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  • Farmers were digging among fruit trees on a farm on Mexico's coast when they found a big surprise: a stone statue almost two meters tall.
  • 在墨西哥海岸的一座农场里,农民们正在果树丛中挖掘,突然他们发现了一个大惊喜:一座近乎两米高的石像。
  • The female statue may represent an influential woman rather than a goddess, or some mix of the two, experts said earlier this month.
  • 本月早些时候,专家表示,这尊女性雕像可能代表的是一位有影响力的女性,而不是神灵,或者是将两者合一了。
  • The National Institute of Anthropology and History said this was the first such statue in the Huasteca area of Mexico.
  • 墨西哥国家人类学和历史研究所表示,这是墨西哥华斯泰卡地区第一尊这样的雕像。
  • The statue had a complex hairpiece and showed evidence that the female subject may have held a high status.
  • 这尊雕像戴着复杂的头饰,有证据表明这名女性可能曾拥有很高的地位。
  • The piece may date to around 1450 to 1521, the institute said.
  • 该研究所称,这幅雕像可能会追溯到1450年至1521年期间。
  • The place where it was found is near El Tajin, a pre-Hispanic city from the early 9th to 13th centuries.
  • 雕像被发现的地点位于El Tajin附近。El Tajin是9世纪早期到13世纪的早期的西班牙城市。
  • But the statue shows some influences of the Aztecs.
  • 但这座雕像也受到了阿兹特克人的影响。
  • The farmers found the piece on New Year's Day and quickly reported it to officials.
  • 农民们在元旦当天发现了这座雕像,并迅速向政府报告。
  • The area where it was found had not been known to be an archeological site. And the statue may have been moved from another, unknown site.
  • 雕像被发现的地点并不是考古遗址。而且这座雕像可能是从另一处未知地点转移过来的。
  • The person represented by the open-mouthed, wide-eyed statue remains a mystery.
  • 这个张着嘴巴、睁大眼睛的雕像所代表的人物仍然是一个谜。
  • Institute archaeologist María Eugenia Maldonado Vite wrote that "this could be a ruler," based on her stance and clothing. She may not have been a goddess.
  • 该研究所的考古学家玛丽亚·尤金妮娅·马尔多纳多·维特根据雕像的姿态和衣着判断:“这可能是一位统治者。”她可能不是神灵。
  • But Maldonado said the statue could be a mix of the Teem goddesses and women of high political or social status in Huasteca.
  • 但马尔多纳多说,这座雕像可能是华斯泰卡的众多神灵和有较高政治或社会地位的女性的结合体体。
  • Those goddesses were part of a fertility cult, she said.
  • 她说,这些神灵是生育崇拜的一部分。
  • Susan Gillespie is an anthropology professor at the University of Florida.
  • 苏珊·吉莱斯皮(Susan Gillespie)是佛罗里达大学的人类学教授。
  • She said Aztec documents from colonial times made note of women "rulers" who passed their power on to successors.
  • 她说,殖民时期的阿兹特克文献记录了女性“统治者”将权力传给继任者的情况。
  • "Women were highly valued in the pre-Hispanic" times and lost their status only after the Spanish conquest, Gillespie added.
  • 吉莱斯皮补充说:“在西班牙人入侵前,女性很受重视,直到被西班牙人征服后,女性才失去了地位。”
  • However, she noted that "if there is only one such find, it's hard to say" how important it is or even if it is correctly identified.
  • 然而,她指出,“如果只有一个这样的发现,很难说”它有多重要,甚至很难说它是否被正确解读。
  • Archaeology works best with repeated findings, she explained.
  • 她解释说,考古工作最好是不断地发现。
  • In 1994 at the Mayan ruin site of Palenque, archaeologists found the tomb of a woman called The Red Queen.
  • 1994年,考古学家在帕伦克的玛雅遗址发现了一个名为“红皇后”的女性墓穴。
  • That name came from the red color that covered her tomb, which dates to between 600 and 700 A.D.
  • 这个名字来自于覆盖在她坟墓上的红色,该墓穴可追溯至公元600年至700年,
  • But it has never been clearly established that the woman was a ruler of Palenque.
  • 但从未明确核实这位女性是否为帕伦克的统治者。
  • I'm Alice Bryant.
  • 爱丽丝·布莱恩特为您播报。



Mexican Farmers Find Large Statue of Mystery Woman


Farmers were digging among fruit trees on a farm on Mexico's coast when they found a big surprise: a stone statue almost two meters tall.


The female statue may represent an influential woman rather than a goddess, or some mix of the two, experts said earlier this month.


The National Institute of Anthropology and History said this was the first such statue in the Huasteca area of Mexico.


The statue had a complex hairpiece and showed evidence that the female subject may have held a high status. The piece may date to around 1450 to 1521, the institute said. The place where it was found is near El Tajin, a pre-Hispanic city from the early 9th to 13th centuries. But the statue shows some influences of the Aztecs.


The farmers found the piece on New Year's Day and quickly reported it to officials. The area where it was found had not been known to be an archeological site. And the statue may have been moved from another, unknown site.


The person represented by the open-mouthed, wide-eyed statue remains a mystery.


Institute archaeologist María Eugenia Maldonado Vite wrote that "this could be a ruler," based on her stance and clothing. She may not have been a goddess.


But Maldonado said the statue could be a mix of the Teem goddesses and women of high political or social status in Huasteca. Those goddesses were part of a fertility cult, she said.


Susan Gillespie is an anthropology professor at the University of Florida.


She said Aztec documents from colonial times made note of women "rulers" who passed their power on to successors. "Women were highly valued in the pre-Hispanic" times and lost their status only after the Spanish conquest, Gillespie added.


However, she noted that "if there is only one such find, it's hard to say" how important it is or even if it is correctly identified. Archaeology works best with repeated findings, she explained.


In 1994 at the Mayan ruin site of Palenque, archaeologists found the tomb of a woman called The Red Queen. That name came from the red color that covered her tomb, which dates to between 600 and 700 A.D. But it has never been clearly established that the woman was a ruler of Palenque.


I'm Alice Bryant.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体



adv. 严厉地;刺耳地;粗糙地

fantasy ['fæntəsi]


n. 幻想
v. 幻想

statue ['stætju:]


n. 塑像,雕像



adj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id

mar [mɑ:]


vt. 破坏,毁坏 n. 污点,瑕疵 abbr. 海上的

magical ['mædʒikəl]


adj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的

fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]


adj. 迷人的

fertility [fə:'tiliti]


n. 肥沃,丰饶,生产力

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est





