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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A Swiss radio station recently carried out a social experiment on air, testing robot-created content and voicing.
  • 瑞士一家广播电台最近进行了一项社会实验,测试机器人生成的内容和语音。
  • The 13-hour experiment took place on the French-language station Couleur 3.
  • 这项历时13小时的实验是在法语电台“三色电台”上进行的。
  • During the period, listeners heard the cloned voices of five human presenters.
  • 在此期间,听众听到的是五位真人主持人的克隆声音。
  • The station's programming also included music created by artificial intelligence (AI) methods.
  • 该电台的节目还包括由人工智能方法创作的音乐。
  • The programming informed listeners about the experiment every 20 minutes.
  • 节目每隔20分钟向听众通报一次实验情况。
  • "AI is taking your favorite radio by storm," a voice said.
  • “人工智能夺取了你最喜欢的电台,”一个声音说。
  • "Our clones and AI are here to unsettle, surprise and shake you. And for that matter, this text was also written by a robot."
  • “我们的克隆声音和人工智能在此让你感到不安、惊讶和震撼。就此而言,这条信息就是由机器人写的。”
  • Recent AI developments have led to the creation of a series of tools that permit robots to lead different human activities.
  • 最近人工智能的发展导致了一系列工具的诞生,这些工具允许机器人领导不同的人类活动。
  • These tools belong to a group of systems known as "generative AI."
  • 这些工具属于一组被称为“生成式人工智能”的系统。
  • The tools use machine learning methods to train AI systems on huge amounts of data to produce human-quality results.
  • 这些工具使用机器学习方法通过海量数据训练人工智能系统,以产生人类质量的结果。
  • One of the most highly publicized generative AI tools is called ChatGPT.
  • 最广为人知的生成式人工智能工具之一就是ChatGPT。
  • It received wide attention by demonstrating the ability to quickly produce written answers to questions at a level and quality similar to humans.
  • 它展示了快速生成与人类水平和质量相似的问题书面答案的能力,从而获得了广泛的关注。
  • The development of generative AI systems has led to some criticism of the technology.
  • 生成式人工智能系统的发展引发了一些人对该技术的批评。
  • Critics have warned that such systems, if used incorrectly, could cause economic, cultural and social harms.
  • 批评人士警告称,此类系统如果使用不当可能会造成经济、文化和社会危害。
  • The Swiss station's chief, Antoine Multone, told The Associated Press that Couleur 3 was able to carry out the experiment because it is already known for doing "provocative" things.
  • 瑞士广播电台负责人安托万·穆尔托内告诉美联社,“三色电台”之所以能够进行这项实验,是因为它已经以做“煽动性的”事情而闻名。
  • Multone defended the project as a lesson on how to live with AI.
  • 穆尔托内为该项目辩护,称其是如何与人工智能共存的课程。
  • "I think if we become ostriches ... we put our heads in the sand and say, 'Mon Dieu, there's a new technology! We're all going to die!' then yeah, we're going to die because it (AI) is coming, whether we like it or not," Multone said by phone.
  • 穆尔托内在电话中说:“我认为,如果我们变成鸵鸟……我们把头埋在沙子里,说,‘我的天啊,有一项新技术!我们都要死了!’那么,是的,我们都会死,因为它(人工智能)即将到来,无论我们喜欢与否。”
  • "We want to master the technology so we can then put limits on it."
  • “我们希望掌握这项技术,这样我们就可以对其加以限制。”
  • Station officials said it took three months to train the AI to understand the needs of the station and learn the special requirements of its programming.
  • 电台官员表示,他们花了三个月的时间来训练人工智能,让它了解电台的需求,并学习其节目的特殊要求。
  • Music that aired during the experiment was completely or mostly created by AI methods.
  • 在实验期间播放的音乐全部或大部分都是由人工智能方法创作的。
  • Multone claimed that was a world's first for a radio station.
  • 穆尔托内声称,这是世界上第一家人工智能广播电台。
  • The experiment included human-sounding robot voices providing false short news stories meant to be too futuristic to be believed.
  • 实验中,机器人的声音听起来像人类的声音,提供虚假的短新闻故事,这些故事过于未来主义,令人难以置信。
  • These included a story about a temporary ban on spaceship flights over Geneva because of noise complaints.
  • 其中包括一篇关于由于噪音投诉而暂时禁止宇宙飞船在日内瓦上空飞行的报道。
  • Another informed about the opening of the first underwater restaurant in Lake Zurich, while another told about visitors from outer space coming to Switzerland.
  • 另一则新闻讲述了在苏黎世湖开设了第一家水下餐厅,还有一则新闻讲述了来自外太空的游客来到瑞士。
  • Multone admitted there was a lot of discussion among employees about whether to go through with the experiment.
  • 穆尔托内承认,员工们对是否进行这项实验进行了大量讨论。
  • He said he would have been willing to stop the project if his team was not fully supportive.
  • 他说,如果他的团队不全力支持,他会停止这个项目。
  • The station said in a statement it received hundreds of messages on the day of the experiment, with some supporting and others opposing.
  • 该电台在一份声明中表示,在实验当天收到了数百条信息,有些人支持,有些人反对。
  • One person complained of unfunny jokes.
  • 有一个人抱怨说笑话不好笑。
  • Another listener admitted to not recognizing the programming as an experiment.
  • 另一位听众承认,他没有意识到这个节目是一个实验。
  • One critic called the project a waste of time for a station that gets public financing.
  • 一位批评人士称,对于一个获得公共资金的电台来说,该项目是在浪费时间。
  • Multone said about 90 percent of listener reactions suggested the experiment was a good idea.
  • 穆尔托内表示,大约90%的听众认为,这个实验是一个好主意。
  • But many said they found the human element missing.
  • 但许多人表示,他们发现缺少了人为因素。
  • Many listeners noted, "You can sense these are robots, and there are fewer surprises, less personality.'"
  • 许多听众指出,“你能感觉到这些是机器人,没有太多惊喜,没有那么多个性。”
  • Multone said some listeners were even more forceful, urging station officials to "'give us back our humans!'"
  • 穆尔托内说,一些听众甚至更强烈敦促电台官员“把我们的人类主播还给我们!”
  • I'm Bryan Lynn.
  • 布莱恩·林恩为您播报。


A Swiss radio station recently carried out a social experiment on air, testing robot-created content and voicing.


The 13-hour experiment took place on the French-language station Couleur 3.


During the period, listeners heard the cloned voices of five human presenters.


The station's programming also included music created by artificial intelligence (AI) methods.


The programming informed listeners about the experiment every 20 minutes.


"AI is taking your favorite radio by storm," a voice said.


"Our clones and AI are here to unsettle, surprise and shake you. And for that matter, this text was also written by a robot."


Recent AI developments have led to the creation of a series of tools that permit robots to lead different human activities.


These tools belong to a group of systems known as "generative AI."


The tools use machine learning methods to train AI systems on huge amounts of data to produce human-quality results.


One of the most highly publicized generative AI tools is called ChatGPT.


It received wide attention by demonstrating the ability to quickly produce written answers to questions at a level and quality similar to humans.


The development of generative AI systems has led to some criticism of the technology.


Critics have warned that such systems, if used incorrectly, could cause economic, cultural and social harms.


The Swiss station's chief, Antoine Multone, told The Associated Press that Couleur 3 was able to carry out the experiment because it is already known for doing "provocative" things.


Multone defended the project as a lesson on how to live with AI.


"I think if we become ostriches ... we put our heads in the sand and say, 'Mon Dieu, there's a new technology! We're all going to die!' then yeah, we're going to die because it (AI) is coming, whether we like it or not," Multone said by phone.


"We want to master the technology so we can then put limits on it."


Station officials said it took three months to train the AI to understand the needs of the station and learn the special requirements of its programming.


Music that aired during the experiment was completely or mostly created by AI methods.


Multone claimed that was a world's first for a radio station.


The experiment included human-sounding robot voices providing false short news stories meant to be too futuristic to be believed.


These included a story about a temporary ban on spaceship flights over Geneva because of noise complaints.


Another informed about the opening of the first underwater restaurant in Lake Zurich, while another told about visitors from outer space coming to Switzerland.


Multone admitted there was a lot of discussion among employees about whether to go through with the experiment.


He said he would have been willing to stop the project if his team was not fully supportive.


The station said in a statement it received hundreds of messages on the day of the experiment, with some supporting and others opposing.


One person complained of unfunny jokes.


Another listener admitted to not recognizing the programming as an experiment.


One critic called the project a waste of time for a station that gets public financing.


Multone said about 90 percent of listener reactions suggested the experiment was a good idea.


But many said they found the human element missing.


Many listeners noted, "You can sense these are robots, and there are fewer surprises, less personality.'"


Multone said some listeners were even more forceful, urging station officials to "'give us back our humans!'"


I'm Bryan Lynn.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
critic ['kritik]


n. 批评家,评论家

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

provocative [prə'vɔkətiv]


adj. 气人的,挑拨的,刺激的
n. 刺激物

element ['elimənt]


n. 元素,成分,组成部分,(复数)恶劣天气

informed [in'fɔ:md]


adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

forceful ['fɔ:sfəl]


adj. 有力的,强烈的

produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

permit ['pə:mit,pə'mit]


n. 许可证,执照
v. 允许,许可





