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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Companies are starting to study this.
  • 各家公司开始研究这个功能。
  • And preliminary research suggests the AIs are surprisingly accurate.
  • 初步研究表明,人工智能诊断准确得惊人。
  • Studies have shown that they work better than online symptom checkers—which are websites that let you input your symptoms and spit out a diagnosis.
  • 研究表明,它们比在线症状检查系统表现更好,在线症状检查系统是一个输入症状、产出诊断结果的网站。
  • They’re also better than some untrained humans.
  • 它们也比一些未经正规培训的人类表现更好。
  • In a study posted on the preprint server MedRxiv in February, which has not yet been peer reviewed, epidemiologist Andrew Beam of Harvard University and his colleagues wrote 48 prompts phrased as descriptions of his patients’ symptoms.
  • 今年2月,预印本服务器MedRxiv上发表了一项研究(该研究尚未经过同行评审)。在这项研究中,哈佛大学的流行病学家安德鲁·比姆和几位同事编写了48条描述患者症状的提示语言。
  • When they fed these to OpenAI's GPT-3, which is the version of the algorithm that powered ChatGPT at the time, the top three potential diagnoses for each case included the correct one 88 percent of the time.
  • 当他们将这些提示语言输入OpenAI的GPT-3程序(当时ChatGPT支持的算法版本)时,每个病例的前三诊断结果的准确率高达88%。
  • Physicians by comparison could do this 96 percent of the time when given the same prompts, but people without medical training could do so only 54 percent of the time.
  • 相比之下,在给予医生同样的提示时,准确率高达96%,但没有接受过医疗培训的普通人准确率只有54%。
  • Okay, so the AIs are good. But physicians were still better in that study. So I’d still rather go to a real one.
  • 好,人工智能表现不错。但在这项研究中,医生表现得仍然更好。所以我还是想去看真正的医生。
  • Yeah, absolutely—these AI programs should not be used to diagnose a serious illness, and many of them say so. For that, you should definitely see a doctor.
  • 是,绝对是这样——这些人工智能程序不应该被用来诊断重病,他们中的许多人也表示认同。基于此,你绝对应该去看医生。
  • But they’re probably a step up from just googling your symptoms.
  • 不过,它们可能要比仅在谷歌上搜索症状要好得多。
  • I tried telling ChatGPT about some characteristic stroke symptoms like numbness in my face and trouble speaking and walking.
  • 我试着告诉ChatGPT一些中风的典型症状,比如面部麻木、说话不利落、行走困难。
  • It came back with a list of likely causes, with stroke at the top, followed by transient ischemic attacks and Multiple Sclerosis.
  • ChatGPT列出了一系列可能的病因,排在第一位的是中风,第二位是短暂性脑缺血发作,第三位是多发性硬化症。
  • To its credit, it also told me to seek immediate medical care. But I haven’t tried it with more complex or vague symptoms.
  • 值得赞扬的是,ChatGPT还告诉我要立即就医。但我没有尝试过更复杂或更模糊的症状。
  • Now, some health care providers are already using these AIs to help communicate with patients.
  • 现在,一些医疗服务提供商已经在使用这些人工智能来帮助与患者沟通。
  • Some of the doctors that I spoke with are starting to play with it, helping them phrase things, helping them sort of condense their thoughts into what would be a short, concise text message.
  • 我采访过的一些医生开始使用人工智能,用来帮助他们措辞,帮助他们把自己的想法压缩为简短的文本信息。
  • There's a lot of talk about hospitals that might start actually incorporating some of the software soon.
  • 有很多人说医院可能很快就会开始纳入一些软件。
  • These AI programs could help doctors deal with some of the administrative grunt work so that they have more time to actually spend with patients.
  • 这些人工智能程序可以帮助医生处理一些繁重的行政工作,这样他们就有更多的时间真正花在患者身上。
  • And the breakthrough isn’t just the AI itself.
  • 这次突破不仅仅是人工智能本身。
  • It’s the fact that you can ask it questions in plain English, rather than listing off a bunch of symptoms and having it calculate the statistical likelihood of some diagnosis.
  • 事实上,你无需列出一堆症状、让其对可能的诊断结果进行统计、计算,你只需要用简单的英语问问题。
  • But there are some dangers, too. It's not nearly as accurate as the doctor.
  • 但也存在一些危险。它远不如医生准确。
  • And there's this known problem with GPT and some of these other similar AI programs where they will do what's called hallucinate and just come up with information on their own, just make stories up, come up with references that don't exist.
  • GPT和其他一些类似的人工智能程序存在一个已知的问题,它们会产生所谓的幻觉,自己想出信息,编造故事,拿出不存在的参考资料。
  • And that’s not the only concern.
  • 而且这也并不是唯一的担忧。


Companies are starting to study this.


And preliminary research suggests the AIs are surprisingly accurate.


Studies have shown that they work better than online symptom checkerswhich are websites that let you input your symptoms and spit out a diagnosis.


Theyre also better than some untrained humans.


In a study posted on the preprint server MedRxiv in February, which has not yet been peer reviewed, epidemiologist Andrew Beam of Harvard University and his colleagues wrote 48 prompts phrased as descriptions of his patientssymptoms.


When they fed these to OpenAI's GPT-3, which is the version of the algorithm that powered ChatGPT at the time, the top three potential diagnoses for each case included the correct one 88 percent of the time.


Physicians by comparison could do this 96 percent of the time when given the same prompts, but people without medical training could do so only 54 percent of the time.


Okay, so the AIs are good. But physicians were still better in that study. So Id still rather go to a real one.


Yeah, absolutelythese AI programs should not be used to diagnose a serious illness, and many of them say so. For that, you should definitely see a doctor.


But theyre probably a step up from just googling your symptoms.


I tried telling ChatGPT about some characteristic stroke symptoms like numbness in my face and trouble speaking and walking.


It came back with a list of likely causes, with stroke at the top, followed by transient ischemic attacks and Multiple Sclerosis.


To its credit, it also told me to seek immediate medical care. But I havent tried it with more complex or vague symptoms.


Now, some health care providers are already using these AIs to help communicate with patients.


Some of the doctors that I spoke with are starting to play with it, helping them phrase things, helping them sort of condense their thoughts into what would be a short, concise text message.


There's a lot of talk about hospitals that might start actually incorporating some of the software soon.


These AI programs could help doctors deal with some of the administrative grunt work so that they have more time to actually spend with patients.


And the breakthrough isnt just the AI itself.


Its the fact that you can ask it questions in plain English, rather than listing off a bunch of symptoms and having it calculate the statistical likelihood of some diagnosis.


But there are some dangers, too. It's not nearly as accurate as the doctor.


And there's this known problem with GPT and some of these other similar AI programs where they will do what's called hallucinate and just come up with information on their own, just make stories up, come up with references that don't exist.


And thats not the only concern.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

numbness ['nʌmnis]


n. 麻木;麻痹

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较

communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]


v. 交流,传达,沟通

hallucinate [hə'lu:sineit]


v. (使)产生幻觉

calculate ['kælkjuleit]


v. 计算,估计,核算,计划,认为

peer [piə]


n. 同等的人,同辈,贵族
vi. 凝视,窥视

condense [kən'dens]


v. 浓缩,摘要,缩短





