我们所有人都幸存下来,有很多事情必须正确进行。”
  • Homendy said that if the blowout had happened just a few minutes later when the plane would have reached its cruising height, the incident might have been a tragedy.
  • 霍门迪说,如果爆炸发生在飞机应到达的巡航高度的几分钟后,这起事故可能会是一场悲剧。
  • NTSB agents recovered the door plug that blew out, finding it completely intact.
  • 美国国家运输安全委员会探员找到了爆炸的门塞,发现它完好无损。
  • Many other things that flew out of the airplane were also recovered including a cellphone that was still working.
  • 从该飞机上飞出的许多其他东西也被找回,包括一部仍然在运转的手机。
  • Now the agency will investigate why the cover over the unused exit hole came off.
  • 目前,该机构将会调查未使用的出口的门塞脱落的原因。
  • The incident happened days after a Japan Airlines Airbus 350 struck a coast guard plane on a runway at Tokyo's Haneda Airport and caught fire on January 3.
  • 这起事故发生的几天前,一架日本航空公司的空中客车350于1月3日在东京羽田机场的跑道上撞上了一架海上保安厅的飞机并起火。
  • In that incident, four on the coast guard plane died.
  • 在那次事故中,海上保安厅飞机上的四人死亡。
  • But 379 passengers and the crew of the airliner safely got out of the passenger plane before it burned up.
  • 但客机上的379名乘客和机组人员在客机被烧毁前安全离开了飞机。
  • However, reports say getting everyone out of the plane took about 18 minutes.
  • 然而,报道称,让所有人离开飞机花了大约18分钟。
  • I'm Mario Ritter, Jr.
  • 小马里奥·里特为您播报。


Passengers are describing what happened when part of a passenger jet came off at the start of a flight from Portland, Oregon last Friday.


The incident resulted in no serious injuries, and the plane returned to Portland Airport soon after the dangerous incident.


But had a few details been different, the flight could have ended in disaster.


Kelly Bartlett was one of the passengers on Alaska Airlines flight 1282 from Portland.


She told The Associated Press (AP) that, at first, passengers did not know what was happening.


"We didn't know if it meant we were going to crash," she said.


The incident happened six minutes into the flight from Portland to Southern California's Ontario International Airport.


The jet, a Boeing 737 MAX 9, was traveling at about 640 kilometers an hour.

这架波音737 MAX 9喷气式飞机的飞行速度约为每小时640公里。

It had reached an altitude of 4.8 kilometers.


That detail is important.


The plane was still far below its cruising altitude.


Flight attendants had just told the 171 passengers that they could again use their electronic devices.


Then, a piece of the airplane body 61 centimeters by 122 centimeters behind the left wing blew out.


The piece called a door plug, was meant to be a cover over an emergency exit that was not used on that MAX 9 version of the airplane.

这个名为门塞的部件原本是用来盖住紧急出口的,而那架MAX 9型号的飞机上并没有使用这种出口。

The cover permits extra seats to be put where an emergency exit would be.


Air safety rules require airliners to have enough exits to permit all passengers and crew to get out of the aircraft in 90 seconds.


The AP noted, as fate would have it, nobody was sitting in the two seats next to the blown-out hole.


Emergency oxygen masks dropped immediately.


At the same time, wind rushed into the cabin making it difficult for the flight attendants to walk or hear.


But they moved toward the hole and began moving passengers away from the dangerous area.


The sound made communication difficult.


The force from the loss of pressure in the cabin was strong enough to tear the shirt off the body of a teenager sitting nearby.


His seatbelt "kept him in his seat and saved his life," Bartlett said.


Attendants moved the young person next to Bartlett.


She asked him if he was hurt.


He said he was OK and thanked her for her kindness.


The pilots and the flight attendants have not made public statements and their names have not been released.


However, they spoke to National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators.


They said they followed their training.


The pilots' goal was to get the plane back to Portland quickly.


The flight attendants worked to keep the passengers safe and calm.


NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said the actions of the flight crew were "incredible."


Bartlett also praised the crew.


She said she felt like the situation was under control.


The pilots used an emergency handbook next to the captain's seat.


The co-pilot contacted air traffic controllers declaring an emergency and the need to descend to 3,000 meters.


The lower altitude would give passengers more oxygen to breathe.


Homendy said the attention of the flight attendants immediately turned to five children who were traveling without adult supervision and two babies being carried by their parents.


Evan Granger was sitting close to the hole in the plane.


He told NBC News, "There were so many things that had to go right in order for all of us to survive."


Homendy said that if the blowout had happened just a few minutes later when the plane would have reached its cruising height, the incident might have been a tragedy.


NTSB agents recovered the door plug that blew out, finding it completely intact.


Many other things that flew out of the airplane were also recovered including a cellphone that was still working.


Now the agency will investigate why the cover over the unused exit hole came off.


The incident happened days after a Japan Airlines Airbus 350 struck a coast guard plane on a runway at Tokyo's Haneda Airport and caught fire on January 3.


In that incident, four on the coast guard plane died.


But 379 passengers and the crew of the airliner safely got out of the passenger plane before it burned up.


However, reports say getting everyone out of the plane took about 18 minutes.


I'm Mario Ritter, Jr.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
kindness ['kaindnis]


n. 仁慈,好意

transportation [.trænspə'teiʃən]


n. 运输,运输系统,运输工具

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

investigate [in'vestigeit]


v. 调查,研究
[计算机] 研究

descend [di'send]


v. 降,传,降临

altitude ['æltitju:d]


n. 高度,海拔,高地

intact [in'tækt]


adj. 完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的

incident ['insidənt]


n. 事件,事变,插曲
adj. 难免的,附带

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

supervision [.sju:pə'viʒən]


n. 监督,管理





