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  • Officials in Bangladesh on Friday sent the first group of more than 1,500 Rohingya refugees to live on an isolated island.
  • 周五孟加拉国官方将第一批1500多名罗兴亚难民转移到了一个孤岛上生活。
  • The move came as international organizations have called for the process to be stopped.
  • 此举是在国际组织呼吁停止转移难民行为之际进行的。
  • The 1,642 refugees left on seven Bangladeshi naval ships for the three-hour trip from Chittagong to Bhasan Char island.
  • 1642名难民乘坐七艘孟加拉国海军舰艇从吉大港前往巴山查尔岛,整体行程三个小时。
  • The information came from an official who could not be named.
  • 该信息来自一位无法透露姓名的官员。
  • Bangladeshi reporter Saleh Noman traveled with the refugees.
  • 孟加拉国记者萨利赫·诺曼此次与难民同行。
  • He said by phone from the island that health workers checked the refugees for temperatures and gave face coverings to protect against COVID-19 at the start of the trip.
  • 他在登岛后通过电话表示,医护人员在行程开始时检查了难民的体温并分发了口罩以预防新冠肺炎。
  • They were then given rice, eggs and chickens for lunch.
  • 之后午饭为他们提供了米饭,鸡蛋和鸡肉。
  • Bhasan Char is about 60 kilometers from the mainland. No one has ever lived there.
  • 巴山查尔岛距内陆约60公里。那里从未有人类居住过。
  • The island was once regularly underwater after heavy rains. It surfaced from the water of the Bay of Bengal only 20 years ago.
  • 曾有一次大雨过后该岛一度被淹没在水下。它20年前才浮出孟加拉湾的水面。
  • The island now has flood protection barriers for houses, hospitals and mosques at a cost of more than $112 million.
  • 目前该岛耗资超过1.12亿美元为房屋,医院和清真寺设置了防洪屏障。
  • The new buildings can shelter about 100,000 people.
  • 新的建筑可容纳约100,000人。
  • That is just a small number of the million Rohingya Muslims who are now living in crowded refugee camps in Cox's Bazar.
  • 对当前居住在考克斯巴扎尔拥挤的难民营中的百万罗兴亚穆斯林来说,这只是一个小数目。
  • The builders say it is like a modern town with homes, schools, play areas and roads.
  • 建筑商表示,它就像一座现代化的城镇,有房屋,学校,游乐区和道路。
  • It also has a water system and storm shelters. Foreign reporters, however, have not been permitted to visit the island.
  • 它还有供水系统和风暴避难场所。但目前外国记者尚不被允许访问该岛。
  • The director of building development on Bhasan Char is Commodore Abdullah Al Mamun Chowdhury.
  • 巴山查尔岛上的建筑开发总监是阿卜杜拉·马蒙·乔杜里准将。
  • He told local reporters on the island that the international community did not need to worry about the safety of the refugees.
  • 他对岛上的当地记者说,国际社会不需要担心难民的安全。
  • He said he expects that the United Nations and other aid groups would be pleased with the condition after their visit.
  • 他表示,他希望联合国和其他援助团体在到访后能对当地的情况感到满意。
  • Asked when that would be, he answered that the government is working on it.
  • 当被问及何时可以参观时,他回答说政府正在努力安排。
  • Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has repeatedly told the U.N. that no refugees would be forced to go to the island.
  • 孟加拉国总理谢赫·哈西娜对联合国一再声明,不会强迫任何难民前往该岛。
  • But officials in Cox's Bazar did not say how the refugees were chosen for the move to the island.
  • 但是考克斯巴扎尔市官方没有透露如何选择难民前往该岛。
  • International aid agencies and the U.N. have been loudly against moving the refugees to the island since it was first announced in 2015.
  • 自2015年首次被公布以来,国际援助机构和联合国一直强烈反对将难民转移到该岛。
  • They feared that a strong storm could destroy the island and put many lives in danger.
  • 他们担心强烈的风暴可能摧毁该岛并危及许多难民的生命。
  • The U.N. said in a statement Wednesday that it has not been involved in the move.
  • 联合国在周三的一份声明中称,联合国没有参与这一行动。
  • "Rohingya refugees must be able to make a free and informed decision about relocating to Bhasan Char," the U.N. said.
  • 联合国表示:“对于转移至巴山查尔岛一事,罗兴亚难民必须在知情的情况下自主决定。”
  • Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch on Thursday urged the Bangladeshi government to cancel the plan.
  • 国际特赦组织和人权观察周四敦促孟加拉国政府取消该计划。
  • About 700,000 Rohingya fled to the camps in Cox's Bazar after August 2017.
  • 2017年8月以来,大约700,000罗兴亚人逃到了考克斯巴扎尔的营地。
  • That is when the military in Buddhist-majority Myanmar began a violent campaign against Muslims following an attack by Rohingya rebels.
  • 那时,佛教徒为主的缅甸军方开始对穆斯林进行暴力清洗并引发了罗兴亚叛军的反抗。
  • The military-led campaign included rapes, killings and the destruction of thousands of homes.
  • 这场由军方领导的运动包括强奸,杀害和摧毁数千所房屋。
  • It was called an "ethnic cleansing" by international rights groups and the U.N.
  • 国际人权组织和联合国将其称为“种族清洗”。
  • Bangladesh has tried to send the Rohingya back to Myanmar. But they are unwilling to go because of fear for their safety.
  • 孟加拉国试图将罗兴亚人送回缅甸。但是由于担心自身的安全,他们并不愿回去。
  • They are also not recognized as citizens in Myanmar, making them stateless people.
  • 同时由于在缅甸也不被视为该国公民,他们成了无国籍的人群。
  • I'm Susan Shand.
  • 苏珊·尚德为您播报。



First Rohingya Refugees Arrive at Isolated Bangladesh Island


Officials in Bangladesh on Friday sent the first group of more than 1,500 Rohingya refugees to live on an isolated island. The move came as international organizations have called for the process to be stopped.


The 1,642 refugees left on seven Bangladeshi naval ships for the three-hour trip from Chittagong to Bhasan Char island. The information came from an official who could not be named.


Bangladeshi reporter Saleh Noman traveled with the refugees. He said by phone from the island that health workers checked the refugees for temperatures and gave face coverings to protect against COVID-19 at the start of the trip. They were then given rice, eggs and chickens for lunch.


Where is Bhasan Char?


Bhasan Char is about 60 kilometers from the mainland. No one has ever lived there. The island was once regularly underwater after heavy rains. It surfaced from the water of the Bay of Bengal only 20 years ago.


The island now has flood protection barriers for houses, hospitals and mosques at a cost of more than $112 million.


The new buildings can shelter about 100,000 people. That is just a small number of the million Rohingya Muslims who are now living in crowded refugee camps in Cox's Bazar.


The builders say it is like a modern town with homes, schools, play areas and roads. It also has a water system and storm shelters. Foreign reporters, however, have not been permitted to visit the island.


The director of building development on Bhasan Char is Commodore Abdullah Al Mamun Chowdhury. He told local reporters on the island that the international community did not need to worry about the safety of the refugees.


He said he expects that the United Nations and other aid groups would be pleased with the condition after their visit. Asked when that would be, he answered that the government is working on it.


Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has repeatedly told the U.N. that no refugees would be forced to go to the island. But officials in Cox's Bazar did not say how the refugees were chosen for the move to the island.


Rights groups called for a halt


International aid agencies and the U.N. have been loudly against moving the refugees to the island since it was first announced in 2015. They feared that a strong storm could destroy the island and put many lives in danger.


The U.N. said in a statement Wednesday that it has not been involved in the move. "Rohingya refugees must be able to make a free and informed decision about relocating to Bhasan Char," the U.N. said.


Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch on Thursday urged the Bangladeshi government to cancel the plan.


About 700,000 Rohingya fled to the camps in Cox's Bazar after August 2017. That is when the military in Buddhist-majority Myanmar began a violent campaign against Muslims following an attack by Rohingya rebels.


The military-led campaign included rapes, killings and the destruction of thousands of homes. It was called an "ethnic cleansing" by international rights groups and the U.N.


Bangladesh has tried to send the Rohingya back to Myanmar. But they are unwilling to go because of fear for their safety. They are also not recognized as citizens in Myanmar, making them stateless people.


I'm Susan Shand.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保



vt. 构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct

isolated ['aisəleitid]


adj. 分离的,孤立的

announced [ə'naunst]



unwilling ['ʌn'wiliŋ]


adj. 不愿意的

destruction [di'strʌkʃən]


n. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)





