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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • On days randomized to coffee, people took on average about 1000 more steps, which is highly significant.
  • 在随机分配喝咖啡的日子里,人们(实验参与者)平均多走了大约1000步,数据非常显著。
  • And in fact, that difference in average steps has been associated with the improved longevity in large epidemiologic studies.
  • 事实上,大型流行病学研究发现平均步数的差异与寿命延长有关。
  • The study couldn’t show why people increased their steps on days when they drank coffee.
  • 这项研究无法说明人们在喝咖啡的日子里步数增加的原因。
  • Maybe they were just walking to the coffee shop or the bathroom more!
  • 也许他们只是更频繁地去咖啡店或上洗手间!
  • But regardless, an extra 1,000 steps per day has been linked to a 6 to 15 percent lower risk of death in other studies.
  • 但无论如何,其他研究发现,每天多走1000步,死亡风险就会降低6%到15%。
  • So coffee might actually make people perk up and move around.
  • 咖啡可能会让人们精神抖擞,四处走动。
  • Yup, I guess the coffee drinkers were full of beans.
  • 是的,我想喝咖啡会让你活力满满。
  • But there was a downside to drinking coffee, and it probably won’t surprise you.
  • 喝咖啡也有缺点,但你可能对此不会感到惊讶。
  • Ummm, let me guess. People slept less?
  • 嗯,让我猜猜。人们会睡得更少?
  • Bingo. The study participants got about half an hour less sleep on average on the days they drank coffee compared with the days they didn’t.
  • 对。这项研究的参与者在喝咖啡的日子会比不喝咖啡的日子平均会少睡半个小时。
  • But the results varied a lot from person to person depending on whether they were fast or slow coffee metabolizers—which is determined by your genetics.
  • 但研究结果因人而异,由参与者咖啡代谢的快慢决定,也就是说,这是由你的基因决定的。
  • The researchers gave participants a genetic saliva test to determine which type of coffee metabolizer they were.
  • 研究人员对参与者进行了唾液基因测试,以确定他们属于哪种类型的咖啡代谢者。
  • So the fast caffeine metabolizers actually exhibited no significant relationship between coffee consumption and sleep, whereas the slow caffeine metabolizers exhibited the worst effects on sleep.
  • 咖啡因代谢快的人实际上并没有表现出喝咖啡与睡眠减少之间的显著关系,而咖啡因代谢慢的人表现出喝咖啡对睡眠的严重影响。
  • In fact, the slow caffeine metabolizers, on average, had almost an hour less sleep when they were exposed to coffee.
  • 事实上,咖啡因代谢慢的人在喝咖啡时平均少睡了近一个小时。
  • I never had an issue with sleep when I was drinking a lot of coffee.
  • 当我喝很多咖啡时,我从来没有睡眠问题。
  • But I wake up at a ridiculous early hour in the morning–I’m talking 5 o’clock–so I’m usually zonked by 10 PM anyway.
  • 不过,我早上起得异常早——我说的是5点——所以,我通常到晚上10点就筋疲力尽了。
  • I don’t usually find that coffee keeps me up at night, but I try not to have caffeine after about 3 or 4 pm.
  • 一般而言,我发现咖啡不会让我在晚上睡不着,但我尽量在下午三四点后不摄入咖啡因。
  • Still, this study has me wondering if I should quit drinking it earlier in the day.
  • 尽管如此,这项研究还是让我想知道我是否应该在大清早停止喝咖啡。
  • If someone suffers from insomnia, we have found here in a randomized trial that there are meaningful effects on sleep.
  • 如果有人患有失眠症,我们在一项随机试验中发现,咖啡对睡眠有很大的影响。
  • Ok, that part is pretty much a no-brainer. But overall, the study does seem like fairly positive news for those who enjoy their brew.
  • 好,这部分很容易理解。但总的来说,这项研究对那些喜欢喝咖啡的人来说似乎是一个相当积极的消息。
  • Yes, it is pretty good news. It confirms other observational studies that have not shown a higher risk of heart arrhythmias.
  • 是的,这是个好消息。这项研究证实了其他并未表明有较高的心律失常风险的观察性研究。
  • And some studies have shown that drinking coffee is linked with a lower lifetime risk of diabetes and death overall—which could be a result of the higher activity levels that drinking coffee might produce.
  • 一些研究表明,喝咖啡可以降低患糖尿病与死亡的风险,这可能是因为喝咖啡可以提高活动水平。
  • In the end, there may not be a simple answer to the question of whether coffee is good or bad for you.
  • 最后,对于喝咖啡对你有益还是有害的问题,可能没有一个简单的答案。
  • It depends on how much you consume, and each person is different.
  • 这取决于你喝的量,每个人都不同。


On days randomized to coffee, people took on average about 1000 more steps, which is highly significant.


And in fact, that difference in average steps has been associated with the improved longevity in large epidemiologic studies.


The study couldnt show why people increased their steps on days when they drank coffee.


Maybe they were just walking to the coffee shop or the bathroom more!


But regardless, an extra 1,000 steps per day has been linked to a 6 to 15 percent lower risk of death in other studies.


So coffee might actually make people perk up and move around.


Yup, I guess the coffee drinkers were full of beans.


But there was a downside to drinking coffee, and it probably wont surprise you.


Ummm, let me guess. People slept less?


Bingo. The study participants got about half an hour less sleep on average on the days they drank coffee compared with the days they didnt.


But the results varied a lot from person to person depending on whether they were fast or slow coffee metabolizerswhich is determined by your genetics.


The researchers gave participants a genetic saliva test to determine which type of coffee metabolizer they were.


So the fast caffeine metabolizers actually exhibited no significant relationship between coffee consumption and sleep, whereas the slow caffeine metabolizers exhibited the worst effects on sleep.


In fact, the slow caffeine metabolizers, on average, had almost an hour less sleep when they were exposed to coffee.


I never had an issue with sleep when I was drinking a lot of coffee.


But I wake up at a ridiculous early hour in the morningIm talking 5 oclockso Im usually zonked by 10 PM anyway.


I dont usually find that coffee keeps me up at night, but I try not to have caffeine after about 3 or 4 pm.


Still, this study has me wondering if I should quit drinking it earlier in the day.


If someone suffers from insomnia, we have found here in a randomized trial that there are meaningful effects on sleep.


Ok, that part is pretty much a no-brainer. But overall, the study does seem like fairly positive news for those who enjoy their brew.


Yes, it is pretty good news. It confirms other observational studies that have not shown a higher risk of heart arrhythmias.


And some studies have shown that drinking coffee is linked with a lower lifetime risk of diabetes and death overallwhich could be a result of the higher activity levels that drinking coffee might produce.


In the end, there may not be a simple answer to the question of whether coffee is good or bad for you.


It depends on how much you consume, and each person is different.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
consume [kən'sju:m]


v. 消耗,花费,挥霍

exposed [iks'pəuzd]


adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,

insomnia [in'sɔmniə]


n. 失眠(症)

produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

genetic [dʒi'netik]


adj. 基因的,遗传的,起源的

varied ['vɛərid]


adj. 各种各样的 动词vary的过去式和过去分词

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

diabetes [.daiə'bi:ti:z]


n. 糖尿病

determine [di'tə:min]


v. 决定,决心,确定,测定

ridiculous [ri'dikjuləs]


adj. 荒谬的,可笑的





