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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Twitter began widespread dismissals of employees as new owner Elon Musk reorganizes the social media site.
  • 因为推特新老板埃隆·马斯克对这家社交媒体网站进行了重组,所以推特开始大规模裁员。
  • The company had told employees by email that they would find out by Friday morning if they had been laid off.
  • 该公司通过电子邮件告知员工,他们会在周五上午之前知道自己是否被解雇。
  • The email did not say how many of the 7,500 or so employees would lose their jobs.
  • 这封电子邮件没有说明大约7500名员工中有多少人会失去工作。
  • Musk did not answer a question about the dismissal plan at a conference in New York on Friday.
  • 周五在纽约的一次会议上,马斯克没有回答有关裁员计划的问题。
  • Investor Ron Baron had asked the businessman how much money he would save after he “fired half of Twitter.”
  • 投资者罗恩·巴伦曾问这位商人,在他“解雇了一半推特员工”后,他能省下多少钱。
  • Instead, Musk blamed activists who called on companies to halt advertising on the site.
  • 相反,马斯克指责了那些呼吁各大公司停止在该网站上投放广告的活动人士。
  • “The activist groups have been successful in causing a massive drop in Twitter advertising revenue,” he said.
  • 他说:“激进组织成功地导致了推特广告收入的大幅下降。”
  • He added that Twitter had done its best to satisfy the activists.
  • 他还说,推特已经尽了最大努力来满足活动人士的要求。
  • But, “nothing is working,” Musk said.
  • 但是,马斯克说,“一切都不起作用。”
  • Twitter employees have been expecting job cuts following Musk’s $44 billion takeover of the company.
  • 在马斯克以440亿美元收购推特后,推特员工一直预计他会裁员。
  • On his first day as owner, Musk fired several top leaders.
  • 马斯克上任的第一天就解雇了推特的几名高管。
  • He also removed the company's board of directors and made himself the only board member.
  • 他还撤掉了该公司的董事会,使自己成为唯一的董事会成员。
  • On Thursday night, many Twitter employees expressed support for co-workers by posting heart emojis in blue – the same color as Twitter’s bird logo.
  • 周四晚上,许多推特员工通过发布蓝色心形表情符号来表达对同事的支持——推特的标志小鸟也是蓝色的。
  • By early Friday, some employees posted that they could not log into their work accounts.
  • 到周五凌晨,一些员工发帖称,他们无法登录自己的工作账号。
  • They said those who worked in engineering, communications, product and content curation were among those being dismissed.
  • 他们表示,那些在工程、通信、产品和内容策划部门工作的人都在被解雇之列。
  • Rachel Bonn, a Twitter user wrote: "Last Thursday in the SF (San Francisco) office, really the last day Twitter was Twitter. 8 months pregnant and have a 9 month old. Just got cut off from laptop access."
  • 推特用户雷切尔·波恩写道:“上周四在旧金山办公室,真的是推特的最后一天。怀孕8个月,还有一个9个月大的孩子。刚刚被切断了笔记本电脑的访问权限。”
  • Arnaud Weber, a vice president of engineering said his goodbye on Twitter on Friday: "Twitter still has a lot of unlocked potential but I'm proud of what we accomplished.”
  • 周五,工程部副总裁阿诺·韦伯在推特上告别时说:“推特仍有很多未被发掘的潜力,但我为我们取得的成就感到自豪。”
  • A worker said employees on the Twitter Blue team were also dismissed.
  • 一名员工表示,推特蓝团队的员工也被解雇了。
  • The team was working on developing new products for the site.
  • 该团队当时还在为该网站开发新产品。
  • "Just to be clear, he fired the team working on this," the employee said.
  • 这名员工说:“需要申明的是,他解雇了负责这个项目的团队。”
  • A spokesperson for California's Employment Development Department told The Associated Press that Musk and Twitter had not given public notice of the coming layoffs.
  • 加州就业发展部的一名发言人告诉美联社,马斯克和推特没有就即将到来的裁员发出公开通知。
  • U.S. and California laws require employers with at least 100 workers to give public notice if planning to dismiss 500 or more employees.
  • 美国和加利福尼亚州的法律要求,拥有至少100名员工的雇主如果计划解雇500名或更多员工必须发出公开通知。
  • The requirement is for both publicly traded and privately held companies.
  • 这一要求既适用于上市公司,也适用于非上市公司。
  • On Thursday, several employees opened a legal action against Twitter in a federal court in San Francisco.
  • 周四,一些员工在旧金山的一家联邦法院对推特提起了法律诉讼。
  • One had been fired and the others had been locked out of the company’s computer systems.
  • 其中一人被解雇,其他人被切断了访问该公司计算机系统的权限。
  • The employees say Twitter plans to dismiss more employees and has violated the law by not providing the required notice.
  • 这些员工表示,推特计划解雇更多员工,却没有发出必要的通知,这违反了法律。
  • The layoffs come at a tough time for social media companies as companies are cutting back on advertising.
  • 各大社交媒体公司目前处于艰难时期,因为这些公司的广告收入在减少,所以它们进行了裁员。
  • In September, Facebook’s parent company Meta said it was working on plans to reorganize and reduce workers.
  • 今年9月,脸书的母公司Meta表示,其正在制定重组和裁员计划。
  • Big companies including General Motors and General Mills have all halted advertising on Twitter.
  • 包括通用汽车和通用磨坊在内的大公司都已停止在推特上投放广告。
  • The companies wanted to see how the service will operate under Musk.
  • 这些公司想看看在马斯克的领导下,这家社交媒体公司将如何运作。
  • And Europe's Volkswagen Group said Friday it is suggesting a suspension of paid advertising on Twitter for its car companies, including Audi, Porsche and Bentley.
  • 欧洲大众汽车集团周五表示,其建议暂停旗下奥迪、保时捷和宾利等汽车公司在推特上投放付费广告。
  • I'm Dan Novak.
  • 丹·诺瓦克为您播报。


Twitter began widespread dismissals of employees as new owner Elon Musk reorganizes the social media site.


The company had told employees by email that they would find out by Friday morning if they had been laid off.


The email did not say how many of the 7,500 or so employees would lose their jobs.


Musk did not answer a question about the dismissal plan at a conference in New York on Friday.


Investor Ron Baron had asked the businessman how much money he would save after he “fired half of Twitter.”


Instead, Musk blamed activists who called on companies to halt advertising on the site.


“The activist groups have been successful in causing a massive drop in Twitter advertising revenue,” he said.


He added that Twitter had done its best to satisfy the activists.


But, “nothing is working,” Musk said.


Twitter employees have been expecting job cuts following Musk’s $44 billion takeover of the company.


On his first day as owner, Musk fired several top leaders.


He also removed the company's board of directors and made himself the only board member.


On Thursday night, many Twitter employees expressed support for co-workers by posting heart emojis in blue – the same color as Twitter’s bird logo.


By early Friday, some employees posted that they could not log into their work accounts.


They said those who worked in engineering, communications, product and content curation were among those being dismissed.


Rachel Bonn, a Twitter user wrote: "Last Thursday in the SF (San Francisco) office, really the last day Twitter was Twitter. 8 months pregnant and have a 9 month old. Just got cut off from laptop access."


Arnaud Weber, a vice president of engineering said his goodbye on Twitter on Friday: "Twitter still has a lot of unlocked potential but I'm proud of what we accomplished.”


A worker said employees on the Twitter Blue team were also dismissed.


The team was working on developing new products for the site.


"Just to be clear, he fired the team working on this," the employee said.


A spokesperson for California's Employment Development Department told The Associated Press that Musk and Twitter had not given public notice of the coming layoffs.


U.S. and California laws require employers with at least 100 workers to give public notice if planning to dismiss 500 or more employees.


The requirement is for both publicly traded and privately held companies.


On Thursday, several employees opened a legal action against Twitter in a federal court in San Francisco.


One had been fired and the others had been locked out of the company’s computer systems.


The employees say Twitter plans to dismiss more employees and has violated the law by not providing the required notice.


The layoffs come at a tough time for social media companies as companies are cutting back on advertising.


In September, Facebook’s parent company Meta said it was working on plans to reorganize and reduce workers.


Big companies including General Motors and General Mills have all halted advertising on Twitter.


The companies wanted to see how the service will operate under Musk.


And Europe's Volkswagen Group said Friday it is suggesting a suspension of paid advertising on Twitter for its car companies, including Audi, Porsche and Bentley.


I'm Dan Novak.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

employee [.emplɔi'i:]


n. 雇员

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

investor [in'vestə]


n. 投资者

widespread ['waidspred]


adj. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的

accomplished [ə'kɔmpliʃt]


adj. 娴熟的,有造诣的,完成的,有成就的,毫无疑问的

dismissal [dis'misəl]


n. 免职,解雇

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

suspension [səs'penʃən]


n. 悬挂,悬浮液,暂缓,未决,中止





