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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • That’s the transplant surgeon, Robert Montgomery.
  • 这是移植外科医生罗伯特·蒙哥马利。
  • So my name is Robert Montgomery, and I'm the chair of the department of surgery at NYU Langone health, and the director of the transplant Institute.
  • 我是罗伯特·蒙哥马利,我是纽约大学朗格尼医学中心外科系主任,也是移植研究所主任。
  • The surgery is done now. Here he is leading a debriefing with the transplant team at the decedent’s bedside.
  • 手术已经做完了。以下是他在死者床边与移植团队进行汇报。
  • So we did the xenotransplant and we did a bilateral native nephrectomy.
  • 我们做了异种器官移植,做了死者自身双侧肾切除术。
  • So all the urine that's coming out is coming from the xenograft, and that will continue to be the case... so we're off to a good start….
  • 因此,所有流出的尿液都来自异种移植物(猪肾),尿液将继续流动。所以我们有了一个良好的开端....
  • Montgomery knows a thing or two about transplants. Not only has he done thousands of kidney transplants, he himself had a heart transplant several years ago.
  • 蒙哥马利精通移植术。他不仅做过数千例肾脏移植手术,几年前他自己也做过心脏移植手术。
  • I had a heart transplant, it's almost five years, next month, it's five years. It's just extraordinary.
  • 我做过心脏移植手术,差不多五年了,到下个月就五年了。这太不寻常了。
  • And I was in really bad shape. I had seven cardiac arrests where I had to be resuscitated.
  • 我当时的状况很糟糕。我有过七次心脏骤停,我必须恢复心跳。
  • Then one where I was down for a very long period of time getting CPR and I was just so lucky to recover from that.
  • 之后我躺了很长一段时间做心肺复苏术,很幸运,我能从中恢复过来。
  • And one time, where I was in a coma for a month after I had an event. So I beat all the odds for sure.
  • 有一次,我在一次活动后昏迷了一个月。我战胜了所有的困难。
  • Montgomery suffered from a type of congenital heart disease.
  • 蒙哥马利患有一种先天性心脏病。
  • It claimed the life of his father. It also took one of his brothers, who was just 35 years old when he died.
  • 先天性心脏病夺去了他父亲的生命,还夺去了他一个兄弟的生命,这个兄弟去世时只有35岁。
  • His other brother got a heart transplant 26 years ago.
  • 他的另一个兄弟26年前接受了心脏移植手术。
  • So, you know, this has been with me, my whole life.
  • 这个病一直伴随着我,我的一生。
  • I've been a patient as long as I've been a doctor, and I've had a lot of time to think about this.
  • 我从医以来一直是一名患者,我有很多时间来思考这个病。
  • And certainly, it's influenced my life as a transplant surgeon tremendously.
  • 当然,这个病也极大地影响了我作为一名移植外科医生的生活。
  • And I'm always looking for the next big thing that could make a big difference in the lives of people who need transplants.
  • 我一直在寻找下一件能给需要移植的人的生活带来很大改变的大事。
  • Montgomery wants to create a virtually unlimited source of organs for people who need them.
  • 蒙哥马利想为需要移植器官的人创造一个几乎不限量的器官来源。
  • That’s why he got interested in doing xenotransplants.
  • 这就是他对异种器官移植产生兴趣的原因。
  • So, organ supply is our biggest unmet need.
  • 器官供应还远远没有满足需要。
  • There are over 100,000 people waiting for organs, and only about a third of them will actually make it across the finish line.
  • 有超过10万人在等待移植的器官,其中只有大约三分之一的人能成功匹配器官,越过终点线。
  • And everyone else will either become too sick to benefit from a transplant or will die waiting.
  • 其他人要么病得太重,无法从移植中受益,要么就会在等待中死亡。
  • And it doesn't even take into account all the people who die before they get listed for transplant because the allocation of organs is based on severity of illness, and you have to get really sick before you're even considered to get put on the transplant list.
  • 所有在被列入移植名单前就去世的人甚至不在考虑内,因为器官的分配是基于疾病的严重程度,你必须病得很重才会被考虑列入移植名单。
  • Currently, all transplanted organs come from either living or deceased human donors.
  • 目前,所有的移植器官都来自活人捐赠或死者捐赠。
  • But very few people die in a way that their organs could be used for transplants.
  • 很少有人去世的时候将器官用于移植。


Thats the transplant surgeon, Robert Montgomery.

So my name is Robert Montgomery, and I'm the chair of the department of surgery at NYU Langone health, and the director of the transplant Institute.
The surgery is done now. Here he is leading a debriefing with the transplant team at the decedents bedside.
So we did the xenotransplant and we did a bilateral native nephrectomy.
So all the urine that's coming out is coming from the xenograft, and that will continue to be the case... so we're off to a good start….
Montgomery knows a thing or two about transplants. Not only has he done thousands of kidney transplants, he himself had a heart transplant several years ago.
I had a heart transplant, it's almost five years, next month, it's five years. It's just extraordinary.
And I was in really bad shape. I had seven cardiac arrests where I had to be resuscitated.
Then one where I was down for a very long period of time getting CPR and I was just so lucky to recover from that.
And one time, where I was in a coma for a month after I had an event. So I beat all the odds for sure.
Montgomery suffered from a type of congenital heart disease.
It claimed the life of his father. It also took one of his brothers, who was just 35 years old when he died.
His other brother got a heart transplant 26 years ago.
So, you know, this has been with me, my whole life.
I've been a patient as long as I've been a doctor, and I've had a lot of time to think about this.
And certainly, it's influenced my life as a transplant surgeon tremendously.
And I'm always looking for the next big thing that could make a big difference in the lives of people who need transplants.
Montgomery wants to create a virtually unlimited source of organs for people who need them.
Thats why he got interested in doing xenotransplants.
So, organ supply is our biggest unmet need.
There are over 100,000 people waiting for organs, and only about a third of them will actually make it across the finish line.
And everyone else will either become too sick to benefit from a transplant or will die waiting.
And it doesn't even take into account all the people who die before they get listed for transplant because the allocation of organs is based on severity of illness, and you have to get really sick before you're even considered to get put on the transplant list.
Currently, all transplanted organs come from either living or deceased human donors.
But very few people die in a way that their organs could be used for transplants.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

surgeon ['sə:dʒən]


n. 外科医生

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

surgery ['sə:dʒəri]


n. 外科,外科手术,诊所

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

coma ['kəumə]


n. 昏迷

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

unlimited [ʌn'limitid]


adj. 无限的,不受控制的,无条件的

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

kidney ['kidni]


n. 肾,腰子,类型





