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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It was an emotional day of testimony yesterday in the first trial connected with last year's January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
  • 昨天,在与去年1月6日美国国会山暴动有关案件的第一次审判中,这是一个激动人心的作证日。
  • The defendant is named Guy Reffitt.
  • 被告名叫盖伊·瑞菲特。
  • He's part of an anti-government militia group in Texas, and prosecutors say he brought a gun with him to the Capitol grounds on January 6 and charged at the police line.
  • 他是德克萨斯州一个反政府民兵组织的成员,检察官说,他在1月6日带着一把枪来到国会大厦,在警戒线处猛冲过来。
  • One of the key witnesses for the prosecution was Reffitt's own 19-year-old son, Jackson.
  • 控方的关键证人之一是瑞菲特19岁的儿子杰克逊。
  • So first, what can you tell us about Jackson Reffitt and his decision to testify?
  • 首先,你能给我们讲讲关于杰克逊·瑞菲特以及他作证的决定吗?
  • Well, yeah, his path to this day, this very emotional day in court, started more than a year ago when he contacted the FBI about his dad.
  • 他走到今天,在法庭上这一天非常激动人心,开始于一年多前,当时他就他父亲的事联系了联邦调查局。
  • His father, Guy Reffitt, the defendant, went to D.C. on January 6. That's not in dispute.
  • 他的父亲,被告盖伊·瑞菲特,于1月6日前往华盛顿。 这是毋庸置疑的。
  • And prosecutors showed us videos from that day where Reffitt threatens to drag politicians out of the Capitol by their hair.
  • 检察官给我们看了那天里瑞菲特威胁要揪着政客们的头发把他们拖出国会大厦的视频。
  • And then you can see him on other video climbing a stairwell on the outside of the building headed towards a police line.
  • 在另一段视频中,你可以看到他爬上大楼外面的楼梯,朝着警戒线走去。
  • Before he's hit by so much bear spray, he has to turn back.
  • 在他被大量防熊喷雾击中之前,他不得不返回。
  • Now, when Guy Reffitt returned back to Texas after January 6, Jackson, the son, testified that his dad was proud of what he had done at the Capitol.
  • 现在,当盖伊·瑞菲特在1月6日返回德州时,他的儿子杰克逊作证说,他的父亲为他在国会大厦所做的事感到骄傲。
  • And so the son actually started secretly recording what his dad was saying.
  • 于是他的儿子开始偷偷地录下他爸爸说的话。
  • There will be days your whole life when you'll know that your father was there when a epic, historical thing happened in this country.
  • 在你的一生中,总有那么几天你会知道,当一件史诗般的、历史性的事情发生在这个国家时,你的父亲就在那里。
  • I've got a lot more to do.
  • 我还有很多事要做。
  • I've got a lot more to do, you heard.
  • 我还有很多事要做,你听到了吧。
  • And on that tape, Guy Reffitt called that day an insurrection.
  • 在那盘磁带里,盖伊·瑞菲特称那天为暴动。
  • He described charging towards the police line, helping people take over the Capitol.
  • 他描述了冲向警戒线,帮助人们占领国会大厦的情形。
  • He also said that he had his gun on him and, quote, "everyone I know who was there was carrying weapons," though they did not fire any shots.
  • 他还说他带着枪,引用他的原话,“我认识的每个人都带着武器,”尽管他们没有开枪。
  • And at one point on the tape, Jackson Reffitt, the son, has this argument with his dad about whether he broke the law that day.
  • 在录音的某一段,杰克逊·瑞菲特,他的儿子,和他的父亲争论他那天是否触犯了法律。
  • Guy talks first in this clip.
  • 在这段视频中,盖伊先说话。
  • Tell me the law I broke.
  • 告诉我我违反了什么法律。
  • You carried a weapon onto federal grounds.
  • 你带着武器进入联邦地盘。
  • OK.
  • 好。
  • OK.
  • 好。
  • Which part of that is breaking the law?
  • 你说的哪一部分是违法的?
  • Guy Reffitt basically asserts that he was protected by the Second Amendment, which is not really the law on Capitol grounds.
  • 盖伊·瑞菲特基本上声称他受到了《第二修正案》的保护,而这并不是国会的法律。
  • So what did the son do with the recordings?
  • 那他儿子是怎么处理这些录音的?
  • Not long after this, Jackson testified that his dad had become more paranoid about being arrested.
  • 此后不久,杰克逊作证说,他的父亲对被捕变得更加偏执。
  • He told his kids that they shouldn't turn their dad into law enforcement because, quote, "traitors get shot."
  • 他告诉他的孩子们,他们不应该把他们的父亲交给执法人员,因为,引用他的话,“叛徒会被枪毙。”
  • Later that same day of that conversation, Jackson Reffitt went to the FBI, handed them the recordings, plus screenshots of text messages, and five days later, the FBI arrested Guy Reffitt.
  • 就在谈话当天的晚些时候,杰克逊·瑞菲特去找联邦调查局,把录音和短信截图交给了他们。五天后,联邦调查局逮捕了盖伊·瑞菲特。
  • Wow. What was the reaction in the courtroom to these recordings?
  • 法庭上对这些录音有什么反应?
  • Yeah. At the start of the testimony, his dad, the defendant, burst into tears.
  • 在证词开始时,他的父亲,即被告,泪流满面。
  • His mom was also in the gallery, also quite emotional.
  • 他的妈妈也在走廊里,也很激动。
  • Jackson himself was very soft-spoken, calm.
  • 杰克逊本人说话很温和,很冷静。
  • He has not been in close touch with his family since he turned his dad in to the FBI.
  • 自从他把父亲交给联邦调查局后,他就再也没有和家人密切联系过。
  • He did wave at his mom as he left the courtroom.
  • 他离开法庭时确实向他妈妈挥手。
  • Oh, man. What was the defense's response?
  • 天哪。 辩方的回应是什么?
  • Well, his defense attorney said at the beginning of the trial his client brags and exaggerates.
  • 他的辩护律师在庭审一开始就说他的当事人夸大其词。
  • He questioned Jackson Reffitt about his dad's drinking and use of the drug Xanax, suggesting that maybe he was under the influence when he said these things to his son.
  • 他询问了杰克逊·瑞菲特关于他父亲饮酒和服用阿普唑安药物的情况,暗示他对儿子说这些话时可能是受到了影响。
  • Jackson Reffitt has also given up quite a few interviews to the media and received online donations.
  • 杰克逊·瑞菲特也放弃了接受媒体采访的机会,并接受了网上捐款。
  • So the defense suggested he may be seeking publicity.
  • 所以辩方认为他可能是想出名。
  • The prosecutor asked Jackson Reffitt about that, if he turned his dad in to get rich and famous, he said no.
  • 检察官问杰克逊·瑞菲特,是否他为了致富成名而告发他的父亲,他说没有。


It was an emotional day of testimony yesterday in the first trial connected with last year's January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.


The defendant is named Guy Reffitt.


He's part of an anti-government militia group in Texas, and prosecutors say he brought a gun with him to the Capitol grounds on January 6 and charged at the police line.


One of the key witnesses for the prosecution was Reffitt's own 19-year-old son, Jackson.


So first, what can you tell us about Jackson Reffitt and his decision to testify?


Well, yeah, his path to this day, this very emotional day in court, started more than a year ago when he contacted the FBI about his dad.


His father, Guy Reffitt, the defendant, went to D.C. on January 6. That's not in dispute.

他的父亲,被告盖伊·瑞菲特,于1月6日前往华盛顿。 这是毋庸置疑的。

And prosecutors showed us videos from that day where Reffitt threatens to drag politicians out of the Capitol by their hair.


And then you can see him on other video climbing a stairwell on the outside of the building headed towards a police line.


Before he's hit by so much bear spray, he has to turn back.


Now, when Guy Reffitt returned back to Texas after January 6, Jackson, the son, testified that his dad was proud of what he had done at the Capitol.


And so the son actually started secretly recording what his dad was saying.


There will be days your whole life when you'll know that your father was there when a epic, historical thing happened in this country.


And guess what?


We're not done yet. I've got a lot more to do.


I've got a lot more to do, you heard.


And on that tape, Guy Reffitt called that day an insurrection.


He described charging towards the police line, helping people take over the Capitol.


He also said that he had his gun on him and, quote, "everyone I know who was there was carrying weapons," though they did not fire any shots.


And at one point on the tape, Jackson Reffitt, the son, has this argument with his dad about whether he broke the law that day.


Guy talks first in this clip.


Tell me the law I broke.


You carried a weapon onto federal grounds.






Which part of that is breaking the law?


Guy Reffitt basically asserts that he was protected by the Second Amendment, which is not really the law on Capitol grounds.


So what did the son do with the recordings?


Not long after this, Jackson testified that his dad had become more paranoid about being arrested.


He told his kids that they shouldn't turn their dad into law enforcement because, quote, "traitors get shot."


Later that same day of that conversation, Jackson Reffitt went to the FBI, handed them the recordings, plus screenshots of text messages, and five days later, the FBI arrested Guy Reffitt.


Wow. What was the reaction in the courtroom to these recordings?


Yeah. At the start of the testimony, his dad, the defendant, burst into tears.


His mom was also in the gallery, also quite emotional.


Jackson himself was very soft-spoken, calm.


He has not been in close touch with his family since he turned his dad in to the FBI.


He did wave at his mom as he left the courtroom.


Oh, man. What was the defense's response?

天哪。 辩方的回应是什么?

Well, his defense attorney said at the beginning of the trial his client brags and exaggerates.


He questioned Jackson Reffitt about his dad's drinking and use of the drug Xanax, suggesting that maybe he was under the influence when he said these things to his son.


Jackson Reffitt has also given up quite a few interviews to the media and received online donations.


So the defense suggested he may be seeking publicity.


The prosecutor asked Jackson Reffitt about that, if he turned his dad in to get rich and famous, he said no.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
militia [mi'liʃə]


n. 民兵组织,义勇军,国民军

courtroom ['kɔ:tru:m]


n. 法庭,审判室

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

prosecution [.prɔsi'kju:ʃən]


n. 实行,经营,起诉

dispute [di'spju:t]


v. 争论,争议,辩驳,质疑
n. 争论,争吵

testify ['testifai]


v. 证明,作证,声明

publicity [pʌb'lisiti]


n. 公众的注意,宣传,宣扬,宣传品,广告

testimony ['testiməni]


n. 证明,证据





