1. out and about (尤指一段时间无法自由行动后)四处走动,外出活动;(常因工作)奔波;
They often saw me out and about.
他们经常看见我四处奔波 。
2. eavesdrop on 偷听;窃听;
The government illegally eavesdropped on his telephone conversations.
政府非法窃听了他的电话 。
3. all the while 不断;一直;始终;
All the while the people at the next table watched me eat.
我吃东西的时候邻桌的人一直在看我 。
3. listen in 偷听;监听;
He assigned federal agents to listen in on Martin Luther King's phone calls.
他派了联邦探员去窃听马丁·路德·金的电话 。
n. 补充物,增刊
vt. 补充,增补