1. take place (尤指在控制或组织下)发生,进行,举行;
A total solar eclipse is due to take place some time tomorrow.
明天某个时刻会发生日全食 。
2. show up 出现;露面;
Things were going fine until you showed up.
你一露面就把事情搞糟了 。
3. thus far 迄今为止;到目前为止;
Thus far, the two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results.
到目前为止,两位首相还没有取得实质性成果 。
4. blow up 引爆;(使)炸毁;(使)爆炸;
He was jailed for 45 years for trying to blow up a plane.
他因为企图炸毁一架飞机而被判入狱 5年 。