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CRI News Report:北京湖南安徽自贸试验区重磅方案发布 国内首条国际复学包机航线启航

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • President Xi Jinping has extended greetings to farmers and people working in agricultural and rural fronts on the eve of the third Chinese farmers' harvest festival.
  • 在第三个“中国农民丰收节”到来之际,国家主席习近平向全国广大农民和工作在“三农”战线上的同志们致以亲切问候。
  • He has stressed the fostering of an atmosphere of the whole society paying attention to agriculture and rural areas and caring for the welfare of farmers.
  • 他强调,在全社会形成关注农业、关心农村、关爱农民的浓厚氛围。
  • China launched its first harvest festival for its farmers in 2018.
  • 2018 年,中国举办首届农民丰收节。
  • It falls every year on the autumnal equinox, one of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar, during the country's agricultural harvest season.
  • 农民丰收节定于每年的秋分时节,这是中国(农历的)二十四节气之一,也是我国农业丰收的季节。
  • China says it will take legitimate countermeasures in response to recent visits of U.S. high-ranking officials to Taiwan,
  • 中国表示将采取正当的反制措施,以回应美国高级官员最近访问中国台湾一事,
  • including measures targeting relevant individuals.
  • 包括针对有关人员的措施。
  • Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin has urged the U.S. side to stop any form of official exchanges with the island.
  • 外交部发言人汪文斌敦促美方停止与中国台湾进行任何形式的官方往来。
  • The remarks come after U.S. Under Secretary of State Keith Krach visited Taiwan last week and met its leader Tsai Ing-wen,
  • 此前,美国副国务卿凯斯·克拉奇上周访问了中国台湾,并会见了中国台湾领导人蔡英文,
  • following U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar's visit in August.
  • 八月份,美国卫生与公众服务部部长亚历克斯·阿扎访问了中国台湾。
  • China has issued a master plan for three new pilot free trade zones in Beijing, Hunan and Anhui
  • 中国发布了北京、湖南和安徽三个新的自由贸易试验区的总体规划,
  • amid efforts to elevate the country's opening-up to a higher level.
  • 努力将国家对外开放提升到更高的水平。
  • Beijing will focus on building an innovation center, accelerating the expansion of trade in services and boosting the digital economy.
  • 北京将着力建设创新中心,加快扩大服务贸易,推动数字经济发展。
  • Central China's Hunan Province will focus on building a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster.
  • 中国中部的湖南省将着力打造世界级的先进制造业集群。
  • Hunan will also seek the promotion of coordinated development of services industries with Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.
  • 湖南还将寻求促进湖南与粤港澳服务业协调发展。
  • Anhui Province is expected to set the standard for opening-up in the inland region,
  • 安徽省有望为内陆地区的对外开放制定标准,
  • capitalizing on its pioneering role in scientific and technological innovation.
  • 发挥其在科技创新方面的先锋作用。
  • The State Council has also adopted a plan to expand the area of the pilot free trade zone in Zhejiang,
  • 国务院还通过了一项计划,扩大浙江自由贸易试验区的面积,
  • including building a new type of international trade center.
  • 包括建设一个新型国际贸易中心。
  • An aircraft carrying 74 Chinese students has left China's Chongqing for Manchester, Britain.
  • 一架载有74名中国学生的飞机从重庆起飞,前往英国曼彻斯特。
  • It is the first charter flight operated by Chinese airlines for students returning abroad for school resumption since the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • 这是新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,国内航空公司执行的首个国际复学包机。
  • Starting from Monday to Nov. 15, some 20,000 students from across the country will arrive at Chongqing,
  • 从周一到11月15日,将有来自全国约2万名留学生从重庆出发,
  • and more than 90 direct flights arranged by Hainan Airlines will fly them to Manchester and Bristol.
  • 分批次乘坐海南航空90余个航班从重庆江北国际机场直飞英国曼彻斯特和布里斯托。
  • China has sent a new ocean-monitoring satellite into orbit.
  • 中国已将一颗新的海洋探测卫星送入轨道。
  • It is the country's third ocean dynamic environment satellite.
  • 这是我国第三颗海洋动力环境卫星。
  • China will launch another satellite to form a network to carry out high-precision maritime environment monitoring.
  • 中国将再发射一颗(海洋动力环境)卫星,形成海洋环境高精度监测网络。
  • Britain's Chief Scientific Officer Patrick Vallance says the new coronavirus epidemic is doubling roughly every seven days in the UK.
  • 英国首席科学官帕特里克·瓦伦斯表示,在英国,新冠病毒新增病例大约每七天就会翻一番。
  • Hospitalizations are also doubling in seven to eight days, leading to more deaths.
  • 住院人数在七到八天内也增加了一倍,这导致更多人员死亡。
  • "The virus has genetically moved a bit, but it has not changed in terms of its propensity and its ability to cause disease and to cause death,
  • “这种病毒在基因上有一些变化,但其倾向以及导致疾病和死亡的能力没有改变,
  • even though, of course, most of the disease deaths occur in the older population."
  • 尽管大多数疾病死亡发生在老年人口中。
  • Vallance adds that if nothing is done, new infections could rise to 50,000 a day by mid-October.
  • 瓦伦斯补充说,如果不采取措施,到10月中旬,每日新增病例数将达到五万人。
  • India has recorded nearly 87,000 new cases of the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, with another 1,130 deaths.
  • 过去24小时内,印度记录了约8.7万新增新冠感染病例,死亡病例1130人。
  • India now has more than 5.4 million reported cases since the pandemic began,
  • 自疫情开始吧来,印度目前已报告540多万病例,
  • and is only behind the United States in the number of COVID-19 cases.
  • 新冠肺炎感染总数仅次于美国。
  • India's total deaths in the pandemic now stand at more than 87,000.
  • 目前,印度死于新冠肺炎的总人数已超过8.7万人。
  • The country now has a little over one million active cases.
  • 印度目前至少有十万确诊病例。


President Xi Jinping has extended greetings to farmers and people working in agricultural and rural fronts on the eve of the third Chinese farmers' harvest festival.
He has stressed the fostering of an atmosphere of the whole society paying attention to agriculture and rural areas and caring for the welfare of farmers.
China launched its first harvest festival for its farmers in 2018.
It falls every year on the autumnal equinox, one of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar, during the country's agricultural harvest season.
China says it will take legitimate countermeasures in response to recent visits of U.S. high-ranking officials to Taiwan, including measures targeting relevant individuals.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin has urged the U.S. side to stop any form of official exchanges with the island.
The remarks come after U.S. Under Secretary of State Keith Krach visited Taiwan last week and met its leader Tsai Ing-wen, following U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar's visit in August.
China has issued a master plan for three new pilot free trade zones in Beijing, Hunan and Anhui amid efforts to elevate the country's opening-up to a higher level.
Beijing will focus on building an innovation center, accelerating the expansion of trade in services and boosting the digital economy.
Central China's Hunan Province will focus on building a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster.
Hunan will also seek the promotion of coordinated development of services industries with Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.
Anhui Province is expected to set the standard for opening-up in the inland region, capitalizing on its pioneering role in scientific and technological innovation.
The State Council has also adopted a plan to expand the area of the pilot free trade zone in Zhejiang, including building a new type of international trade center.
An aircraft carrying 74 Chinese students has left China's Chongqing for Manchester, Britain.
It is the first charter flight operated by Chinese airlines for students returning abroad for school resumption since the COVID-19 outbreak.
Starting from Monday to Nov. 15, some 20,000 students from across the country will arrive at Chongqing, and more than 90 direct flights arranged by Hainan Airlines will fly them to Manchester and Bristol.

China has sent a new ocean-monitoring satellite into orbit.
It is the country's third ocean dynamic environment satellite.
China will launch another satellite to form a network to carry out high-precision maritime environment monitoring.
Britain's Chief Scientific Officer Patrick Vallance says the new coronavirus epidemic is doubling roughly every seven days in the UK.
Hospitalizations are also doubling in seven to eight days, leading to more deaths.
"The virus has genetically moved a bit, but it has not changed in terms of its propensity and its ability to cause disease and to cause death, even though, of course, most of the disease deaths occur in the older population."
Vallance adds that if nothing is done, new infections could rise to 50,000 a day by mid-October.
India has recorded nearly 87,000 new cases of the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, with another 1,130 deaths.
India now has more than 5.4 million reported cases since the pandemic began, and is only behind the United States in the number of COVID-19 cases.
India's total deaths in the pandemic now stand at more than 87,000.
The country now has a little over one million active cases.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

accelerating [æk'sæləreitiŋ]


adj. 加速的,促进的,催化的 动词accelerat

expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,

treasury ['treʒəri]


n. 国库,宝库 (大写)财政部,国债

extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的

epidemic [.epi'demik]


n. 传染病,流行病
adj. 流行的,传染性

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

option ['ɔpʃən]


n. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权
v. 给予选

genetically [dʒe'netikəli]


adv. 遗传(基因)方面

rural ['ru:rəl]


adj. 农村的





