1. slow down (使)放慢;(使)减速;
The car slowed down as they passed Customs.
过海关的时候,车速慢了下来 。
2. be associated with (与…)相关的;相联系的;
These symptoms are particularly associated with migraine headaches.
这些症状尤其与偏头痛相关 。
3. eat up 耗费(大量金钱、时间或资源);
Health insurance costs are eating up his income.
医疗保险费用花掉了他大量的收入 。
4. tell apart 区分;区别;辨别;
Free range and battery eggs, boiled for four minutes, were hard to tell apart.
柴鸡蛋和笼养鸡蛋在煮过4分钟之后很难区分 。
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