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  • Drugs that fight obesity could for the first time be included on the World Health Organization's (WHO) "essential medicines list."
  • 抗肥胖药或将首次被列入世界卫生组织的“基本药物清单”。
  • The United Nations health agency told Reuters the list is used to guide government purchasing decisions in low- and middle-income countries.
  • 该联合国卫生机构告诉路透社,这份清单用于指导中低收入国家的政府采购决策。
  • A group of WHO advisers will examine new requests for drugs to be included next month.
  • 世卫组织的一个顾问小组将于下个月审查新的药物申请。
  • The latest list of essential medicines is set to be released in September.
  • 最新的基本药物清单将于9月发布。
  • The request to consider obesity drugs came from three doctors and a researcher in the United States.
  • 请求考虑将减肥药纳入清单的是美国的三名医生和一名研究人员。
  • Their request covers the active ingredient liraglutide, which is used in the obesity drug Saxenda.
  • 他们请求将减肥药Saxenda中使用的活性成分利拉鲁肽纳入清单。
  • The drug, made by Novo Nordisk, is set to come off patent soon.
  • 该药物由诺和诺德公司生产,专利即将到期。
  • The consideration is meant to permit the availability of less costly versions of such drugs.
  • 考虑将其纳入清单是为了降低此类药物的价格。
  • WHO advisers could reject the request or wait for more evidence.
  • 世卫组织顾问可能会拒绝这一请求,也可能会等待更多证据。
  • But if they approve the request to include Saxenda and any future drug versions, it would mark a new method of dealing with worldwide obesity.
  • 但如果他们批准了将Saxenda和任何未来的药物纳入清单的请求,这将标志着一种应对全球肥胖问题的新方法。
  • However, some public health experts warn against introducing such medicines to the public as a solution to a complex condition that is still not completely understood.
  • 然而,一些公共卫生专家警告称,不要将这类药物作为一种治疗尚不完全了解的复杂疾病的方法推向公众。
  • The WHO said the group of experts would consider the evidence for liraglutide over the coming months.
  • 世卫组织表示,专家小组将在未来几个月考虑利拉鲁肽的证据。
  • The group may also look into other kinds of weight-loss treatments in the future.
  • 该组织还可能会在未来研究其他种类的减肥疗法。
  • The WHO found over 650 million adults worldwide are obese, more than three times the rate in 1975.
  • 世界卫生组织发现,全球超过6.5亿成年人患有肥胖症,是1975年的三倍多。
  • Another 1.3 billion people worldwide are overweight.
  • 全球另有13亿人超重。
  • Seventy percent of obese and overweight people live in low- and middle-income countries.
  • 70%的肥胖和超重人口生活在低中等收入国家。
  • Including obesity drugs among the WHO's essential medicines could make a major difference in poorer populations.
  • 将减肥药纳入世卫组织的基本药物清单可能会对贫困人口产生重大影响。
  • Experts say that adding drugs for the disease HIV to the list in 2002 helped make such drugs more widely available to patients in lower-income countries.
  • 专家表示,2002年将治疗艾滋病的药物纳入清单有助于低收入国家的患者更广泛地获得此类药物。
  • The doctors and the researcher who requested the consideration wrote, "At present, there are no medications included in the (list) that specifically target weight loss for the ongoing global burden of obesity."
  • 要求考虑将减肥药纳入清单的医生和研究人员写道:“目前,清单中没有专门针对持续增加的全球肥胖负担的减肥药物。”
  • They argue that the lack of weight-loss treatments goes against the idea of worldwide health equality.
  • 他们认为,缺乏减肥治疗方法与全球健康平等的理念相悖。
  • Poorer nations, they added, are seeing increased deaths from weight-related illnesses.
  • 他们还说,贫穷国家因体重相关疾病而死亡的人数正在增加。
  • Saxenda is a once-daily injection.
  • Saxenda每天注射一次。
  • It has been shown to help people reduce 5 to 10 percent of their body weight.
  • 它已被证明可以帮助人们减轻5%到10%的体重。
  • It is $450 per month in the United States and $150 per month in Europe.
  • 在美国,每月购买Saxenda需花450美元;在欧洲,每月购买Saxenda需花150美元。
  • Another drug made by Novo Nordisk, Wegovy, is a weekly injection.
  • 诺和诺德公司生产的另一种药物Wegovy是每周注射一次。
  • It costs more than $1,300 a month in the United States.
  • 在美国,每月购买Wegovy需花超过1300美元。
  • People using it have lost up to 15 percent of their weight.
  • 使用它的人体重下降了15%。
  • At the moment, Wegovy is in short supply.
  • 目前,Wegovy供不应求。
  • Novo is mainly working toward Wegovy's launch in the United States and other wealthy markets.
  • 诺和诺德公司主要在美国和其他富裕市场推出Wegovy。
  • Both drugs belong to a class of medicines called GLP-1 receptor agonists.
  • 这两种药物都属于一类被称为胰高血糖素样肽-1受体激动剂的药物。
  • Such drugs have been used for years to treat diabetes.
  • 多年来,此类药物一直被用于治疗糖尿病。
  • The drug affects hunger signals to the brain and slow the rate at which a person's stomach empties.
  • 这种药物影响大脑的饥饿信号,并减缓人的胃排空速度。
  • As a result, people feel fuller longer.
  • 因此,人们的饱腹感会持续更长时间。
  • For both Saxenda and Wegovy, there is a lack of long-term safety and effectiveness data for obesity.
  • Saxenda和Wegovy都缺乏治疗肥胖症的长期安全性和有效性数据。
  • Studies suggest people will likely have to take the drugs for the rest of their lives to keep the weight off.
  • 研究表明,人们可能会不得不在余生中服用这些药物来保持体重。
  • Novo Nordisk said in a statement it was not involved in the request to consider liraglutide for the WHO list.
  • 诺和诺德公司在一份声明中表示,它没有提出考虑将利拉鲁肽列入世卫组织清单的请求。
  • It added, "We welcome the WHO review and look forward to the readout and decision."
  • 它还表示,“我们欢迎世界卫生组织的审查,并期待结果和决定。”
  • I'm Gregory Stachel.
  • 格雷戈里·施塔赫尔为您播报。


Drugs that fight obesity could for the first time be included on the World Health Organization's (WHO) "essential medicines list."


The United Nations health agency told Reuters the list is used to guide government purchasing decisions in low- and middle-income countries.


A group of WHO advisers will examine new requests for drugs to be included next month.


The latest list of essential medicines is set to be released in September.


The request to consider obesity drugs came from three doctors and a researcher in the United States.


Their request covers the active ingredient liraglutide, which is used in the obesity drug Saxenda.


The drug, made by Novo Nordisk, is set to come off patent soon.


The consideration is meant to permit the availability of less costly versions of such drugs.


WHO advisers could reject the request or wait for more evidence.


But if they approve the request to include Saxenda and any future drug versions, it would mark a new method of dealing with worldwide obesity.


However, some public health experts warn against introducing such medicines to the public as a solution to a complex condition that is still not completely understood.


The WHO said the group of experts would consider the evidence for liraglutide over the coming months.


The group may also look into other kinds of weight-loss treatments in the future.


The WHO found over 650 million adults worldwide are obese, more than three times the rate in 1975.


Another 1.3 billion people worldwide are overweight.


Seventy percent of obese and overweight people live in low- and middle-income countries.


Including obesity drugs among the WHO's essential medicines could make a major difference in poorer populations.


Experts say that adding drugs for the disease HIV to the list in 2002 helped make such drugs more widely available to patients in lower-income countries.


The doctors and the researcher who requested the consideration wrote, "At present, there are no medications included in the (list) that specifically target weight loss for the ongoing global burden of obesity."


They argue that the lack of weight-loss treatments goes against the idea of worldwide health equality.


Poorer nations, they added, are seeing increased deaths from weight-related illnesses.


Saxenda is a once-daily injection.


It has been shown to help people reduce 5 to 10 percent of their body weight.


It is $450 per month in the United States and $150 per month in Europe.


Another drug made by Novo Nordisk, Wegovy, is a weekly injection.


It costs more than $1,300 a month in the United States.


People using it have lost up to 15 percent of their weight.


At the moment, Wegovy is in short supply.


Novo is mainly working toward Wegovy's launch in the United States and other wealthy markets.


Both drugs belong to a class of medicines called GLP-1 receptor agonists.


Such drugs have been used for years to treat diabetes.


The drug affects hunger signals to the brain and slow the rate at which a person's stomach empties.


As a result, people feel fuller longer.


For both Saxenda and Wegovy, there is a lack of long-term safety and effectiveness data for obesity.


Studies suggest people will likely have to take the drugs for the rest of their lives to keep the weight off.


Novo Nordisk said in a statement it was not involved in the request to consider liraglutide for the WHO list.


It added, "We welcome the WHO review and look forward to the readout and decision."


I'm Gregory Stachel.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
diabetes [.daiə'bi:ti:z]


n. 糖尿病

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

consideration [kənsidə'reiʃən]


n. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见

costly ['kɔstli]


adj. 昂贵的,代价高的

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

availability [ə.veilə'biliti]


n. 有效,有用,有益;可得到的人(或物)

obesity [əu'bi:siti]


n. 肥胖,肥大

request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策





