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  • Recent shark bites in Florida and Hawaii and a suspected case in New Jersey have raised an age-old summer question for beachgoers — is it safe to go in the water?
  • 最近在佛罗里达州和夏威夷发生的鲨鱼咬人事件以及在新泽西州发生的一起疑似鲨鱼咬人事件使得海滩游客提出了一个由来已久的夏季问题——下水安全吗?
  • Scientists and researchers who study sharks said the answer to that question is yes, it is safe.
  • 科学家和研究鲨鱼的研究人员表示,这个问题的答案是肯定的,下水是安全的。
  • Dangerous interactions between humans and sharks are uncommon, and serious injuries and deaths from the bites are rare and growing rarer, scientists said.
  • 科学家表示,人类和鲨鱼之间的危险互动并不常见,鲨鱼咬人造成的严重伤害和死亡事件也很少见,而且越来越罕见。
  • Still, the extraordinary nature of shark bites and the stories of survivors capture the imagination.
  • 尽管如此,鲨鱼咬人的非同寻常的性质和幸存者的故事仍然激发了人们的想象力。
  • In April, the story of a Hawaii surfer fighting off a shark got widespread public attention, for example.
  • 例如,今年4月,一名夏威夷冲浪者与鲨鱼搏斗的故事引起了公众的广泛关注。
  • But, it is a good idea to remember just how rare shark bites truly are, scientists said.
  • 但是,科学家表示,记住鲨鱼咬人的情况非常罕见是一个好主意。
  • There have been around 70 to 80 unprovoked shark bites yearly, worldwide, over the past 10 years.
  • 在过去的10年里,全世界每年大约有70到80起鲨鱼无端咬人事件。
  • And not only are shark bites rare, they have been especially rare recently.
  • 鲨鱼咬人很罕见,最近尤其罕见。
  • There were only 57 unprovoked bites last year, and just five of them were deadly, reports the University of Florida's International Shark Attack File.
  • 据佛罗里达大学国际鲨鱼攻击档案报道,去年只发生了57起无端咬人事件,其中只有5起是致命的。
  • There had been nine such deaths in 2021.
  • 2021年发生了9起鲨鱼咬人致死事件。
  • The shark attack file reported a year ago that one reason for the drop in bites might be the decrease of shark populations around the world.
  • 国际鲨鱼攻击档案一年前报告称,咬人事件减少的一个原因可能是世界各地鲨鱼数量的减少。
  • It is too early in the warm season to get an idea of how active this year will be for interactions between humans and sharks, said Greg Skomal.
  • 格雷格·斯科马尔说,在温暖的季节,要想知道今年人类和鲨鱼之间的互动会有多活跃还为时过早。
  • He is a shark expert with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries.
  • 他是马萨诸塞州海洋渔业局的鲨鱼专家。
  • "If we get lots of bait fish and forage fish species close to shore, we have a super hot summer that draws people to beaches, more people in the water, then we can determine the risk," Skomal said.
  • 斯科马尔说:“如果海岸附近有大量的诱饵鱼和饲料鱼,且夏天超级炎热,吸引人们去海滩,更多的人在水中,那么我们就可以确定风险。”
  • The United States and Australia are the sites of the most reported shark bites.
  • 据报道,美国和澳大利亚是发生鲨鱼咬人事件最多的地区。
  • The state of Florida led the world last year with 16 unprovoked bites, the shark attack file said.
  • 国际鲨鱼攻击档案称,佛罗里达州去年发生了16起无端咬人事件,位居世界首位。
  • This month, two Florida fishermen were bitten by sharks in separate incidents less than 36 hours apart.
  • 本月,佛罗里达州的两名渔民在相隔不到36小时的不同事件中被鲨鱼咬伤。
  • The rate of shark bites has stayed steady in recent years.
  • 近年来,鲨鱼咬人率一直保持稳定。
  • But, people may think attacks are more common because of new technology to report shark sightings, said Nick Whitney, a lead scientist at the New England Aquarium in Boston.
  • 但是,波士顿新英格兰水族馆的首席科学家尼克·惠特尼说,人们可能认为鲨鱼袭击事件更常见,因为有了报道看见鲨鱼的新技术。
  • Recently developed smartphone apps permit users to report shark sightings in real time.
  • 最近开发的智能手机应用程序允许用户实时报道看到的鲨鱼。
  • White sharks, bull sharks and tiger sharks are the sharks most cited by the International Shark Attack File for unprovoked bites.
  • 大白鲨、牛鲨和虎鲨是国际鲨鱼攻击档案最常被引用的无端咬人的鲨鱼。
  • They are large sharks that also cause the most deaths.
  • 它们是导致死亡人数最多的大型鲨鱼。
  • However, remember that many interactions with sharks are with smaller species that are unlikely to cause serious injuries, said James Sulikowski, director of the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station at Oregon State University.
  • 然而,俄勒冈州立大学俄勒冈海岸海洋实验站主任詹姆斯·苏利科夫斯基表示,要记住,与鲨鱼互动的大多是较小的物种,这些物种不太可能造成严重伤害。
  • Those sharks might bite a human, realize we are not their desired prey and move on, he said.
  • 他说,那些鲨鱼可能会咬人,意识到我们不是它们想要的猎物时,它们就会继续前进。
  • You are at much greater risk of getting hurt in a car accident on the way to the ocean than you are to get seriously injured by a shark bite when you are there.
  • 你在去海边的路上发生车祸受伤的风险比你在海里被鲨鱼咬伤的风险要大得多。
  • Millions of people go to the ocean in the summer as the weather heats up, and that raises the possibility of interacting with a shark.
  • 随着夏天天气变暖,数百万人会去海边,这增加了与鲨鱼互动的可能性。
  • But by taking simple steps, visitors can reduce any chance of a dangerous interaction with a shark, Sulikowski said.
  • 但苏利科夫斯基说,通过采取简单的措施,游客可以减少与鲨鱼发生危险互动的可能性。
  • Such steps include avoiding the water early and late in the day when most sharks hunt for food.
  • 这些措施包括避免在一天的早、晚时段下水,因为这两个时段是大多数鲨鱼捕食的时间。
  • You should also not carry anything shiny into the water.
  • 你也不应该携带任何闪闪发光的东西下水。
  • "We are intruders in their environment. What we can do is be logical and safe about that and avoid areas where sharks are going to be feeding," Sulikowski said.
  • 苏利科夫斯基说:“我们是它们环境的入侵者。我们所能做的是合理而安全地避开鲨鱼捕食的区域。”
  • "When an interaction occurs, it's mistaken identity — we are in an area where a shark is looking to eat."
  • 当互动发生时,这是错误的特征——我们在一个鲨鱼寻找东西吃的地方。
  • I'm Caty Weaver.
  • 凯蒂·韦弗为您播报。


Recent shark bites in Florida and Hawaii and a suspected case in New Jersey have raised an age-old summer question for beachgoersis it safe to go in the water?


Scientists and researchers who study sharks said the answer to that question is yes, it is safe.


Dangerous interactions between humans and sharks are uncommon, and serious injuries and deaths from the bites are rare and growing rarer, scientists said.


Still, the extraordinary nature of shark bites and the stories of survivors capture the imagination.


In April, the story of a Hawaii surfer fighting off a shark got widespread public attention, for example.


But, it is a good idea to remember just how rare shark bites truly are, scientists said.


There have been around 70 to 80 unprovoked shark bites yearly, worldwide, over the past 10 years.


And not only are shark bites rare, they have been especially rare recently.


There were only 57 unprovoked bites last year, and just five of them were deadly, reports the University of Florida's International Shark Attack File.


There had been nine such deaths in 2021.


The shark attack file reported a year ago that one reason for the drop in bites might be the decrease of shark populations around the world.


It is too early in the warm season to get an idea of how active this year will be for interactions between humans and sharks, said Greg Skomal.


He is a shark expert with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries.


"If we get lots of bait fish and forage fish species close to shore, we have a super hot summer that draws people to beaches, more people in the water, then we can determine the risk," Skomal said.


The United States and Australia are the sites of the most reported shark bites.


The state of Florida led the world last year with 16 unprovoked bites, the shark attack file said.


This month, two Florida fishermen were bitten by sharks in separate incidents less than 36 hours apart.


The rate of shark bites has stayed steady in recent years.


But, people may think attacks are more common because of new technology to report shark sightings, said Nick Whitney, a lead scientist at the New England Aquarium in Boston.


Recently developed smartphone apps permit users to report shark sightings in real time.


White sharks, bull sharks and tiger sharks are the sharks most cited by the International Shark Attack File for unprovoked bites.


They are large sharks that also cause the most deaths.


However, remember that many interactions with sharks are with smaller species that are unlikely to cause serious injuries, said James Sulikowski, director of the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station at Oregon State University.


Those sharks might bite a human, realize we are not their desired prey and move on, he said.


You are at much greater risk of getting hurt in a car accident on the way to the ocean than you are to get seriously injured by a shark bite when you are there.


Millions of people go to the ocean in the summer as the weather heats up, and that raises the possibility of interacting with a shark.


But by taking simple steps, visitors can reduce any chance of a dangerous interaction with a shark, Sulikowski said.


Such steps include avoiding the water early and late in the day when most sharks hunt for food.


You should also not carry anything shiny into the water.


"We are intruders in their environment. What we can do is be logical and safe about that and avoid areas where sharks are going to be feeding," Sulikowski said.


"When an interaction occurs, it's mistaken identitywe are in an area where a shark is looking to eat."


I'm Caty Weaver.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的

shark [ʃɑ:k]


n. 鲨鱼
n. 贪婪的人,放高利贷的人,老手

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

uncommon [ʌn'kɔmən]


adj. 不寻常的,不凡的,罕有的

determine [di'tə:min]


v. 决定,决心,确定,测定

unprovoked ['ʌnprə'vəukt]


adj. (生气等)无缘无故的

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固





