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  • It is the first public test of President Joe Biden's national security strategy.
  • 这是乔·拜登总统的国家安全战略的首次公开测试。
  • The U.S. military launched airstrikes late yesterday in Syria.
  • 昨天深夜,美军对叙利亚发动空袭。
  • Pentagon officials say they struck buildings being used by Iranian-backed militias there,
  • 五角大楼官员表示,他们袭击了伊朗支持的民兵在叙利亚使用的建筑,
  • the same militias the U.S. says were responsible for a rocket attack on a U.S. base in Iraq last week.
  • 美国称这些民兵是上周用火箭弹袭击美军驻伊拉克基地的元凶。
  • NPR's Alice Fordham is in northern Iraq and joins us now. Alice, thanks for being here.
  • NPR新闻的爱丽丝·福德汉姆现在在伊拉克北部,她将和我们连线。爱丽丝,谢谢你和我们连线。
  • Good morning.
  • 早上好。
  • What can you tell us so far about the airstrikes?
  • 目前你能告诉我们哪些与空袭有关的情况?
  • Well, the Pentagon says these strikes hit militias that wield lots of power, both in Iraq and over the border in Syria.
  • 五角大楼表示,这些袭击打击了在伊拉克和叙利亚边境地区掌握大量权力的民兵。
  • A statement on a messaging channel the militias use say one person was killed.
  • 民兵使用的信息频道发布声明称,有一人在空袭中死亡。
  • There are some unconfirmed reports of several more casualties.
  • 一些未经证实的报告称还有更多伤亡。
  • And this is in response to a flurry of recent rocket attacks in Iraq and suggestions there could be more on the way.
  • 这是对最近伊拉克发生的一系列火箭弹袭击做出的回应,同时暗示未来美国可能会发动更多袭击。
  • Of those attacks, one struck near the U.S. embassy.
  • 其中一起火箭弹袭击发生在美国大使馆附近。
  • One hit a military base north of Baghdad, and the largest one hit a base used by the U.S. in the north of Iraq in the city of Irbil.
  • 巴格达北部一座军事基地也遭遇了袭击,而规模最大的一起袭击发生在伊拉克北部伊尔比尔市的一个美军基地。
  • And this looked a lot like a return to tactics used by Iran,
  • 这看起来很像是伊朗所使用战术的回归,
  • which supports these militias, to needle the U.S. by attacking their infrastructure in Iraq, although we should say Iran has denied this.
  • 伊朗支持这些民兵组织,攻击美国在伊拉克的基础设施,尽管我们应该指出,伊朗否认了这一点。
  • What's been the reaction so far in Iraq?
  • 到目前为止,伊拉克有何反应?
  • Thus far, it has been quiet in Iraq. We know Iran's foreign minister has called his Syrian counterpart.
  • 到目前为止,伊拉克一直很平静。我们知道伊朗外长已致电叙利亚外长。
  • But here in Iraq, everyone is watching closely because there's precedent for escalation in this kind of circumstance.
  • 但在伊拉克,每个人都在密切关注这起事件,因为此前发生过局势在这种情况下升级的先例。
  • In 2019, there was a somewhat similar series of events. An American contractor was killed in an attack on a base.
  • 2019年发生了一些类似的系列事件。一名美国承包商在某基地遭遇的袭击中丧生。
  • There were demonstrations that breached the outer walls of the U.S. embassy.
  • 示威活动冲破了美国大使馆的外墙。
  • And then there was this stunning day at the beginning of last year
  • 去年年初,美国在巴格达发动了一起空袭,
  • when an American strike in Baghdad killed a top Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani, and an Iraqi leader.
  • 致伊朗高级将领卡西姆·苏莱曼尼和一名伊拉克领导人死亡。
  • After that, Iran fired a barrage of missiles at a base used by U.S. troops.
  • 之后,伊朗向美军使用的一个基地发射了一连串导弹。
  • Eventually, things simmered down, probably because Iran didn't want to risk all-out conflict, but the issues weren't resolved.
  • 最终,事态得以缓和,原因可能是伊朗不想冒全面冲突的风险,但问题并没有得到解决。
  • And that's what seems to be bubbling up again now.
  • 现在问题似乎又再次出现。
  • So I'm going to ask you to take a step back and explain kind of the complicated geopolitics here
  • 我想请你稍微回顾一下局势,解释一下这里复杂的地缘政治,
  • because these are Iraqi militias, but they are funded by Iran, right?
  • 因为这些是伊拉克民兵,但他们由伊朗资助,对吗?
  • That's right. And then they've been struck in Syria, so this draws in the region, certainly.
  • 没错。而且他们是在叙利亚遭到的袭击,这当然会吸引这一地区的关注。
  • The background to understanding why this strike happened in Syria
  • 至于这起袭击为何发生在叙利亚,
  • is that over the last few years, we've seen this proxy struggle between the U.S. and Iran play out in Iraq,
  • 过去几年,我们看到美国和伊朗之间的代理权之争在伊拉克上演,
  • which has stretched the U.S.' important relationship with the Iraqi government.
  • 这使美国与伊拉克政府的重要关系捉襟见肘。
  • American forces are here at the invitation of Iraq to fight ISIS.
  • 美军应伊拉克的请求来到伊拉克与ISIS作战。
  • But that American strike I mentioned was seen as overstepping the limits of that invitation.
  • 但我刚才提到的美国袭击被视为超越了请求的限度。
  • So my read of a strike in Syria rather than Iraq
  • 因此,我对袭击发生在叙利亚而不是伊拉克的理解是,
  • is that it's a way of hitting these militias without endangering that relationship between Iraq and the U.S.
  • 这是在不危及伊拉克和美国关系的情况下,打击这些民兵的方式。
  • Right. So the attack comes as the Biden administration is trying to revive a nuclear pact with Iran, which means meeting the Iranians.
  • 好。这起袭击发生之际,拜登政府正试图恢复与伊朗的核协议,这意味着要与伊朗举行会谈。
  • Does this strike jeopardize that?
  • 那这起袭击会对此造成危害吗?
  • Well, to me, both Iran and the U.S. seem to be doing balancing acts.
  • 在我看来,伊朗和美国似乎都在采取平衡行动。
  • Iran looks to be flexing its muscles, but that doesn't mean it doesn't want to resuscitate the Iran nuclear deal.
  • 伊朗似乎在展示自己的实力,但这并不意味着其不想重启伊朗核协议。
  • The U.S. doesn't want things to escalate, but it doesn't want to let provocations go totally unanswered.
  • 美国不希望事态升级,但也不想让挑衅完全得不到回应。
  • Here on the ground in Iraq, where there's real fear of being caught in the middle, where these rocket attacks injure people and hurt property,
  • 在伊拉克,人们真的害怕陷入左右为难的境地,而这些火箭弹袭击造成了人员伤亡和财产损失,
  • I will say that most people really hope both sides manage that balancing act and some kind of equilibrium is found.
  • 我要说的是,大多数人真的希望双方都能权衡行动,找到某种平衡。
  • NPR's Alice Fordham in Iraq, thank you.
  • 以上是NPR新闻的爱丽丝·福德汉姆从伊拉克带来的报道 ,谢谢你。
  • Thank you.
  • 谢谢。



It is the first public test of President Joe Biden's national security strategy. The U.S. military launched airstrikes late yesterday in Syria. Pentagon officials say they struck buildings being used by Iranian-backed militias there, the same militias the U.S. says were responsible for a rocket attack on a U.S. base in Iraq last week. NPR's Alice Fordham is in northern Iraq and joins us now. Alice, thanks for being here.
MARTIN: What can you tell us so far about the airstrikes?
FORDHAM: Well, the Pentagon says these strikes hit militias that wield lots of power, both in Iraq and over the border in Syria. A statement on a messaging channel the militias use say one person was killed. There are some unconfirmed reports of several more casualties. And this is in response to a flurry of recent rocket attacks in Iraq and suggestions there could be more on the way. Of those attacks, one struck near the U.S. embassy. One hit a military base north of Baghdad, and the largest one hit a base used by the U.S. in the north of Iraq in the city of Irbil. And this looked a lot like a return to tactics used by Iran, which supports these militias, to needle the U.S. by attacking their infrastructure in Iraq, although we should say Iran has denied this.
MARTIN: What's been the reaction so far in Iraq?
FORDHAM: Thus far, it has been quiet in Iraq. We know Iran's foreign minister has called his Syrian counterpart. But here in Iraq, everyone is watching closely because there's precedent for escalation in this kind of circumstance. In 2019, there was a somewhat similar series of events. An American contractor was killed in an attack on a base. There were demonstrations that breached the outer walls of the U.S. embassy. And then there was this stunning day at the beginning of last year when an American strike in Baghdad killed a top Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani, and an Iraqi leader. After that, Iran fired a barrage of missiles at a base used by U.S. troops. Eventually, things simmered down, probably because Iran didn't want to risk all-out conflict, but the issues weren't resolved. And that's what seems to be bubbling up again now.




MARTIN: So I'm going to ask you to take a step back and explain kind of the complicated geopolitics here because these are Iraqi militias, but they are funded by Iran, right?
FORDHAM: That's right. And then they've been struck in Syria, so this draws in the region, certainly. The background to understanding why this strike happened in Syria is that over the last few years, we've seen this proxy struggle between the U.S. and Iran play out in Iraq, which has stretched the U.S.' important relationship with the Iraqi government. American forces are here at the invitation of Iraq to fight ISIS. But that American strike I mentioned was seen as overstepping the limits of that invitation. So my read of a strike in Syria rather than Iraq is that it's a way of hitting these militias without endangering that relationship between Iraq and the U.S.
MARTIN: Right. So the attack comes as the Biden administration is trying to revive a nuclear pact with Iran, which means meeting the Iranians. Does this strike jeopardize that?
FORDHAM: Well, to me, both Iran and the U.S. seem to be doing balancing acts. Iran looks to be flexing its muscles, but that doesn't mean it doesn't want to resuscitate the Iran nuclear deal. The U.S. doesn't want things to escalate, but it doesn't want to let provocations go totally unanswered. Here on the ground in Iraq, where there's real fear of being caught in the middle, where these rocket attacks injure people and hurt property, I will say that most people really hope both sides manage that balancing act and some kind of equilibrium is found.
MARTIN: NPR's Alice Fordham in Iraq, thank you.
FORDHAM: Thank you.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
needle ['ni:dl]


n. 针
vt. 用针缝,激怒,嘲弄

concrete ['kɔnkri:t]


adj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的
n. 水

pact [pækt]


n. 契约,协定,条约

escalate ['eskəleit]


vt. 扩大,升高,增强
vi. 逐步升级

circumstance ['sə:kəmstəns]


n. 环境,(复数)境况,事件,详情

equilibrium [.i:kwi'libriəm]


n. 平衡,均衡

resuscitate [ri'sʌsi.teit]


vt. 使复活,使苏醒 vi. 恢复,苏醒

conflict ['kɔnflikt]


n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗
vi. 冲突,争

byline ['bai.lain]


n. (报刊等的文章开头或结尾)标出作者名字的一行

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券





