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CRI News Report:联合国讨论中东和平计划

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  • China's tax watchdog has unveiled a guideline to reduce financial pressure in key sectors amid the battle against the novel coronavirus outbreak.
  • 中国税务监管机构公布了一项指导意见,以减少抗击新型冠状病毒疫情斗争中关键行业的财政压力。
  • Subsidies for people participating in epidemic prevention and control will be exempted from personal income tax.
  • 参加疫情防控工作人员的补贴金免征个人所得税。
  • Value-added tax will be waived for taxpayers in sectors like transportation, catering and daily necessities delivery.
  • 运输,餐饮及生活必需品等行业的纳税人将免征增值税。
  • The guideline also specified preferential tax policies regarding domestic and overseas donations.
  • 该指导意见还详细说明了国内外捐赠的税收优惠政策。
  • Officials say production of medical and daily necessities is steadily recovering in China
  • 官员表示,中国医疗和生活必需品的生产正在稳步恢复,
  • to support the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus outbreak.
  • 以支持对新型冠状病毒疫情的预防和控制。
  • Based on data from 22 provincial regions, more than 70 percent of the production capacity for masks and protective suits has been resumed in China.
  • 根据22个省级地区的数据,中国口罩和防护服的产能已恢复了逾70%。
  • China is the world's largest mask producer, with more than 20 million masks made daily in normal times.
  • 中国是世界上最大的口罩生产国,以往日生产逾2000万个口罩。
  • Chinese health officials say nearly four thousand patients infected with the novel coronavirus have been discharged from hospital after recovery.
  • 中国卫生官员表示,近4000名感染新型冠状病毒的患者已康复出院。
  • Monday saw 716 people walk out of the hospital, including 427 in Hubei Province.
  • 周一有716人痊愈出院,其中湖北省占427人。
  • More than a thousand people have died of the disease and over 42 thousand confirmed cases have been reported in China.
  • 中国死亡病例1000余例,确诊病例超过4.2万例。
  • The director-general of the World Health Organization
  • 世界卫生组织总干事表示,
  • says a team of experts have arrived in China to coordinate with local officials on the virus outbreak.
  • 专家小组已抵达中国,将与当地官员就该病毒疫情进行协调。
  • "An advance team of WHO experts has just arrived in China, led by Dr. Bruce Aylward,
  • “由布鲁斯·艾尔沃德博士率领的世卫组织国际专家组先遣队已经抵达中国,
  • to lay the groundwork for the larger international team.
  • 将为后续前往中国的大型国际团队做好准备工作。
  • Bruce and his colleagues will be working with their Chinese counterparts to make sure we have the right expertise on the team to answer the right questions."
  • 布鲁斯和他的同事将与中国同行合作,以确保世卫组织团队拥有正确的专业知识,对相关回答提供恰当的答案。”
  • WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says the rest of the team will join them as soon as possible.
  • 世卫组织总干事泰德罗斯·阿德哈诺姆·盖布雷耶苏斯表示,该团队的其他成员将尽快加入他们的行列。
  • Michael Ryan with the WHO Health Emergencies Program
  • 世卫组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安表示,
  • says the team will bring together the best of science and public health minds from China and the rest of the world.
  • 这个团队将汇集中国和世界其他国家最优秀的科学和公共卫生人才。
  • Meanwhile, the WHO is to convene a global research and innovation forum on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 与此同时,世卫组织将在周二和周三召集全球研究和创新论坛,
  • to mobilize international action in response to the novel coronavirus.
  • 以动员国际社会采取行动应对这种新型冠状病毒。
  • China's central bank has approved an application by Mastercard's Chinese joint venture to conduct bank card clearing business in the country.
  • 中国中央银行已批准万事达卡中国合资企业在中国境内开展银行卡清算业务的申请。
  • The joint venture has a registered capital of 1 billion yuan, or about 143 million U.S. dollars.
  • 该合资企业的注册资本为人民币10亿元(约合1.43亿美元)。
  • It is 51-percent owned by Mastercard. The remaining stake is held by Chinese company NetsUnion Clearing Corporation.
  • 万事达卡拥有51%的股份。其余股份由中国公司网联清算有限公司持有。
  • The People's Bank of China says
  • 中国人民银行表示,
  • the opening of the bank card market will help promote the internationalization of the country's payment and settlement services.
  • 银行卡市场的开放将有助于促进中国支付和结算服务的国际化。
  • The central bank says it will continue to push forward the opening of the country's bank card market
  • 中央银行表示,将继续推进银行卡市场开放,
  • while improving the regulatory system to maintain financial stability.
  • 同时完善监管体系,维护金融稳定。
  • The UN Security Council is scheduled to hold a meeting on Tuesday on the U.S.-proposed Middle East peace plan.
  • 联合国安理会计划于周二举行会议,讨论美国提出的中东和平计划。
  • Both UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov will speak at the meeting.
  • 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯和联合国中东和平进程特别协调员尼古拉·姆拉德诺夫将在会议上讲话。
  • A UN spokesperson says Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is also expected to make a statement at the briefing.
  • 联合国发言人表示,预计巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席马哈茂德·阿巴斯也将在会议上发表声明。
  • On Jan. 28, U.S. President Donald Trump revealed his controversial Middle East peace plan, also known as the "Deal of the Century,"
  • 1月28日,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普公布了备受争议的中东和平计划,这份协议也被称为“世纪协议”,
  • calling for a two-state solution while recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's "undivided capital."
  • 计划呼吁采取两国解决方案,同时承认耶路撒冷是以色列“不可分割的首都”。
  • The U.S. plan was immediately rejected by Palestine and the Arab world.
  • 美国的计划随即遭到巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯世界的拒绝。
  • US President Donald Trump will pay a two-day visit to India in late February.
  • 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普将于二月下旬对印度进行为期两天的访问。
  • The White House says Trump will travel to New Delhi and Ahmedabad, a city in Indian Prime Minister Modi's home state of Gujarat.
  • 白宫表示,特朗普将前往印度新德里以及总理莫迪的故乡古吉拉特邦艾哈迈达巴德市。
  • During a phone call over the weekend, the two leaders agreed to use the trip to further strengthen bilateral ties.
  • 在周末进行的通话中,两国领导人同意利用这次访问进一步加强双边关系。
  • Modi paid a week-long trip to America in late September, during which Trump shared a stage with him at a Houston rally.
  • 去年9月底,莫迪对美国进行了为期一周的访问,期间特朗普曾在休斯敦举行的一场集会上与莫迪同台。
  • The African Union has announced it will embark on the second phase of the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa next year.
  • 非洲联盟宣布,将于明年启动非洲基础设施发展计划的第二阶段。
  • The second phase that lasts until 2030 will focus on smart and integrated corridors, renewable energy, job creation and digitalization.
  • 第二阶段将持续到2030年,重点是智能和集成走廊、可再生能源、创造就业和数字化。
  • It is expected to be implemented with a cost of 135 billion U.S. dollars.
  • 预计实施该计划将耗资1350亿美元。
  • The program adopted in 2012 is regarded as the continental strategic infrastructure framework in Africa.
  • 该项目于2012年通过,被视为非洲大陆战略基础设施框架。


1. lay the groundwork for 基础工作;准备工作;
They had laid the groundwork for future development.
2. in response to 响应;回答;
The changes are in response to demand from our customers.
3. push forward 推进;推动;
We should continue to push forward international antiterrorism cooperation and fundamentally curb the threat of international terrorism.
4. embark on 着手;开始做;
She decided to embark on a new business venture.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
framework ['freimwə:k]


n. 结构,框架,参照标准,体系

epidemic [.epi'demik]


n. 传染病,流行病
adj. 流行的,传染性

curb [kə:b]


n. 抑制,勒马绳,边石,路缘
vt. 抑制,

undivided [,ʌndi'vaidid]


adj. 未分开的;专一的;专心的;完整的 v. 未分开

continental [.kɔnti'nentl]


adj. 大陆的

joint [dʒɔint]


adj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

stake [steik]


n. 桩,赌注,利害关系
v. 下注,用桩支撑

venture ['ventʃə]


n. 冒险,风险,投机
v. 尝试,谨慎地做,





