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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • After a person exercised, those AVAs pulled in hot blood from the core of the body. The blood gave off its heat to the cooler water, which was at about 56 degrees.
  • 实验者在锻炼后,动静脉吻合血管会流入来自身体核心部位的高温血液。这些血液会将其热量释放到温度约为56华氏度(13摄氏度)的冷水中。
  • Then, cooled down, the blood would circulate back to the body’s core and lower the heat there.
  • 冷却下来的血液会循环到身体核心部分,降低核心处的热量。
  • People returned to regular body temperatures in just a few minutes.
  • 受试者仅仅在几分钟内就能恢复正常体温。
  • We couldn’t believe it.
  • 我们简直不敢相信。
  • This stuff gets published in places like the Journal of Applied Physiology.
  • 相关发现发表在《应用生理学杂志》等期刊上。
  • And since these guys are at Stanford, a university with a bunch of elite sports teams, it starts getting attention in the gym.
  • 因为这些研究人员都在斯坦福大学,这是一所拥有许多精英运动队的大学,这些装置开始在健身房受到关注。
  • Because athletes work out hard, get overheated and exhausted, and normally have to quit for the day, or several hours.
  • 因为运动员锻炼很辛苦,会感到体温过高、筋疲力竭,通常要休息几个小时,甚至修整一整天。
  • But Craig and Grahn built a few more versions of this cooling mitten and handed them out.
  • 克雷格和格兰恩又制作了几个版本的降温手套,并将其分发出去。
  • Athletes would put them on between workout sets, cool down in about three minutes and jump up and do another set.
  • 运动员们会在两组训练之间戴上它们,在大约三分钟内让体温降下来,然后起来再做一组。
  • Craig tells a story of one guy who did 618 pullups in about twenty minutes.
  • 克雷格讲了一个故事,一个运动员在大约20分钟内做了618个引体向上。
  • Some women athletes did 900 pushups in that short time period.
  • 一些女运动员在短时间内--20分钟内--做了900个俯卧撑。
  • Wow, that’s about 899 more pushups than I can do. And he’s selling the gloves now, right?
  • 哇,那比我能多做899个俯卧撑。他现在在卖冷却手套,对吧?
  • Yeah, they’re called CoolMitts.
  • 是的,这种手套名为CoolMitt。
  • Heller says some pro football players on the San Francisco 49ers also adopted the gloves.
  • 海勒说,旧金山49人队的一些职业橄榄球运动员也在用这种手套。
  • I wouldn’t mind a pair of those on the New York subway in summer, just saying. But we should be clear that we’re not endorsing the product.
  • 我不介意夏天在纽约地铁上戴一双这样的手套,只是说说而已。但我们要澄清,我们不是在为这款产品背书。
  • No, we’re really not. It’s probably a fine device. But it hasn’t been exhaustively tested in a variety of people.
  • 不,我们真的没有。这可能是一个很好的装备。但它还没有在各类人群中经过详尽的测试。
  • And it costs about $1,500 bucks. But product aside, there is some cool science behind it. Literally.
  • 手套的价格大约是1500美元。但抛开产品不谈,这背后还隐藏着一些“cool科学”。cool就是字面意思凉爽。
  • Ha-ha. So when it gets really hot, and I feel signs of heat stress—heavy sweating, clammy skin, muscle cramps, dizziness—what’s a good way to cool down if I’m not putting on one of those gloves?
  • 哈哈。当天气酷热难耐,热到出现热应激迹象——大汗淋漓、皮肤粘湿、肌肉痉挛、头晕脑胀——如果我不戴手套,还有什么好的降温方法吗?
  • Should I dunk my body in an ice bath?
  • 我可以泡冰水澡吗?
  • Heller says that could work. The problem is it’s not very convenient. I don’t have a giant ice bath handy. Do you?
  • 海勒说这可能会有用。问题是不太方便。我无法随时随地泡冰水澡。你呢?
  • No, but I did use to stand in an ice bath after high school cross-country practices.
  • 我也不能,但我曾在高中越野训练后站在冰浴里降温。
  • But seriously, could I just stick my feet in a bucket of ice water?
  • 说真的,我能把脚放在一桶冰水里吗?
  • Not so much. You’ve got AVAs in your feet, but remember the idea is to get more blood flowing through them.
  • 这不是一个那么好的方法。你的脚上有动静脉吻合血管,但请记住,这个方法是为了让更多的血液流过这些血管。
  • Icy water is a shock, and it makes blood vessels constrict. So you’re actually get less blood through your AVAs, not more.
  • 冰水冲击力太大了,它会使血管收缩。实际上,身体流通动静脉吻合血管的血液不是增加了,而是减少了。
  • The water in Heller’s gloves, in the mid-50s, is cool but it’s not too cold.
  • 海勒手套里的水温在50多华氏度(十几摄氏度)左右,很凉爽,但没那么冷。


After a person exercised, those AVAs pulled in hot blood from the core of the body. The blood gave off its heat to the cooler water, which was at about 56 degrees.


Then, cooled down, the blood would circulate back to the bodys core and lower the heat there.


People returned to regular body temperatures in just a few minutes.


We couldnt believe it.


This stuff gets published in places like the Journal of Applied Physiology.


And since these guys are at Stanford, a university with a bunch of elite sports teams, it starts getting attention in the gym.


Because athletes work out hard, get overheated and exhausted, and normally have to quit for the day, or several hours.


But Craig and Grahn built a few more versions of this cooling mitten and handed them out.


Athletes would put them on between workout sets, cool down in about three minutes and jump up and do another set.


Craig tells a story of one guy who did 618 pullups in about twenty minutes.


Some women athletes did 900 pushups in that short time period.


Wow, thats about 899 more pushups than I can do. And hes selling the gloves now, right?


Yeah, theyre called CoolMitts.


Heller says some pro football players on the San Francisco 49ers also adopted the gloves.


I wouldnt mind a pair of those on the New York subway in summer, just saying. But we should be clear that were not endorsing the product.


No, were really not. Its probably a fine device. But it hasnt been exhaustively tested in a variety of people.


And it costs about $1,500 bucks. But product aside, there is some cool science behind it. Literally.


Ha-ha. So when it gets really hot, and I feel signs of heat stressheavy sweating, clammy skin, muscle cramps, dizzinesswhats a good way to cool down if Im not putting on one of those gloves?


Should I dunk my body in an ice bath?


Heller says that could work. The problem is its not very convenient. I dont have a giant ice bath handy. Do you?


No, but I did use to stand in an ice bath after high school cross-country practices.


But seriously, could I just stick my feet in a bucket of ice water?


Not so much. Youve got AVAs in your feet, but remember the idea is to get more blood flowing through them.


Icy water is a shock, and it makes blood vessels constrict. So youre actually get less blood through your AVAs, not more.


The water in Hellers gloves, in the mid-50s, is cool but its not too cold.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
dizziness ['dizinis]


n. 头昏眼花,眩晕

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

circulate ['sə:kjuleit]


vi. 流通,循环,传播
vt. 使流通

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

mitten ['mitn]


n. 连指手套,露指手套

constrict [kən'strikt]


v. 压缩,束紧,使收缩

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍





