1. due to 由于;因为;
The train had stopped due to a mechanical problem.
火车因为机械故障停了下来 。
2. be likely to do sth. 可能(做…)的;有(…)倾向的;
The increase is likely to hit the pocketbooks of consumers.
提价可能会砸到消费者的钱袋子 。
3. go hungry 挨饿;吃不饱;
Leonidas' family had been poor, he went hungry for years.
利奥尼达斯家曾经很穷,他有很多年都吃不饱肚子 。
4. be able to 可以…的,能够…的;
I have some information you may be able to use.
我有些可能对你有用的信息 。